Flex 4 :: Flash Change Theme Dynamically At Runtime / Not At Compile Time?
Dec 9, 2010
flash builder 4 comes with a couple of cool spark themes, and there are tons of others out there on the web, I want to be able to change the theme at runtime, without recompiling.
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<mxmlc ...>
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Dec 15, 2003
I have made multiple movies compiled in flash player 6.0 with AS 1.0. Now the problem is that when i compile the movie with the new compiler for Flash 7 under AS 1.0, there are a lot of runtime errors. There are no error messages, just screw ups during runtime. But if played with Flash Player 7, it works.
For example kirupa's volume control with slider doesn't work. So I am just wondering what script changes i need to make. I have tried declaring my variables and making them case sensitive. But there are still problems. I just need some generalizations on what I should do. For me compiling under 7.0 is enticing becuase of the speed enhancements for the 30% of ppl who do have the new player.
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Nov 29, 2010
Is it possible to inject data, for example a collection of assets (video, images...), in an swf at compile time?
We have a flex application that needs to be able to export an swf at runtime that contains all the necessary data, because it needs to run as a standalone application (on- and offline).
The idea so far was to create a server side script that calls the flex compiler and feed it the data it needs. This approach seems to work fine using the [Embed] tag for single files, but it gets kind of messy when trying to inject collections of data that vary in length for each exported swf.
We could generate an mxml file with one embedded variable for each asset and include it at compile time, but that approach seems for from ideal.
We've looked into some actionscript bytecode libraries, but those do not seem to be fit for this.
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Jun 7, 2011
There is probably no way for this but does anyone know a method of excluding certain functions from a build by use of a meta tag and or compiler option?I want to expose some functions for testing but not have them bloat the application on production. I could create separate testing classes and test for a complier directive or option and only load them if necessary but I like the idea of having the test function on the actual object (in the class).
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Nov 17, 2011
First I create a new ActionScript Project, then add a Library Project's bin folder to the build path, and reference the Library Project. I code the new project, and everything works fine. But later, when I'm optimizing the code, I'll create a new ActionScript class file in the Library Project, save it, and then change an already defined function within the ActionScript Project to use this new ActionScript class in the Library Project instead of some other class in the Library Project. The class file is in the Library Project's src folder, under (default package), same as all the other files the ActionScript Project is using successfully.At this point, FlashBuilder shows an error "Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: PEArrays."
Here is the Library Project file:
public class PEArrays
I have included import PEArrays; or, import PEArrays.*; and both result in the same error.Also, I tried exiting and re-entering FlashBuilder, didn't help. Cleaning the ActionScript Project had no effect on this error. I also right-clicked on the project folder and selected Refresh, but it didn't help.
I verified that the needed classes are correctly selected by going to Project>Properties>Flex Library Build Path and reviewing the Classes tab. I'm just a single developer so there's no version control system in place.
After troubleshooting a bit, I now find that the ActionScript Project folder's bin directory is empty. When I run the .as file in the ActionScript Project's src folder, I get an error that the ASname.html file cannot be found (where ASname is the ActionScript Project name and also the .as file name, e.g. ASname.as, in the src folder, which is run). This ASname.html file is not found in the html-template folder. What process generates this needed .html file?
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Jan 26, 2012
Flash Builder has a nice feature that will allow you to have it move files such as images, fonts, xml files and so forth into the bin-debug directory an compile time. The reason for doing this would be to mock up some data or test pulling in assets dynamically but having them in source directory so you can version control the assets during development. Typically we don't add the bin directory to version control so being able to have the IDE move files over to bin for you is very helpful if you are on a large team.
Is there a feature within FDT5 that will do this like Flash Builder?
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Jun 11, 2009
Our application has over 15 different top-level mxml files to create individual controls that are used in our pages. We are using Ant to do our automated builds, and are calling the mxmlc task for each mxml file separately (See question 78230 similar example). Running the compiler separately for each mxml file, however, is already adding up to a considerable amount of time. Our build time is approaching 10 minutes, 5 minutes for compiling our flex apps, and 5 minutes for compiling hundreads of java classes, building jars, installer etc. Each flex compile run is reasonably quick (15-20 seconds), but they add up.
Is there a way to compile all of them with one call to mxmlc?
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May 14, 2010
I'm trying to use the Flex 4 SDK's mx.rpc package in a Flash application.I imported Flex's rpc.swc (AdobeAdobe Flash Builder 4sdks4.0.0frameworkslibs pc.swc) into my project by adding it to the list in Flash's "Publish Settings/Flash/ActionScrip 3.0 Settings/Library Path". It seems like I have access to the classes, however when I compile I get this error:
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: [mx.rpc]::IResponder.
There's no location or line for the error either.
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Apr 5, 2011
How to Change ScrollPane ScrollBar theme
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Feb 14, 2011
As you know, Adobe added a new theme called Spark in Flash Builder 4, but it looks really ugly to me. The problem is that I can't switch the current theme to Halo![code]When I switched button declaration from <s:Button> to <mx:Button> then my button began to look much better. But I can't switch all such declarations manually, and I don't imagine making the same change to the Application tag would apply the style at an application level.So, my big question: How can I make Flash Builder 4 use the same theme as in Flash Builder 3? How can I apply it to all new controls?
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Feb 23, 2010
I've seen the Loom project, but are there any alternatives that are more mature (and actively developed)? I am looking for something that would allow load-time weaving of pointcuts into existing binary code at runtime with the AVM2 runtime.
Has any work been done in this area?
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Mar 11, 2012
I am building a form builder in Flex 4.5. For that I need help regarding uploading image at runtime such that any user can just simply place cursor on particular location on image and is able to upload any image from the local file system.
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Jun 12, 2011
I am new to Flex and trying to modify some existing code.I am trying to It uses and Advanced DataGrid. In the click event, the ListEvent is passed in, and the code is able to access properties such as event.itemRenderer.data.feature.I would like to check whether the user has clicked on a parent (group) record or the child record; at runtime, I can see that the property I want to access is event.itemRenderer.listData.hasChildren. However, the listData property of itemRenderer does not show up in intellisense, and when I try to access that at design time, the project will not build because of the error "Access of possibly undefined property listData". But the property .data.feature doesn't show up in intellisense at design time either, and that builds and runs just fine.
What do I need to do to access event.itemRenderer.listData without throwing errors when I build the project? Do I need to capture a different event, or cast the event object or one of its properties into another object that will have the properties I need at runtime (I've investigated these options but cannot find info on how to do that).
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May 5, 2010
I use CS4.
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.Event;[code]...........
Both of these are saved in files with the name same as the classes.
Both are saved a folder which also contains an fla file name hello.fla.So,when test the movie(hello.fla),after choosing the document class as WavyBall,I get these errors: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Ball.
Source: var Ball:Ball;
1120: Access of undefined property stage.
1120: Access of undefined property stage.
5000: The class 'WavyBall' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.What is wrong?
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Feb 17, 2010
Using org.as3commons.reflect I can look-up the class name, and instantiate a class at runtime.I also have (non-working) code which invokes a method. However, I really want to set a property value. I'm not sure if properties are realized as methods internally in Flex.I have a Metadata class which stores 3 pieces of information: name, value, and type (all are strings).I want to be able to loop through an Array of Metadata objects and set the corresponding properties on the instantiated class.[code]I realize that I have to declare a dummy variable of the type I was to instantiate, or use the -inculde compiler directive. An unfortunate drawback of Flex.Also, right now there's code to account for typecasting the value to it's specified type.
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May 27, 2007
I need to dynamically bind properties of components created at runtime. In this particular case please assume I need to use bindProperty. I don't quite understand why the following simplistic test is failing (see code). When I click the button, the label text does not change.
I realize that there are simpler ways to go about this particular example using traditional non-dynamic binding, but I need to understand it in terms of using bindProperty.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" xmlns:ns1="Tools.*" minWidth="684" minHeight="484" xmlns:ns2="*" creationComplete="Init();">
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Feb 16, 2010
I want to change the image at click event.I change the source of the image on click but its not reflecting immediately it comes when any other event is fired.
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Nov 22, 2010
I am using a TextArea in my application, and wish to change the font color of textArea at runtime based on certain conditions? I am using the following code in a functionresultText.setStyle("color", 0x842D22).However, this does not work, and gives me an exception at runtimeCannot Access property of null object reference.
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