ActionScript 2.0 :: Displaying The Compile Date/time Of Swf?
Dec 17, 2006
I am testing files for a project and am wondering if it's possible to print out to the screen what time it was COMPILED, so I can then create a build number. I can't use get date or anything like that, becauise it will update at runtime. I need it to, once set, stay in place, so I then know exactly which version I am looking at. I could look at the dates of the files, but really need to get it on screen.
I'm using Flash Develop to build an as3 application using the Flex compiler. In the constructor of a particular class I have written the following code
Code: //constructor public function Test(par1:int, arr:/*int*/Array = [1, 2]){ <----- compiler shows error here
I am experiencing a very strange behavoiour of Flex Date object. My web service is written in .Net 3.5 and all object which I am retriving or updating have Creation Date (Date Type) in .Net code.
But when I am calling .Net web service and displaying data in Flex, Flex displaying a different Date than what stored in web service. When I update my object using Flex UI, every time update time is very different than actual update time set by .Net code.
Both of these are saved in files with the name same as the classes.
Both are saved a folder which also contains an fla file name hello.fla.So,when test the movie(hello.fla),after choosing the document class as WavyBall,I get these errors: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Ball.
Source: var Ball:Ball; 1120: Access of undefined property stage. Source:Ball.x=stage.stageWidth/2; 1120: Access of undefined property stage. Source:Ball.y=stage.stageHeight/2; 5000: The class 'WavyBall' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.What is wrong?
Event.DISPLAYING Why this event wont work when i try to compile the flashe (CTRL+ENTER)Flash gives me error1119: Access of possibly undefined property DISPLAYING through a reference with static type Class.
How to convert UTC time into date time format in flex. I am using sdk 3.5. for example I have current date time in UTC format as 1309522586000 (milliseconds) and I want to convert it to friday jul 1 2011. How can I do this??
I'm working on creating a new look for my portfolio and had a concept.I would like have one movie clip tween in real time 365 frame increments, while another moves in real time minute or second increments.Along with this, I would like to be able to override the passage of time by scrolling an associated scrollbar.The two tweens would be independent of one another.
I need to display something on my program just for one month. For example from the 1/25 to 2/25 I need to display something but at midnight on the 2/25 the the element has to disappear. I need to create a function to do that but I have no idea how to check the date. a lot
I have a time line of 1441 frames my frameRate is 24 fps so it takes 1 minute exactly to complete the timeline animation I want to Display the Remaining time as file starts I need formula to place in ENTER_FRAME event which displays the time left
I have a time line of 1441 framesmy frameRate is 24 fpsso it takes 1 minute exactly to complete the timeline animationI want to Display the Remaining time as file startsI need formula to place in ENTER_FRAME event which displays the time left
I'm working in a Flash Builder 4 Actionscript project and trying to figure out how to embed a css file into the project at "compile-time". Just as we did when we use MXML's <fx:Style> tag.
I have a master file where all of my code is. I to need to publish several versions (for example, a volume 1, volume 2, etc.). Each volume has it's own set of assets that needs to be called (basically movieclips). Can I create and store all of the volume 1 assets, all the volume 2 assets, etc.?
In a class file I have a button (GameButton) which I want to all the instances act the same. I found this code in a tutorial but when I run it I get the error: "Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant:MouseEvent." And then it names 2 of my public functions. Here's all the code in my class file:
I can access this variable if I "hardcode" it into my codebase, as so: public static const PLUGIN_COMPILED_TIME:String = NAMES::PluginCompileTime; However, I would like to be able to do this at runtime using something like getDefinitionByName(): var value:* = flash.utils.getDefinitionByName("NAMES::PluginCompileTime"); This throws the following error: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable PluginCompileTime is not defined. Does anyone know of a way to accomplish loading a compile-time constant in a namespace at runtime?
Is it possible to inject data, for example a collection of assets (video, images...), in an swf at compile time?
We have a flex application that needs to be able to export an swf at runtime that contains all the necessary data, because it needs to run as a standalone application (on- and offline).
The idea so far was to create a server side script that calls the flex compiler and feed it the data it needs. This approach seems to work fine using the [Embed] tag for single files, but it gets kind of messy when trying to inject collections of data that vary in length for each exported swf.
We could generate an mxml file with one embedded variable for each asset and include it at compile time, but that approach seems for from ideal.
We've looked into some actionscript bytecode libraries, but those do not seem to be fit for this.
I have a piece of art I made on the timeline that I want to turn into a button, so I comverted it to a symbol and exported it to actionscript with a linkage class, but when I compile it and run it I get the error, 1046 type was not found or was not a compile time constant: playButton22.[code]
I have a AS3 need to call 2 functions in a WS to get 2 return parameters.
But, it has
Compile Error: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: OperationEvent. function onResult(e:OperationEvent):void { function onFault(e:OperationEvent):void { function onResult1(e:OperationEvent):void {
I have been using the embed feature of flex to embed fonts at compile time.[code]I realize this isnt the entire line. Im just putting in the pertinent parts.Either one works fine. My question is , what if I dont know what font i need where this line exists. For example let say i want to instantiate a new object of type SomeField. And as an arguement i want to pass in a string , an associative id of the system font, like "Arial" or "Tahoma". Then inside the SomeField class where the :[code]where $Some var is a string assigned by the caller of the child. The idea is to have the developer be able to import a class , create a new instance of that class , and pass in a string , being the name of the font theyd like to dynamically embed. All this could be done without ever having to go into the acutal class defintion for the object and manually chaning the 'systemFont' or 'source' linakge.
There is some way to make the flash put the content of one text file in a string, or at least put it in the .swf, so the user don't need to download it?
Is there a way to set the value of a private static const identifier from a config file during compile time in Actionscript 3?Also, it would be nice if I can do this in the mxmlc ANT task.
I want to pulish SWF file from .fla file. I have some scripts there, but when I pulished them - they don't work. I get error from compiler:
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant
**Warning** The linkage identifier 'scrollableContent' was already assigned to the symbol 'pop_ups/__pop_up_other_elements/scrollableContent', and cannot be assigned to the symbol 'pop_ups/__pop_up_other_elements/scrollable_game_content', since linkage identifiers must be unique.
I've got this movieclip that I made into a button with ActionScript. When clicked, it should go to a frame in my main timeline labeled "beansbus", but whenever I try to test the movie out, Flash gives me this error:
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: bus.
I've looked around on the internet and I've been told that this error can crop up if the instance name is the same as a library object. That WAS the problem, but I renamed the library object to Cutebus, so that should have fixed it, I hope. There was another fix that involved something called TextFields in my movieclip, but I don't have those...
I have a large number of bitmaps, all of different shapes and sizes, and all with associated data (i.e. name, description, cost, weight etc). I want to get all these items into AS in a data structure.Based on what I know I could put together an XML file and parse that and then load each bitmap individually, but that could be very slow as it would mean loading lots of little bitmap files one at a time.I could put all the bitmaps into one big bitmap and store their xywidthheight in the xml as well so that I only have to load one bitmap but that seems a bit tricky, especially if I need to add or remove items.
I could embed all this into a class and have it load everything at compile time which is ok but not very friendly to people who aren't programmers and or don't have the source file to recompile.Is there something i can do using maybe flash to create bitmaps with additional properties and put them all in a swf that would be easy to edit by anyone using point and click?
Im new to AS3 and just want to get my button (labled button1 in the properties instance box) to move me onto the next frame in the timeline(frame labled start) and play from there, when you hover over it Button is on first frame on a different layer to actions & labled frames.this is the code Ive copied and adapted from a tutorial its in the first keyframe on the action layer....
stop(); button1.AddEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouse_overbutton1); function mouse_overbutton1 (event:EVENT) :void
Ok, so using Flash IDE, compiling takes a long time on my laptop because it all compiles at run time I guess? So it checks for errors, warnings, etc only after you test or compile it.In say, C# or Flashbuilder, everything is checked prior to you having to test or compile, so it is immediate.If I have a 20 megabyte FLA using the Flash IDE, it will take me approximately 20-25 seconds to merely test my program. Disabling the warnings in publish settings reduces this drastically (20-30%?) but still, so time consuming when I need to test every minute after changing some code.