ActionScript 3.0 :: Xml - Getting Content In An CDATA Tag To Be Seen In Flash 9

Feb 10, 2009

I need some help here with getting my content in an CDATA tag to be seen in flash 9 using AS3. Here is what my xml look like


I can get all of the other values except for that.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML - Cant Extract The [CDATA[57.14]],[CDATA[14.29]] & ![CDATA[28.57]] To Use It?

Jun 29, 2006

I have this XML File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>[code]....

now, the problem ... I cant extract the [CDATA[57.14]],[CDATA[14.29]] & ![CDATA[28.57]] to use it ... I tried several things with firstChild,ChildNodes, but no luck ... any one has a simple solution to put all this in an Array so i can get the stuff out to use it ..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Inline XML With CDATA Error #1091: XML Parser Failure: Unterminated CDATA Section?

Aug 25, 2008

I'm trying to include some JavaScript (JSON 2, to be precise)in with some ActionScript 3 classes. I'm using the inline XML method (E4X) of declaring the data. It looks like this:

public static var JSON_2:XML = <data><![CDATA[
if (!this.JSON) {
JSON = function () {[code]....

Actually, this is only about a quarter of what I need to include but this is where it breaks down. Right after the second slash in the last line, Flash reports: TypeError: Error #1091: XML parser failure: Unterminated CDATA section.

In fact, as you can see this is a perfectly valid CDATA section and isn't being terminated anywhere (there is no instance of "]]>" anywhere in the data). Unfortunately, Flash doesn't think so and seems to think that the backslash is an XML node directive. how to effectively deal with this? The JSON source code has *many* backslashes so not having to convert them would be *very* useful.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Object Not Working In CDATA In XML With Flash

Feb 19, 2010

In my xml file I use CDATA to insert html code. I have put <object >.. .some flash movie file. .. . </object>. But in front end , I did not get any video played. Why <object> html element does not support + what would be next solution to show my you tube vidoe file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CDATA To Pass HTML Via XML Into Flash

Dec 13, 2006

trying to convert data into XML and than be readble by flash, why can't macromedia be 'normal' and have some connector that can directly connect to a SQL database

Anyway enough about my rant...

I have a WYSIWYG html editor on my website that generates flash readable HTML code and we use PHP to store the information that is generated as a .xml file to be readable by our flash file. The data is passed via XML but trying to get the HTML tags through without the XML parser thinking its XML and interfering, and I've managed to research find the CDATA tag to pass information in (i dont know much XML, just basics to get it to work) but it doesn;t work!!

When I try to HTML code that is wrapped in the CDATA than it just shows as "null" on my flash file, but if i remove the CDATA tag and put in simple text it seems to work ok! even if i put in

<b>you better work, damn you!</b> this part is not bold, but doesnt show anyway
than the part in bold shows as bold but anything after that has disappeared

how I can effeciently put HTML into flash and get flash to successfully render it as HTML?!? note I've already used a .txt file unsucessfully and it seems to have LOTS of issues with special characters

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I am trying to load xml links in flash by using CDATA but what I get as a result when I publish the movie is the code itself(<a href=[URL]) instead of the link. I am pretty sure that I have done something wrong with the actionscript, nodeValue part. Here is the xml I am using:


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Xml :: Centering CDATA Text From A XML File In Flash Application

Dec 14, 2011

Here's an easy one: how can I center text that I'm loading inside CDATA tags from an XML file into my .swf?

Everything I've tried in terms of tags and text-align:center divs hasn't worked. Is this possible to do without editing the .fla?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Player 10 Removes HTML Encoding In CDATA When Parsing XML

Nov 24, 2010

I have an application that was written with Flash Professional 8/AS2 and it parses XML for rendering dynamic media content. The XML pulls text with HTML markup out of CDATA sections and places them into an html enabled text field. Everything has worked wonderfully until Flash Player 10.
Now, if we use html escape characters for greater than or less than symbols, they are being decoded by the xml parser.
Here's my example CDATA section:

Here <u>we</u> go: This <node> <works> 

when I grab its value using nodeValue or toString, the results are different from Flash Player 9 to 10. Here's what I'm getting:

In Flash 10, if I escape the ampersand, it will work, but this doesn't work in 9. for example, the following works in 10:
<![CDATA[Here <u>we</u> go: This &#60;node&#62; &lt;works&gt;]]>
This all happens before I assign it to a text field. How do I keep the parser from destroying my escaped characters in Flash 10? Do I just need to drop support for Flash Player 9 and go for what works in 10, or is there a solution for both?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Content To Load Into The Loader And Have Its Content Change Once Click On The Other Button Flash 8

Aug 15, 2009

I'm have made some buttons (movie clip) and when I click on it, I want a file (home.swf) to load in a loader (mx.contents.loader) and I want the other buttons to do the same, all load into the same loader. I have no Idea how to do that. The way I have it set up now, the home.swf will load over the entire screen and that is not what I want. I just want the content to load into the loader and have its content change once I click on the other buttons. Here is a copy and past of that I have at the moment, I'm using Flash 8 to do it all.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Loading External Content On Top Of Main Content?

Jan 28, 2011

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var loadAnimBox:Loader = new Loader();
var vid_mc:MovieClip;


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Html :: Content Displaying With Flash Content In IE8?

Apr 23, 2010

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<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,24" width="100%" height="100%">


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Data Integration :: Convert XML "values" To Be Passed As CDATA Into Flash?

Dec 27, 2006

I found the following XML - Flash quiz template on the net and I was wondering how can I adapt the XML doc to pass CDATA instead of "Value". The code is currently sending the "answers" values into Flash as value, instead of values I will like to type the answers inside of CDATA tags. I don't know how and what to change in the XML as well as in the AS file.

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XML :: How To Get Contents Appear Within CDATA In AS3

Jan 6, 2012

<EventDaysInfo year = "2012" month = "0">
<![CDATA[<Days day="0" name="sdfds" desc="fgfds" _img=""/>]]>
<![CDATA[<Days day="0" name="sdf" desc="" _img=""/>]]>
<![CDATA[<Days day="0" name="dsf" desc="dsfd" _img=""/>]]>
This is the structure of my XML, and I tried in some ways, but I can't able to get Character DATA as XML data. Is this any way to convert CDATA into XML in AS3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Having CDATA In Xml?

Apr 30, 2008

So i stand corrected. the <a href is screwing up my XML data.If I plop a CDATA tag in the XML obviously it works fine. But is there any other options to keep that tag out of the XML file?If I can somehow include it in Flash (which logically doesn't make sense) that would be great. The XML is generated server side and I can't get them to mod it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get String From Xml CDATA?

Jun 1, 2009

I am loading up xml(rss2) in AS3, then trying to get something out of the description tag from each item. The description usually looks like this[code]...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: My CDATA Not Appearing

May 24, 2011

My CDATA not appearing. My xml file[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tell When XML Node Contains CDATA?

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I'm parsing some XML and data typing my node values into Numbers and Strings, but I need a way to tell the difference between[code]...

I want to data type the first example as a Number and the second as a String. Is this possible?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CDATA Links In XML?

Feb 6, 2007

I need to have two links in an XML document. This XML document would be loaded into Flash.

The first link I would need is a mailto: link for e-mail. The second link would be a regular hyperlink. Now, first, how could I accomplish this? Render the text as html I was told, but how should write the links? Does Flash have to parse such data?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CDATA Xml Formatting?

Nov 25, 2007

this is my xml row and i wish to apply html formatting to info parameter at the end of line.

<marker name="Amar Yatri Niwas" address="Tourist Complex Area, Fatehabad Road," address2="Agra - 282001, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA" lat="27.160835" lng="78.033607" id="2" thumbpath="" type="hotel" category="3 Star Hotel" web="" info="test2" />


info="<b>test</b> <a href="test.htm">i am online</a>"

i know CDATA but i tried all the way and it didnt worked .

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml CDATA Not The Same In IE And Firefox?

Mar 23, 2009

I encountered a problem on a website when i use xml CDATA and whitespace. It works fine in Firefox but once again IE gives me problem. My whitespace which works in Firefox is not the same in IE, it is all messed up instead of lined up.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Bold Font In CDATA?

Mar 26, 2009

why this code in my xml


<![CDATA[<font color="#00000"><b>action</b>. </font>]]>

Is not making the dynamic flash content bold?If I use <u></u> it underlines it, but bold doesnt seem to work!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Modify To Support XML CDATA?

Aug 13, 2009

in altering this code so that it will support CDATA in my XML file? I am in desperate need of assistance. I have no idea where to begin. I have also included a zip file with the fla and associated XML file.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML CDATA And HTML Formatting

Dec 2, 2009

The CDATA is working for me, but it will not show certain HTML tags, such as
<ul><li> is fine, but if I do another level, second levels are on the first level.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reading The Cdata Properly

Sep 17, 2010

to get a proper content of the following xml-node:



what is the correct way in as3 to get the content so that the " " linebreak stays intact?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert The CDATA String?

Jul 22, 2010

How can i convert CDATA string to AS3?For example,  

function Execute()
i need to execute the trace and Execute function in Flash AS3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CDATA Links In Xml Document

Nov 15, 2011

I am trying to add an html link inside a parapgraph of text that is loaded through an xml document. I have done some research and it appears I need to set my actionscript to read the html. When I add the href in the text it reads literally as the code instead of creating a hyperlink in the paragraph. My problem is I did not set up the original flash document and I anot sure where to add the htmlText=true; and so on.
Here is the link. The problem is in the "press" section. last line in the paragraph of text. You can see the aref code not working.


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Flex :: CDATA Inside XML Variable?

Oct 23, 2009

In Flex I want to create XML variable like this but parser complains about CDATA in publisher tag:

private var myXML:XML = <book>[code].....

How do I pass xml text with CDATA into XML variable being in MXML Script?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: POST CDATA To A Server?

Jan 13, 2009

I have an XML object that I want to send to my player via HTTP POST. This is all good when using XML.sendAndLoad.The problem is that when the XML object I generate contains CDATA, the CDATA is stripped out before the POST if I have:

var xml:XML = new XML("<root><tag><![CDATA[hello]]></tag></root>")

when I do a sendAndLoad this is what gets POSTed:


the same occurs when I try to create the XML using XMLDOM methods like createElement, createTextNode, and appendChild.the AS2 docs say that CDATA is not supported. Is there a workaround for this? I'm thinking that it could be fixed by extending and overriding the XML class, but I haven't found a way to do it yet. I can't use LoadVars here either because it will attach a variable name, and we don't want that.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CDATA Not Rendering HTML?

Jul 5, 2009

I have read through most of the numerous posts relating to this topic (and there are quite a few) but I am still unable to solve my problem. I have a simple AS2 script:


</example>Unfortunately (unless I am missing the concept of CDATA in xml) my text is rendered in flash as:see google <a href=">here</a>My ultimate goal is to generate text in flash that is generated from xml and that have a link to external urls. I do not have much experience with xml in flash, i have been looking online but can't seem to figure out what to do. Any ideas?

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