ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Color And Theme Style Of Flashpaper When Load It In Flash?
Jan 5, 2008
Is it possible to change color and theme style of flashpaper when we load it in Flash?It's color is not good for my project... How can I change it's color from halo green to something else
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Sep 30, 2010
I've a assets swc file that contains several TLFTextField objects, each one with it's style (font, color, size).
I use the following code to set a link:
var text_tf : TLFTextField;
var url : String = "";
text_tf.htmlText = "<a href='http://" + url + "' target='_blank'>"+url+"</a>";
This works as expected, but it changes the color of the text to blue;
What's the easiest way to configure the color of the text, without having to recreate all the TLF mechanism (ContainerController, Configuration, TextLayoutFormat, TextFlow, ParagraphElement, LinkElement, SpanElement, ...);
I was expecting something like this to work:
text_tf.textFlow.linkNormalFormat = { color:0x00ffFF, textDecoration:TextDecoration.NONE };
text_tf.textFlow.linkHoverFormat = { color:0x00ffFF, textDecoration:TextDecoration.NONE };
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Nov 25, 2008
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Oct 5, 2009
I'm using the following script to play a FlashPaper movie clip:
// function: loadFlashPaper
// ------------------------
// Parameters:
// path_s: path of SWF to load
Everything works fine on all pages including the page with the FlashPaper movie. The problem is after I visit the page with the FlashPaper movie my file starts to play through all the pages and wont stop.
files available here for example of my problem:
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mcButtonParametri.onRelease = function():Void{
How can I change color of mcOksid(testing.fla), but color will be change when i push a upload buttom? WHen i push reset buttom, the color will come back to default.
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ActionScript Code:
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadXML);
function loadXML(e:Event):void {
xmlData=new XML(;
var titleColor:Color=xmlData.appTitle.titleColor.text();
sTitle.textColor = titleColor.toString();
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Apr 21, 2005
How is it done? All I've seen on the web is how to change the color. Well how about going back. I'm talking about a MC with many colors. I can't just change back to a single hexadecimal color.
I can accomplish the change as it passes over a frame, but I can't get it to change back.
In the frame is this:
cHurtColor = new Color(_root.compMC);
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Apr 21, 2005
All I've seen on the web is how to change the color. Well how about going back. I'm talking about a MC with many colors. I can't just change back to a single hexadecimal color.I can accomplish the change as it passes over a frame, but I can't get it to change back.[code]
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colors.onMouseDown = function() {
if (1) {
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Nov 17, 2004
I�d like to add something more but don�t know how.I[d like to make the MC to load a random color, in a color range that I specify, like #000000, #FFFFFF and #111111.Also, I want somew buttons to change between this colors, but with an ease transition.
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Jan 1, 2011
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Aug 19, 2009
I have the following XML
I am able to get <styling> as a XML but I cannot figure out how to parse the style object in order get the color, fontFamily fontSize attribute values. I am also unable to access the lang attribute value <tt xml:lang="en">
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Feb 24, 2011
What I am trying to do is to have the button color change to a different color when it is on the page. The color only changes when I roll over it or hit it.Once I am on the page it changes back to the color it is on the up state.[URL] (When you are on the home page the button is red, but when on the about page the home button changes to white to show hierarchy.)
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Jan 6, 2010
Happy New Year 2010 everyone :) Just getting back into the Flash groove, and having a simple question.I have a movie(video player) where the color of the buttons changes. I've already drawn out the buttons and created a 1 color box(movieClip) that will be the background of all the buttons.
I've used ColorTransform to change the color of a rectangle that I used code to create, but what is the simplest way to go about changing a color in a movieClip containing a graphic that you physically have drawn out. Path to movieClip that I need to change the HEX value of: controls.btn_Sound.colorChip
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