ActionScript :: Why Flash Cannot Compile AS Files Generated From Flex Directly
May 5, 2010
What are main diferens between flash ActionScript and Flex actionscript? Why Flash can not compile AS files generated from Flex (with keep-as) directly?I want to compile generated from MXML .AS files using Flash CS5... But it appeares to me I can not... Why?
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Nov 7, 2009
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[Code] .....
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Feb 28, 2012
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For reference, here's the error I'm getting: ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property Winter Cost not found on views.PopupUsage and there is no default value.Well, the file "PopupUsage.mxml" doesn't even exist any more and is not referenced in my project at all, but it's still being referenced by Flex when I compile the files.What can I do to make Flex move on and look at my code?
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Jun 11, 2009
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Feb 13, 2002
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Jun 2, 2009
I want to know how can i compile my .fla + .as files to a swf without usingthe Flash CS4 Wizard. This requirement is because i wantto generate automatic builds.I have read about compiling with Adobe FlashCS4CommonConfigurationActionScript 3.0asc_authoring.jar,
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Dec 21, 2010
I'm making a DVD menu in flash. It will open several kinds of files. .mov .avi . ppt . pdf etc.But i want to open those files directly, without prompting. When i try to open non web files, a popup window appears, as shown in this screenshot:
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May 8, 2011
I have a situation where I am modifying a working FLA file to work in just one Scene of a project I am working on.The FLA file is linked to two external .as files.
I would like to take that code and call it from Fram 1 of the Scene as it will only but used for that scene and I do not want it affecting the other scenes.
I removed the package wrapper and changed any private function/public function just to function etc.part of the issue is calling on Movieclips in the library.I am trying to use drag and drop to drag Movieclips to Target transparent Movieclips.
The .as files uses:
import THE;
In a function I use:
the = new THE(); addChild(the); the._targetPiece = tTHE_mc; the.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, checkTarget); the.x = 103.50; the.y = 72.60;
I get an error for the "import THE;" as error 1046: Type was not found orwas not a compile-time constant: THE I get the error for the function reference as: error 1180 call to a possibly undefined method THE
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Dec 8, 2009
Can Flex objects be referenced and used in AS3 in Flash? I tried to make a Button from the fl.controls but it said Button nolonger exists and I need to use SimpleButton, and that it didn't recognize the package I was refering to, fl.controls. I tried again with the Colorpicker since I thought part of the problem might have been the button, and I thought I had referenced fl.controls incorrectly since I tried to use fl.* the first time, similar to using flash.display.* and* It had the same problem, though, and now I'm wondering if it's even possible to use the flex controls directly. I can't imagine why, though; they're a part of the FlashPlayer runtime, so if I'm calling them from Flash or Flex it shouldn't matter, right?
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Jul 20, 2009
Does anyone know what criterea Flash uses for discovering the Live Preview class for a Component? Background We are attempting to automate the creation of a SWC that contains a component to be used from Flash. We are able to make it visible to flash by modifying the manifest.xml and wiring up the component definitions. However, the component cannot be dragged onto the stage (or library), presumably because it has no form of LivePreview. To give better clarification of where we are coming from, we've noticed the following in SWCs exported from Flash (using swfdump):
fl.livepreview.LivePreviewParent contains the same mod attribute as the visual component in the manifest.xml file fl.livepreview.LivePreviewParent is exported as a symbol The short-named component (ie. no package, referenced in the components definition in the manifest.xml) is exported as a symbol However, I can see no other differences between that and the SWC from Flex. We can obviously use JSFL to perform the task, but we'd rather not install Flash on the build server.
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Jun 7, 2010
I'm using Flash Develop to build an as3 application using the Flex compiler. In the constructor of a particular class I have written the following code
public function Test(par1:int, arr:/*int*/Array = [1, 2]){ <----- compiler shows error here
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Feb 26, 2012
I have decompiled a swf file and got a fla file and also all kind of folders including action scripts.How do I run this? I mean if I make some changes how do I convert it back to a swf file?I created a swf file from one fla file but I got a file that was like 20x less in size then the original. I think it was not using the files in the folders.
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Jul 13, 2011
Unable to pass flashvars to flex generated swf
import com.rubenswieringa.interactivemindmap.*;
private var fullscreenListenerAdded:Boolean = false;
private function onCreationComplete ():void {
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Jun 21, 2011
If I need to call a specific function in the parent application from a child in a flex project, what's the best practice for this? Would it be to dispatch a custom event from the child and have a listener call that function? Or to directly call the function with FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication?
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