Is it possible to inject data, for example a collection of assets (video, images...), in an swf at compile time?
We have a flex application that needs to be able to export an swf at runtime that contains all the necessary data, because it needs to run as a standalone application (on- and offline).
The idea so far was to create a server side script that calls the flex compiler and feed it the data it needs. This approach seems to work fine using the [Embed] tag for single files, but it gets kind of messy when trying to inject collections of data that vary in length for each exported swf.
We could generate an mxml file with one embedded variable for each asset and include it at compile time, but that approach seems for from ideal.
We've looked into some actionscript bytecode libraries, but those do not seem to be fit for this.
I'm using Flash Develop to build an as3 application using the Flex compiler. In the constructor of a particular class I have written the following code
Code: //constructor public function Test(par1:int, arr:/*int*/Array = [1, 2]){ <----- compiler shows error here
I'm working in a Flash Builder 4 Actionscript project and trying to figure out how to embed a css file into the project at "compile-time". Just as we did when we use MXML's <fx:Style> tag.
First I create a new ActionScript Project, then add a Library Project's bin folder to the build path, and reference the Library Project. I code the new project, and everything works fine. But later, when I'm optimizing the code, I'll create a new ActionScript class file in the Library Project, save it, and then change an already defined function within the ActionScript Project to use this new ActionScript class in the Library Project instead of some other class in the Library Project. The class file is in the Library Project's src folder, under (default package), same as all the other files the ActionScript Project is using successfully.At this point, FlashBuilder shows an error "Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: PEArrays."
Here is the Library Project file:
package { public class PEArrays {
I have included import PEArrays; or, import PEArrays.*; and both result in the same error.Also, I tried exiting and re-entering FlashBuilder, didn't help. Cleaning the ActionScript Project had no effect on this error. I also right-clicked on the project folder and selected Refresh, but it didn't help.
I verified that the needed classes are correctly selected by going to Project>Properties>Flex Library Build Path and reviewing the Classes tab. I'm just a single developer so there's no version control system in place.
After troubleshooting a bit, I now find that the ActionScript Project folder's bin directory is empty. When I run the .as file in the ActionScript Project's src folder, I get an error that the ASname.html file cannot be found (where ASname is the ActionScript Project name and also the .as file name, e.g., in the src folder, which is run). This ASname.html file is not found in the html-template folder. What process generates this needed .html file?
Flash Builder has a nice feature that will allow you to have it move files such as images, fonts, xml files and so forth into the bin-debug directory an compile time. The reason for doing this would be to mock up some data or test pulling in assets dynamically but having them in source directory so you can version control the assets during development. Typically we don't add the bin directory to version control so being able to have the IDE move files over to bin for you is very helpful if you are on a large team.
Is there a feature within FDT5 that will do this like Flash Builder?
Our application has over 15 different top-level mxml files to create individual controls that are used in our pages. We are using Ant to do our automated builds, and are calling the mxmlc task for each mxml file separately (See question 78230 similar example). Running the compiler separately for each mxml file, however, is already adding up to a considerable amount of time. Our build time is approaching 10 minutes, 5 minutes for compiling our flex apps, and 5 minutes for compiling hundreads of java classes, building jars, installer etc. Each flex compile run is reasonably quick (15-20 seconds), but they add up.
Is there a way to compile all of them with one call to mxmlc?
I'm trying to use the Flex 4 SDK's mx.rpc package in a Flash application.I imported Flex's rpc.swc (AdobeAdobe Flash Builder 4sdks4.0.0frameworkslibs pc.swc) into my project by adding it to the list in Flash's "Publish Settings/Flash/ActionScrip 3.0 Settings/Library Path". It seems like I have access to the classes, however when I compile I get this error:
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: [mx.rpc]::IResponder.
I moved from using the Flex Builder 3 IDE to Flash Builder a couple weeks ago and have noticed a ridiculous jump in compile times with the same project. It almost seems like every time I build it does a clean build. The project I am working with is pretty big, but when it takes more than 4 mins to build, something is wrong. I tried adding more memory to eclipse and all the tricks I could find on the web but the compile time never really changed. I am running under Windows 7 32bit, and I get the same performance from the plugin and stand alone version of the IDE.
flash builder 4 comes with a couple of cool spark themes, and there are tons of others out there on the web, I want to be able to change the theme at runtime, without recompiling.
Both of these are saved in files with the name same as the classes.
Both are saved a folder which also contains an fla file name hello.fla.So,when test the movie(hello.fla),after choosing the document class as WavyBall,I get these errors: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Ball.
Source: var Ball:Ball; 1120: Access of undefined property stage. Source:Ball.x=stage.stageWidth/2; 1120: Access of undefined property stage. Source:Ball.y=stage.stageHeight/2; 5000: The class 'WavyBall' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.What is wrong?
Is it a bad idea to inject data into an itemrenderer. The reason I ask this is because the state of each item is dependent on different changing data sources. So the original data is used to just display a new item, but there could be two to three other data collections that would be needed to determine the item's behavior. Is there a better way to do this? Should I be creating a custom DataGroup with the other data sources as properties on this custom container and then reference the data sources from the itemrenderer to the parent?
There is probably no way for this but does anyone know a method of excluding certain functions from a build by use of a meta tag and or compiler option?I want to expose some functions for testing but not have them bloat the application on production. I could create separate testing classes and test for a complier directive or option and only load them if necessary but I like the idea of having the test function on the actual object (in the class).
I have a master file where all of my code is. I to need to publish several versions (for example, a volume 1, volume 2, etc.). Each volume has it's own set of assets that needs to be called (basically movieclips). Can I create and store all of the volume 1 assets, all the volume 2 assets, etc.?
In a class file I have a button (GameButton) which I want to all the instances act the same. I found this code in a tutorial but when I run it I get the error: "Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant:MouseEvent." And then it names 2 of my public functions. Here's all the code in my class file:
I can access this variable if I "hardcode" it into my codebase, as so: public static const PLUGIN_COMPILED_TIME:String = NAMES::PluginCompileTime; However, I would like to be able to do this at runtime using something like getDefinitionByName(): var value:* = flash.utils.getDefinitionByName("NAMES::PluginCompileTime"); This throws the following error: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable PluginCompileTime is not defined. Does anyone know of a way to accomplish loading a compile-time constant in a namespace at runtime?
I have a piece of art I made on the timeline that I want to turn into a button, so I comverted it to a symbol and exported it to actionscript with a linkage class, but when I compile it and run it I get the error, 1046 type was not found or was not a compile time constant: playButton22.[code]
I am testing files for a project and am wondering if it's possible to print out to the screen what time it was COMPILED, so I can then create a build number. I can't use get date or anything like that, becauise it will update at runtime. I need it to, once set, stay in place, so I then know exactly which version I am looking at. I could look at the dates of the files, but really need to get it on screen.
I have a main page from which i open a popup window on button click. i this pop up window to display my data which i am getting from my Http request in my response() as rawdata. I did broke this data into array.
I can display the data everytime i close the popup window and open it again. But to do it at run time -- is the problem. I did tried to call the request.sent() again and again in a for loop, and it works, but it tends to send alot of http request, that is not good i believe.
I have a AS3 need to call 2 functions in a WS to get 2 return parameters.
But, it has
Compile Error: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: OperationEvent. function onResult(e:OperationEvent):void { function onFault(e:OperationEvent):void { function onResult1(e:OperationEvent):void {
I have been using the embed feature of flex to embed fonts at compile time.[code]I realize this isnt the entire line. Im just putting in the pertinent parts.Either one works fine. My question is , what if I dont know what font i need where this line exists. For example let say i want to instantiate a new object of type SomeField. And as an arguement i want to pass in a string , an associative id of the system font, like "Arial" or "Tahoma". Then inside the SomeField class where the :[code]where $Some var is a string assigned by the caller of the child. The idea is to have the developer be able to import a class , create a new instance of that class , and pass in a string , being the name of the font theyd like to dynamically embed. All this could be done without ever having to go into the acutal class defintion for the object and manually chaning the 'systemFont' or 'source' linakge.
There is some way to make the flash put the content of one text file in a string, or at least put it in the .swf, so the user don't need to download it?
Is there a way to set the value of a private static const identifier from a config file during compile time in Actionscript 3?Also, it would be nice if I can do this in the mxmlc ANT task.
I want to pulish SWF file from .fla file. I have some scripts there, but when I pulished them - they don't work. I get error from compiler:
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant
**Warning** The linkage identifier 'scrollableContent' was already assigned to the symbol 'pop_ups/__pop_up_other_elements/scrollableContent', and cannot be assigned to the symbol 'pop_ups/__pop_up_other_elements/scrollable_game_content', since linkage identifiers must be unique.
I've got this movieclip that I made into a button with ActionScript. When clicked, it should go to a frame in my main timeline labeled "beansbus", but whenever I try to test the movie out, Flash gives me this error:
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: bus.
I've looked around on the internet and I've been told that this error can crop up if the instance name is the same as a library object. That WAS the problem, but I renamed the library object to Cutebus, so that should have fixed it, I hope. There was another fix that involved something called TextFields in my movieclip, but I don't have those...