ActionScript 3.0 :: What Is The Optimal Way Of Exporting SWCs From Flash CS

Mar 3, 2011

I got a question in need of somebody who knows a lot more internals of the Flash system than I do. My artist designs the objects I use in my games as Movie Clips in Flash CS 4. I export those Movie Clips from Flash CS 4 to Flash Builder 4 via a SWC file. In order to do this, I select "export for ActionScript" in Flash CS 4, and "Export in Frame 1".

1. If a Movie Clip has 20 frames, does Flash export 20 drawings, 1 for each frame? If not, how does it do it?

2. I heard that if I have scripts in the frames, I will definitely get more objects instantiated, thus, for many instances of the Movie Clip in my game, I will get a performance hit.

3. Is it ok to add my scripts via "addFrameScript" in the Flash Builder-side, rather than put them in Flash CS 4?

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Flash :: Working With SWCs - GetDefinitionByName?

Nov 5, 2010

I have a bunch of graphics assets in a fla, the MovieClips are linked to some classes. I export the fla as a swc , which I add to my library with the option "Merged into Code".All works great, I can create instances of my MovieClips , just by calling their classes like this.

example 1
var newMc:BaseClass = new GraphicAsset();

Now if I want do the following , Flash throws an error , GraphicsAssetClass is null!

//example 2
var GraphicsAssetClass:Class = getDefinitionByName("GraphicAsset") as Class;

The only way I can get the above line to work is to do this

//example 3
var newMc:GraphicAsset;
var GraphicsAssetClass:Class = getDefinitionByName("GraphicAsset") as Class;[code]....

where I could simply get the class by calling getDefinitionByName()like I do on example 2 , without having to resort to example 3 solution.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWCs Created In Flash Not Working

Mar 1, 2010

I cannot seem to accomplish what I thought would be a trivial task. I installed the SWC commands extension for CS3/CS4 and I am using it exactly as prescribed to create SWC files. When I point to them through the 'build path' prefs UI of my Flex project, one of two things happens:

1. If I created the SWC in CS4, Flex immediately crashes when it reads the file. When I re-open Flex it either crashes immediately or does so when I switch to design view and try to have access to the components panel where the new SWC should appear.

2. If I created the SWC in CS3, I perform the steps in Flex, and it seems like everything is OK, but the new component simply doesn't appear in the components panel at all. Flex behaves normally otherwise.

I can import third-party SWCs just fine in Flex otherwise.

Does anyone know what may be going on? I've even dumbed down my SWC to just a single movieclip containing a fill instead of something containing Actionscript, and it still behaves the same way.

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Flash :: Embed The Same Font In Multiple SWCs?

May 27, 2009

I have the following project structure: A Flex Project (SDK 3.3) Multiple SWCs with grafics and textfields that are used as components in the Flex project.

Since I have a lot of SWCs that all use the same font in dynamic textfields, I do not want to embed the font in every SWC.Instead I want to have a library (RSL?) with the font from where all the SWCs load the font.

I tried to build a library file with the fonts using the "Export for runtime sharing" feature in Flash.While it works perfectly when I stay in Flash, Flex throws an "internal build error" when I try to use these SWCs in Flex.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Load In SWCs At Runtime?

Jan 6, 2011

Beginners Intro to SWC files SWCs are ZIP archives with two files in them: catalog.xml - Lists all classes contained in the SWC along with their dependencies.library.swf - Contains all the actual classes So theoretically... It should be possible to load in SWC files at run time and use the classes from them, right?

You may have to unzip it first and extract out the SWF, but this arduous process could be made easier with a few helper classes. In fact, having the "catalog.xml" there may also make it easier to identify which classes are contained within (which means you don't need to guess or assume which classes are in it). Has anyone tried this yet or know of anyone else who has?

I searched Google for a bit, but most results actually were actually mislabeled, and loading the SWC in at compile time. I found nothing relevant, so asking here is much easier.

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Flash :: Optimal Referential 2d Array - Determine What Tile Is At A Location?

May 20, 2011

So, I'm creating a fairly basic overhead 2d game where users can "draw" a map. (Actually, they dont draw it, the manually input a list of x/y's, but the design aspect isnt important just now.) When a new tile is added, that tile goes into an array of all tiles ingame. The centrepoint is 0,0. Tiles can be added in all directions, so may be at 1,1 or 100,100 or -50,-50. Sometimes I want to determine what tile is at a location. One (imho bad) way of doing this would be to get the x/y and loop through all tiles and check if they are that location.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Flash Components In Multiple SWCs Inside Only Project?

Feb 8, 2010

Ok, this is a somewhat complicated issue dealing with SWCs and compilers. I've outlined steps to reproduce the problem below. I'm using the method outlined here to bring in Flash content to my project. I have 15-20 SWCs already, and it's working fine for those assets, the problem is specifically related to Flash's components (ComboBox, RadioButton etc.) If anyone has *any* advice on this, please let me know as we are completely stumped at this point!
The issue we're having involves using multiple external SWC files which contain AS3 components from Flash CS4. When two SWCs are linked to an ActionScript project (using Flash Builder 4 Beta (build 4.0.0)) there are collisions in the referenced classes which cause the most recently published SWC to knock out any duplicate classes in the other SWCs. A simple way to replicate this is as follows:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create SWCs Using Cs4?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Building And Using SWCs?

Oct 3, 2011

building and using a SWC.Essentially, my only goal is to put a bunch of assets in a library, and have those assets included when a different swf is compiled. Compile-time, not runtime.

In my assets FLA, I add an FLV to the timeline of a movieclip. In the movieclip properties, I select Export for ActionScript and give it a unique classname ("FLV_intro"). In Publish Settings, I choose "Export SWC" and click Publish.

In my main FLA, I goto Actionscript Settings, Library Path, and add the SWC. In the code for my main FLA's document class, I do this:

var VideoClass:Class = getDefinitionByName("FLV_intro") as Class;
_video = new VideoClass();

The result is a SWF that does not have the increased filesize of the assets SWC (~30mb), and obviously, the video doesn't show up.Again, the goal here is to have large media assets, such as FLVs, external from the main FLA code, but the resulting SWF to contain everything when compiled - no external SWFs at runtime. The client requires a singe SWF. Additionally, I can use a different, smaller set of assets when developing to make development faster.

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Apr 16, 2010

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Professional :: Ecard Suggested Stage Size - What Optimal Pixel Dimensions Would Be For Ecards To Run On Multiple Platforms

Feb 15, 2011

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I really want to do this and I don't feel like I can move ahead until I get the viewing size correct. I don't even mind redoing the card. I just want my future cards to be the correct size. I don't want to have to come back and redo them all. By the way, the cards are being made in Flash. The site itself will be created in DreamWeaver.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Optimal FLV Compression For Frame-by-frame Viewing?

Nov 1, 2010

I've tried using both Adobe Media Encoder and FFMPEG to get a video that allows frame-by-frame viewing. I've been compressing them with a keyframes at every frame.Currently the most major issue is when I output a video including audio, the player does not allow the video to step backwards to previous frames. I understand this is all a bit abstract without seeing any code, but I was hoping there would be an obvious answer why this would be.

Here's the code used to step backward. It seems the FPS is hardcoded, which probably not the best approach. Should it rely completely on keyframe data or possibly metadata?

internal function videoStepBack():void{
__ns.pause(); - (24/1000)));

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Exporting MOV From Flash?

Sep 30, 2009

I have a movie that uses a couple audio files.  When I run this as a swf, everything plays fine...Except at the end.I have a frame that says That is tied to a mediaDisplay component. When I put a trade for thankyou.onSoundComplete....Nothing happens.So with the Flash still working fine for the most part, I export the movie as a Quicktime movie.  It plays the intro audio but never moves forward from there.The background noise is gone.

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Flash :: IDE - Exporting Swc From Cs3 In Mac

Oct 22, 2009

I'm having a really weird problem exporting a library asset (movieclip) to a swc file. This should be really simple to do... The strange thing is, if I do not include the outside code in my project, when I try to export the asset as a swc, it will give me errors, but it will also create the file with no problem. If I include the outside code and export the library asset as a swc, it compiles with no errors but it NEVER WRITES THE FILE! This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Has anyone else run into this problem and if so, how did you fix it? If I repeat the same process in windows I do not see the same issue, it creates the swc without any hesitation. Is there a weird setting in Mac OSX that I need to change maybe?

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Jun 8, 2011

I want to create a screensaver, animating in Flash, I was wondering if there is a way to export .scr format straight from flash, or need I use software like "Flash ScreenSaver Master "

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Flash :: Exporting .MOV Files From CS5?

Nov 4, 2010

I am having trouble exporting my animations created in Flash CS5 (or Macromedia flash 5, or CS3) to .MOV files. I'm having these issues on different  platforms  (mac and pc) and different operating systems (XP and win 7) - I only get error messages and out of memory errors, even on the fastest computer I have with 4gig of RAM working on a 2mg Flash file. I just want to convert my Flash files to a format that can play on Youtube and standard DVD players. Also I've tried many converters (flash to video) - not all free (Moyea, Roxio, iWisoft, Winfx Video Converter, Amor, E.M. Magic, etc, etc) - nothing works. The main problems are either the sound is not synched, the playback is choppy, and the quality is awful. I think my only hope of getting a good video is starting with a good .MOV file exported from Flash. [URL]..

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Flash :: Exporting Swf To Mpeg?

Jul 1, 2010

I am trying to export a .swf to mpg/avi or any other easily viewable and distributable format.It has worked in the past but the .swf we are currently trying to export has more advanced filters and masks.

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Flash 9 :: .SWF Not Found After Exporting

Nov 13, 2008

I'm working in Flash CS3 and until this point I've had no problems. I put together a test movie and after testing it, exported it as both a .swf and within an html file. Testing locally, the html works fine. However, when I put in the external URL that points to the same file, the .swf fails to load. Changing the path to point to the .swf itself, I'm told the page cannot be found. Did I miss something in the exporting process? No other movie published so far from this configuration has behaved in this manner.

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Flash 10 :: Exporting Swf To Video?

Jul 28, 2010

i need a good way to export swf to video, prefareable (.flv, .mov) When i use Flash standart export movie method (export to .mov) i get a 450 Mbyte file from my 2,5 Mbyte swf. I need it to be about 10-25 Mbyte.

In my .swf there is allready a .flv with sound and some more timeline animation I added. I allready tried to import the .swf to After Effects and re-export it from there to .flv but importing the .swf results into an empty timeline with 0 frames.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Exporting A .mov From Flash?

Dec 3, 2010

I know flash CS5 has the ability to export .mov files. I was wondering it was possible to create a interface where a user could open a swf and export it as a .mov file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Exporting Mc As JPG From Flash?

Nov 3, 2009

I�ve built a flash aplication for web, in AS2. now the client wants some modifications, and one of them is to export a MC as JPG. is it possible to make it in AS2 or I will have to make all over again in AS3?

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Exporting An Image From Flash To Jpeg

May 17, 2010

Could somebody give a hand with this? I am trying to export a flash image to jpeg. I can do it but the image is cropped when I open it in photoshop. This is the original image (is is an screenshot and not exported with flash): And this is the image exported with flash (as you can see it is cropped on the right): [URL] Why is the second image cropped?

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