Flex - Compile Multple Independent Mxml Files At One Time?

Jun 11, 2009

Our application has over 15 different top-level mxml files to create individual controls that are used in our pages. We are using Ant to do our automated builds, and are calling the mxmlc task for each mxml file separately (See question 78230 similar example). Running the compiler separately for each mxml file, however, is already adding up to a considerable amount of time. Our build time is approaching 10 minutes, 5 minutes for compiling our flex apps, and 5 minutes for compiling hundreads of java classes, building jars, installer etc. Each flex compile run is reasonably quick (15-20 seconds), but they add up.

Is there a way to compile all of them with one call to mxmlc?

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Flash :: Flex - Compile .mxml Files At The Command Line Using Bin / Mxmlc?

Nov 7, 2009

I'm interested in learning just enough Flash/Flex to do things that I can't do from HTML and JavaScript alone - play sound files and video, use multiple file upload things, perform cross-domain Ajax requests using the crossdomain.xml file etc. As such, I don't really want to learn (or pay for) the Flex IDE. I'm not much of an IDE guy in any case.

The problem is, most of the tutorials I've found talk about the IDE. I've figured out how to compile .mxml files at the command line using bin/mxmlc - now I just need to learn MXML, ActionScript and the various APIs! What are the best resources for learning these? I'm fine with buying a book, I just don't want to shell out for the API itself.

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[Code] .....

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Flex :: Emebed Css At Compile-time

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Flex :: Inject Data In A Swf At Compile Time?

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The idea so far was to create a server side script that calls the flex compiler and feed it the data it needs. This approach seems to work fine using the [Embed] tag for single files, but it gets kind of messy when trying to inject collections of data that vary in length for each exported swf.

We could generate an mxml file with one embedded variable for each asset and include it at compile time, but that approach seems for from ideal.

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Jan 9, 2011

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[Code] .....

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Flash :: Flex: Type Was Not Found Or Was Not A Compile-time Constant?

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to build a pure as3 project in flex and I got the following error:

type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Button

type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: TextField


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Flex :: FlashBuilder 4.5 : Type Was Not Found Or Was Not A Compile-time Constant

Nov 17, 2011

First I create a new ActionScript Project, then add a Library Project's bin folder to the build path, and reference the Library Project. I code the new project, and everything works fine. But later, when I'm optimizing the code, I'll create a new ActionScript class file in the Library Project, save it, and then change an already defined function within the ActionScript Project to use this new ActionScript class in the Library Project instead of some other class in the Library Project. The class file is in the Library Project's src folder, under (default package), same as all the other files the ActionScript Project is using successfully.At this point, FlashBuilder shows an error "Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: PEArrays."

Here is the Library Project file:

public class PEArrays


I have included import PEArrays; or, import PEArrays.*; and both result in the same error.Also, I tried exiting and re-entering FlashBuilder, didn't help. Cleaning the ActionScript Project had no effect on this error. I also right-clicked on the project folder and selected Refresh, but it didn't help.

I verified that the needed classes are correctly selected by going to Project>Properties>Flex Library Build Path and reviewing the Classes tab. I'm just a single developer so there's no version control system in place.

After troubleshooting a bit, I now find that the ActionScript Project folder's bin directory is empty. When I run the .as file in the ActionScript Project's src folder, I get an error that the ASname.html file cannot be found (where ASname is the ActionScript Project name and also the .as file name, e.g. ASname.as, in the src folder, which is run). This ASname.html file is not found in the html-template folder. What process generates this needed .html file?

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Flex :: Move File Assets From Src Into Bin At Compile Time In FDT5

Jan 26, 2012

Flash Builder has a nice feature that will allow you to have it move files such as images, fonts, xml files and so forth into the bin-debug directory an compile time. The reason for doing this would be to mock up some data or test pulling in assets dynamically but having them in source directory so you can version control the assets during development. Typically we don't add the bin directory to version control so being able to have the IDE move files over to bin for you is very helpful if you are on a large team.

Is there a feature within FDT5 that will do this like Flash Builder?

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Jul 11, 2010

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Unused Mxml And Files In A Flex Project?

Apr 5, 2011

I am trying to make the project build light by removing all the unused (mxml,xml and image ) files. Currently I am manually searching for each image and then removing the unused file. But is there a way such that we can get list of unused files automatically . I was trying to use the swfDump.jar from 4.0 sdk . But that dint work as it is working with projects that are build using flex sdk 4.0. I am currently using 3.2 .

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Flex :: Variable Accessible For All .mxml Files

Oct 4, 2011

Im using Oracle, BlazeDS, Java & Flex. I have an ArrayCollection containing data from a small database table. This table won't be the subject of much change. I want to use this ArrayCollection accross different mxml files to fill e.g. ComboBoxes etc. The reason for asking, is that doing a database call for each time a fill a ComboBox etc is slow and seems unnecessary. I tried doing this once in the "main" .mxml file, but then the variable wasn't accessible where i needed it. What is the best approach for accomplishing this task? What is the best way of making a variable accesible across .mxml files?

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IDE :: Communication Between 2 Independent Swf Files?

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ActionScript :: Why Flash Cannot Compile AS Files Generated From Flex Directly

May 5, 2010

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Flex :: Force Flash Builder 4 To Compile All Source Files?

Feb 9, 2011

According to the answers to this question here, the reason why I'm not seeing errors as I work in Flash Builder is that FB is "optimizing" them out because they aren't referenced at any point in the code execution. Is there an option to force Flash Builder to compile all files regardless of whether they're used in the software?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 3 Referencing Old Files, Will Not Compile Updates To Code

Feb 28, 2012

I am using Flex Builder 3, working on a PC. Everything was working as expected throughout my first day of code updates, but on day 2 Flex started behaving badly.The problem started when I removed a component, and then got an error that it couldn't find the specified component in some accompanying AS3 code. No problem, I updated the reference so it wouldn't look for the old missing component (a form item). When I compiled the project in debugger to check my work, it failed when it got to that part, and gave an error that it couldn't find the component I'd removed. However, my code had fixed the problem, and the error was referencing a line of code that wasn't there any more. I proceeded to change the file around greatly, and even resorted to creating a new file, changing the name of it, and then recompiling it. I did a clean compile as well, rebooted my machine, restarted Flex, but every time it gives an error referencing the bit of code that isn't even there any more. It's as if it's loading a cached project each time (both in debugger and run mode).

For reference, here's the error I'm getting: ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property Winter Cost not found on views.PopupUsage and there is no default value.Well, the file "PopupUsage.mxml" doesn't even exist any more and is not referenced in my project at all, but it's still being referenced by Flex when I compile the files.What can I do to make Flex move on and look at my code?

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Flex :: Get This Error : 1046: Type Was Not Found Or Was Not A Compile-time Constant?

May 14, 2010

I'm trying to use the Flex 4 SDK's mx.rpc package in a Flash application.I imported Flex's rpc.swc (AdobeAdobe Flash Builder 4sdks4.0.0frameworkslibs pc.swc) into my project by adding it to the list in Flash's "Publish Settings/Flash/ActionScrip 3.0 Settings/Library Path". It seems like I have access to the classes, however when I compile I get this error:

1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: [mx.rpc]::IResponder.

There's no location or line for the error either.

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Flash :: Compilation - Compile Time Jumps When Moving From Flex Build

Oct 15, 2010

I moved from using the Flex Builder 3 IDE to Flash Builder a couple weeks ago and have noticed a ridiculous jump in compile times with the same project. It almost seems like every time I build it does a clean build. The project I am working with is pretty big, but when it takes more than 4 mins to build, something is wrong. I tried adding more memory to eclipse and all the tricks I could find on the web but the compile time never really changed. I am running under Windows 7 32bit, and I get the same performance from the plugin and stand alone version of the IDE.

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Flex 4 :: Flash Change Theme Dynamically At Runtime / Not At Compile Time?

Dec 9, 2010

flash builder 4 comes with a couple of cool spark themes, and there are tons of others out there on the web, I want to be able to change the theme at runtime, without recompiling.

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Flex :: Access MXML Components Within Ascript Files?

Jul 29, 2011

How do I get round the following error: Access of undefined property pMatrixBack . How do I access this component from within the ascript file?[code]...

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Flash - Flex Compiler Appears To Misinterpret .as Files As MXML?

Nov 21, 2011

After changing the Flex SDK to 3.6 (from 4.5.1) so as to target Flash player 9.0.124, the project no longer compiles, producing spurious errors such as XML does not have matching begin and end tags leading me to believe that the compilation process is 'borked'.

This is a pure AS project, and so should have no dependency on the Flex SDK, howver, it seeems to be inextricably linked to the Flex 4.x SDK and Flash Player 10+. I have tried swf-version and -target-player-version in the compiler arguments, but there is still something I am missing to get this to compile for Flash player 9.

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Flex :: Use Flash Builder To Run Multiple Mxml Files In One Project?

Mar 1, 2012

I imported an .fxp project into a Flash Builder and then observed there are 5 .mxml files in the src/(default package) directory. Silly question -- how to run each of these five files?

Since I've named the project differently than any of the .mxml files, whenever I try to run something it uses the default (empty) .mxml file named after the project. Deleting that empty mxml file didn't help anything. I also tried to clean the project, but nothing changes (although I see the directories refresh with the same contents). There are no html files in the bin-debug directory.

There must be some simple way to run those .mxml files that I'm missing.

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Flex :: Choose A MXML Component At UI Construction Time Based On The Value Of A Field?

Jul 17, 2009

I have a flex MXML UI that is building a set of radio buttons using the Repeater component:

<mx:Repeater id="radios"
dataProvider="{_lists.(@id == _question.single.@response_list).group.listItem}">
<mx:RadioButton groupName="responses"


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ActionScript 3 :: How To Compile One Class From MXML File

May 10, 2011

I want to compile one class from MXML to as3 as a learning experience. The class had dependencies on other classes in my project but I don't think that should matter if I am just compiling it to as3 right? Currently I have Flash Builder 4 (in Eclipse) but I would be happy just to use a command line compiler if that exists.

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