Flex :: Air - Dynamically Change Image Id Value?

Mar 5, 2011

how to dynamically change image id value.ex:

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Change Image Color Dynamically?

Jun 3, 2011

I have a image declared like the following:

[Embed( source="assets/banana.png" )]
public var iconBANANA : Class;

It is involving into itemRenderer, but I wish to change the color of the image when some event occurs (like clicking above or something). The rest of the objects used the image shall remain unchanged, only the object on which the event has occurred shall change the color of the image. But the biggest question is: How to change the image color mainly - like there is a Blue area on image - to turn it on Green, or Yellow?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Button Image Dynamically?

Mar 5, 2009

how to change the button image dynamically through AS3?

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How To Dynamically Change Image Texture In Flash

Jul 18, 2009

I have an image of a handbag. I want the user to be able to click on a fabric image and change the fabric on the handbag to whatever they selected. How to change the image texture in photoshop. Would I first have to make the change in photoshop, then somehow create a movie in flash that places those images in the .fla file. Or will flash do it all for me. That is wrapping the texture around the image each time a new one is selected.

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Php :: Dynamically Change An Image From An Admin Area?

Mar 9, 2011

Here's the deal: I am working on a site that provides information for art buyers. Pricing, where to buy and things like that. The page is done in php, mysql, and some jQuery here and there.One of the things they want to implement is a live stream of auctions. What they want is something like this:Where on the left you'd see the stream -instead of the black block- and on the right, the image of the work that is currently being sold, with the artist name, title and price. That's what The image on the left should change as the auction progresses.What I need is to have and option in the admin area on the page, where the administrator can select the image to display. So, to implement this, I would need to:Connect to the database to get the information: pictures, data, etc.

Loop trough the record to get a list. From that list, the user will select the image he wants shown on the webpage.Have the admin area send the image to be displayed to the page, and have the page change it dynamically, without the user having to refresh the page.The first two points are no problem, what I'm not quite sure how to do is the third one. Flash? Some from of Javascript? I leaning towards flash, but anything will do. I'm sure what I'm asking for is nothing that hasn't been done before, but my google-fu has failed me on this one. I don't need copy and paste code, if you could point me to a tutorial on this, or the basics tools I'd need, that's great.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change And Resize Image Object In Graphic Dynamically?

Jun 30, 2011

i wan to change and resize image object in graphic or button dynamiclly, how?

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Flex :: Dynamically Change The Size Of The Canvas?

Sep 3, 2009

If the size of canvas set in the MXML markup, some part of the components that go beyond the boundaries of canvas not displayed. If the canvas size to change dynamically(canvas.width, canvas.height), canvas boundaries are virtually absent. How to dynamically change the size of the Canvas?

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Flex :: Change VBox To HBox Dynamically

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Flex :: ContextMenu Change The Items Dynamically?

Sep 14, 2010

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Flex :: Dynamically Change The Width Of Datagrid Column?

Jun 16, 2009

Can we change the width of the datagrid column dynamically by clicking on the border of the column in order to display the complete string which is too long to be displayed and needs to be scrolled ? If so, How ?

Also, how can we ensure that the column width changes dynamically based on the number of characters / length of string; since many a times the data is too long to be displayed. Can we set the column width to take the length of data into consideration before displaying onto the datagrid ?

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Flex :: Dynamically Change Background Colour Of Datagrid Row?

Mar 7, 2010

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Flex :: Change Datagrid Cell's ItemRenderer Dynamically?

Mar 20, 2010

i have a simple datagrid having 2 columns named as image and place. where image column has mx.controls.Image itemRenderer and place is simple. my requirement is to change itemRenderer of image cell when it will be clicked. i means to say when user click on any image from image column than i want to show that image path in editable mode and when user edit that path then the selected cell will start displayed the updated image.

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Flex :: Change Font Size In Datagrid Dynamically?

Oct 22, 2010

how do i change the datagrid's font size on the click of a button. size will be an input from a text box.

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Flex :: Animation - Change Speed Of Movieclip Dynamically?

Nov 19, 2010

I have a movieclip created of a wheel that needs to roll on the ground. The speed of lateral movement of the wheel, is provided by the user and the wheel needs to rotate such that, it looks like rolling vs slipping on the ground I essentially need the wheel to rotate faster/ slower based on user input- how can this be achieved.

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Flex :: Change The Color Of An Mx:PieSeriesItem Slice Dynamically?

Feb 15, 2011

I am creating a program where a change in a value causes the color of a pie slice in an mx:PieChart to change dynamically.the code that is supposed to change the color is similar to this:(pieChart.pieChartSeries.items[i] as PieSeriesItem).fill = new mx.graphics.SolidColor(0,0.2); // black, almost opaquetracing out the results of this appears to apply the color to the particular PieSeriesItem, but the color does not change visually. I checked the AS reference and the fill property is of type iFill and should accept a solidColor instance. (note: I have also tried 0x000000 as a valid color, the first argument of SolidColor takes an uint)edit] Since I posted the question originally, I've added a few changes to clarify the question. am actually using an MXML component that extends < mx:PieChart > . Originally I was trying to set the color as listed above within an event handler in the main application. What I have done since then was invoke a method in my extended PieChart component, like so:

(in main applicaion)
private function someEventHandler(evt:someEvent):void{
pieChart.setPieSliceColor((pieChart.pieChartSeries.items[i] as PieSeriesItem));


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Flex :: How To Dynamically Change Component In Item Renderer

Jan 16, 2012

How can I dynamically change components text size in item renderer? Here is my CustomItemRenderer.mxml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx="[URL]" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark">
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
[Code] .....

When a button is pressed I want to access textArea2 and change font size.

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Flex :: Dynamically Set Flex Background (Color And Image)?

Sep 26, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Creating An Image Gallery And The Images Change But Change Right Back To The Original Image

Mar 2, 2011

I am creating an image gallery and the images change but change right back to the original image. I had it working yesterday but today it doesn't work.


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Flex :: Dynamically Change Fusion Chart Value With Slider Event

Jun 4, 2010

I am having a set of slider for each bar in the graph. I have bindded all the sliders with their corresponding bars. When i change the value of slider the value in the ArrayCollection changes and i have also used


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Flex :: Dynamically Change Tree RowCount If A Node Is Expanded?

Dec 27, 2010

The tree should have a minimum row count of 4 and a maximum of 10 (beyond which it should display the scroll bars). So, I have a tree with rowCount="4" and I want rowCount to change up to "10" depending on the currently expanded nodes. In debug I can see two of the tree's properties which I could use[code]...

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Flex :: Spark - Change Style Of Selected TAB In TabBar Dynamically?

Jun 30, 2011

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protected function tabbedPanel_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


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Flex :: Add The Text Dynamically On Image

Apr 14, 2011

I want to develop an application in flex 3 in that application I can add the text dynamically on the image. Also I can able to rotate the text, change the size of text container.

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Flex 4 :: Flash Change Theme Dynamically At Runtime / Not At Compile Time?

Dec 9, 2010

flash builder 4 comes with a couple of cool spark themes, and there are tons of others out there on the web, I want to be able to change the theme at runtime, without recompiling.

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Actionscript 3 :: Unable To Change Column Width Dynamically In Flex Datagrid

May 17, 2011

I am using a singleton class (popup, which means it doesn't forget the last used variables) which contains a datagrid. I am making various columns visible/invisible, setting the widths and headers in accordance to data received from a database call. Everything works fine except that when I put the breakpoints before and after the point where I change width of columns, I do not see the change in width of datagrid at all! Instead I see some values totally out of sync as widths of datagrid column! However, since it is a singleton class, the next time I call this popup, I see widths which I did set up in last call.

I must be messing up in calling the setWidth() function (which is my custom function which changes the width of datagrid in action script). What should be the point where I should call this function? I tried in creationComplete, show and in the setter of dataprovider.

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Flex :: Dynamically Change Mxml For UI Description And State Transition Logic?

Aug 25, 2011

I want to use Adobe mxml to create a swf. However, the mxml gets compiled to swf itself and is not available after creating the swf. I want to add states with UI components without compiling it every-time.

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Flex :: Uploading And Image Dynamically At Runtime?

Mar 11, 2012

I am building a form builder in Flex 4.5. For that I need help regarding uploading image at runtime such that any user can just simply place cursor on particular location on image and is able to upload any image from the local file system.

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Flex :: Width/Height Of Dynamically Loaded Image?

Nov 16, 2009

In my Flex application, I've got a component that extends UIComponent where I'm loading images at runtime and try to display them. I've tried lots of different approaches (using beginBitmapFill(), using different containers), but I can't get things to work as I want. The problem seems to be related to the width and height properties of the image, which aren't updated correctly.The idea is:

var sprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
var im:Image = new Image();[code].....

The image's width and height doesn't seem to be correct when it's loaded. I get width==0 (and nothing is displayed), but the property $width seems to be correct. How can I assure that width and height of the loaded image is updated?

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Flex :: Dynamically Add Image Objects To Display And Then Interact With Them?

Jan 13, 2010

Below is sample code from a Module I have in my Flex app. I want to dynamically create mx.controls.Image objects and add them to the display. I want the user to be able to move them (this works as below) and be able to change their z-index as well as record new X and Y coords after moving back to the database. How do I determine which object in this.getChildren() is the 'selected' item the user is working with? When I add a MOUSE_OVER event, for example, it does not work.[code]

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Flex :: Loading Image Dynamically Results In Error

Feb 4, 2010

I am trying to load an image in Flex (AS3) which already exists:
<mx:Image id="Img"/>
With this code:
The path is verified to work, but I always get this error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
I used the code from the documentation and still receive this error!

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Flex :: Update An Image Dynamically Using Data Binding?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a main.mxml application that lays out my application, it contains a "browse and upload" button. And contains an image to view the users uploaded image like so:



In my myModel class I have a img_scld_bm that the browseAndUpload() function draws into after scaling it.

My intent is that my mx:Image will display the image. As shown here I'm assigning the image source="mymodel.img_scld_bm", this ends up just showing a broken image icon.

I also tried data binding, where in my myModel class I have [Bindable] var img_scld_bm. And then tried setting my mx:Image source="{myModel.img_scld_bm}" .. that didn't seem to do anything either. All this compiles fine, no warnings. I think in this case, I'm not setting a trigger or propertyChange event to update the binding?

how to correctly bind an mx:Image source to some bitmap?

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