ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Disable A Function

Aug 6, 2009

I've got a project that consists of a main SWF that pulls external SWFS via an XML document. Within the main SWF are the navigation controls (i.e. next button and back button). When the next button is pressed, it pulls up the 'next' external SWF called in the XML file. When the back button is pressed, it pulls up the 'previous' external SWF called in the XML file.

The external SWF pages contain different interactions (i.e. drag and drop, multiple choice exercises, etc). Is it possible to disable the next button until the user completes these exercises?

If the navigation buttons were contained within the individual external SWFS, I know how I could make this work, but the XML setup has me confused. My only thought is using the Timer class, but that doesn't ensure the interaction is complete; rather, it just means the next button won't work for x amount of time.

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_root.onMouseDown = function() {


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//hitTest top + bottom wall
if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.topwall) or _root.ball.hitTest(
_root.bottomwall)) {
_root.yspeed = -_root.yspeed;"flash_bang");

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//button for zoom in
function glassMove(event:MouseEvent):void{[code]..............

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disable EVERYTHING Within A MC?

Feb 3, 2010

On the root, I have a movieclip (input). Within it is 1 frame of codes (well, 2 layers, each with 1 frame of code...).

Alongside on the root, I have another movieclip (banana), which has a stack of animation within... the first frame within is labelled "main".

What I wanted was that if banana's current frame was main, then input is untouched (enabled). If banana's current frame WASN'T main, then input is disabled ENTIRELY (everything within is disabled as well, especially the frames of code).

What I have tried was applying this code on a frame on the root timeline:

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
if(banana.currentFrame = main); {
input.enabled = false;


I looked up some things and they said that enabled false or true only applies directly to the movieclip, and leaves all codes within the MC untouched.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AIR App - Disable .swf

Jun 13, 2009

I've made an AIR Application. It definitely has a .swf file. Running the .swf file alone works till a point where user tries to press keys like A, S, D, etc from the keyboard which will not be detected as the .swf if running using a flash player. So inorder to avoid such problem I'd not allow the users to run the .swf file natively. Only if the .exe is clicked it must run. So is there any functions that implement this??

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