ActionScript 3.0 :: Variable Button Is Not Defined?
Jul 3, 2009
I'm making a contact form, and I keep getting two errors when I try previewing it in a web browser.
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable Button is not defined.
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable ComponentShim is not defined.
I don't know what these errors mean. Can anyone give me an explanation? I am using Flash CS4 with ActionScript 3.0. The first function is for the contact button to go to the contact page. The code following is the code for the contact form.Here is my code for the contact form:
function onContactClick(e:MouseEvent):void
I have seen a few posts regarding: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable is not defined, but none solving this issue.I have just upgraded to CS4 from CS3. I compiled and run the projects built in CS3 and get this error on loads of MovieClip classes available in the Library.ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable Movieclip_mc is not defined.Sounds like there is a difference in the compilers that is kicking this error up. I have tried creating a new central .fla document in CS4 and stil no good.
I am trying to modify a menu system that I like that I found on the web I thought this would be easy enough to modify and make each named menu item a hyperlink.The menu items are dynamically created depending on the number of items in an array. I thought I could create another array and add an eventListener to each menu item created with a hyperlink from the second array:
ActionScript Code: public var menuLinks:Array = ["/about", "/portfolio", "/photos", "/blog", "/contact", "/guest_book"];
Im currently getting the following error:"ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable TweenLite is not defined."I might think its because tweenlite isnt imported correctly, so some path issue - but tried a few things, and still the same.Basically I have my main.fla, where I import a class:path: main. fla /classes / com / myfolder / contact / import;In this package I try and import the tweenlite librabry with the following:[code]
I have this flex application (but the problem concerns the AS3):[code]I still get the same Error:ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable logo is not defined.Is it possible that SWF file is corrupted or contains errors?
I'm displaying a variable into a textbox, but sometimes it's value is unset (loading delay). I'm using loadVariables so the .onLoad won't work.. How can I check if a variable already has a value?
I am getting a runtime error in AS3 which describes that ComponentShim is not defined. Along with this error showing that skins for List, dropdown and so many other controls are also missing.
This error is showing when I am using native methods. The first error is Native method is not allowed in loaded code.
I m wondering for 2 days whats this error means, previouly my file was running perfect, one day i open and do some changes than compile it shows these errors in output panel :
1. variable button is not defined.
2. variable component shim is not defined.
3. variable loaderprov3 is not defined.
i cant find how to fix these,as the behavior of flash is ambigious now. one time i run the file it runs perfectly, second i just code simple if else statement and than run the file, it leads to the above mentioned errors i m totally stuck and cant find any ways to get rid of these junks, Also compiler error window says, "unknown error optimizing byte code".
Every step I take learning flash as3 reveals so many problems and most forum posts I read blame adobe and try to work around it.
I have a TFL dynamic text box and I just want to add a scroll bar to it, this is what I did:
-elderText is the instance name of the TFL text and it's value and existance changes eccording to users choises. -elderScrollBar is a scroll bar is a UIScrollBar component I added to library, and created an instance in stage. Both are removed from stage by code.
and this is the code:
elderScrollBar.scrollTarget = elderText; // on this line the error occures
if I delete the last line there is no error and the scroll bar appears where it should but without functioning.
I have created a variable that when defined as String can end up containing what I need. It just doesnt do what I need it to do.So I can trace out a1Tap=containa1_ mc.square_ mc. saysquare_btn.That is what I want a1Tap to contain but it isn;t the right kind of data.[code]How do I set up and use the a1Tap variable so that a) it contains containa1_ mc. square_ mc.saysquare_btn (as it currently does)in a way that it work as a path name for an event listener?
Is there any way at all I can define the file I need loaded in a variable and include the file that way? The only other way I can think around this issue is incredibly labour intensive and takes me places I really don't want to go (like dynamically writting script heavy AS files using PHP, no fun). PS. There seems to be an error in how this forum displays #include's
I want to find out the value of an index of an Array defined on the main timeline, from within a MC on the stage. In AS2.0 this would be as simple as trace(_root.mk_contArray[0]). In AS3.0, naturally something like trace(root.mk_contArray[0]) just doesn't work, nor any other variation I've tried. Is it something to do with addChild()? This instance is named, but I haven't used that method.
why this doesn't work? I get the following error: Variable myArray is not defined.
var myArray:Array = ["stuff", "things", "words", "nonsense"]; var theArrayYouWant:Array = getDefinitionByName("myArray") as Array; trace(theArrayYouWant);
I have a flash application built in flash cs5 and action script 3.0. When i try to compile it, it returns error. Line 15005: Unknown error optimizing byte code.or ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable UIProperties_icon is not defined. I have converted this to air android application. Now i am getting one of these message every time when i compile or try to make apk file.
I've got a string which, in run-time, contains the name of a class that I want to instantiate. I read suggestions to use flash.utils.getDefinitionByName(): var myClass:Class = getDefinitionByName("package.className") as Class; var myInstance:* = new myClass();
However, that gives me the following error: [Fault] exception, information=ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable className is not defined.
This is quite strange to me since the MouseCursor class is being used as static. Mouse.cursor = MouseCursor.BUTTON; This is what I am using the MouseCursor class as and hence it is static. We got this error posted by a customer and the customer has also attached a screenshot of the error. ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable flash.ui::MouseCursor is not defined I first assumed that this could be perhaps because he was running an older version of Flash Player ( older than v10 ). But his screenshot clearly shows that it is running version 10 of the flash player.
I've been practicing this tutorial: [URL] (Using the Document Class - how to use this new feature in Flash CS3 which makes OOP much easier.), and made my DocumentClass.fla and file. Both files reside in the same folder, D:Work\_FLA. I have set all data that are pointed in tutorial - DocumentClass name in "Document class:" section in Document properties, ActionScript 3.0 language for .fla, "Star" as a movieclip name and Class in Symbol Properties.
And my as file is like: Code: Select allpackage { import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.utils.Timer; import; public class DocumentClass extends MovieClip{ private var time:Timer = new Timer(100); [Code] .....
Unfortunately, I get: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable timer is not defined. at DocumentClass$iinit() In Output panel every time I try to export movie.
out with this error message. No matter how simple my class is Flash gives me this error message :"ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable is not defined."
In fact, it happens even if I don' have any variables at all. It won't even run a simple "hello world" trace from the constructor method.
From what I've learned from other people, this could often be caused by not declaring your classes public, but I have that.
i tried all 3 of these, and i get error ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable TLFTextField is not defined. or TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "instance207" to menucaller/self_overHandler()
Code: private function self_overHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { this.parent.addChild(;[code]....
the moused over object is not a tlf text field,it is a movie clip with a tlf text field in it.i cant use classic dynamic text field because when i do the text inserted with actionscript disapears,also, why when i try to trace the name of the mous_over'd object do i get "instance207".it has an instance name that i gave it in the properties panel
I have been trying to migrate a CS3 based Flash project to the new CS4 IDE for some days, but it has been impossible. All the conponents of the library throw the same error at building time:
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable <Class> is not defined.I have changed the name of all clases with the same name as the package,
I have also changed the name of the main class.I have created a new empty .fla to copy and paste all the elements of the library,BUT I DO NOT STILL GET TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM.
I have 3-4 swf those i want to load one after another like a slideshow.What i want to do is get the total frames of loaded swf and want to pass that value to Timer object's delay parameter. i have converted total frames to milliseconds so i can use it in timer constructor. But i am not getting the value of that variable outside of my Event.COMPLETE listener method. Here is my code what i have done
I'm using Flash CS5 (AS3) for my main application, and I need to load multiple swf files (childs) at different times. The swfs (childs) import assets from a separate flash swf used as a shared library. I'm using 1 swf loader to keep 1 swf loaded at a time.
Loading the first swf works fine, but loading subsequent swfs generates an error in importing from the shared library swf.
Here's an example of an error:"ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable myComponent is not defined."
After I run it gives me these two errors : Scene 1, Layer 'actions', Frame 1, Line 25 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before colon. Scene 1, Layer 'actions', Frame 1, Line 27 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before colon. Also in the output tab I get these errors : ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable TLFTextField is not defined. ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable TCMText is not defined. I've been trying to figure this out for about 30 minutes but wasn't able to.
im tearing my hair out over this, sorry if its an extreme noob question but i know its quite a common problem and im sure someone on here must be able to help. After debugging my project here is the error message -
let me know if you can point me in the right direction here - the problem has come about as I have inherited a .fla that has been set up on another machine. If you need me to post any of the code that its referring to above let me know.