ActionScript 1/2 :: Object Not Working In CDATA In XML With Flash
Feb 19, 2010
In my xml file I use CDATA to insert html code. I have put <object >.. .some flash movie file. .. . </object>. But in front end , I did not get any video played. Why <object> html element does not support + what would be next solution to show my you tube vidoe file.
now, the problem ... I cant extract the [CDATA[57.14]],[CDATA[14.29]] & ![CDATA[28.57]] to use it ... I tried several things with firstChild,ChildNodes, but no luck ... any one has a simple solution to put all this in an Array so i can get the stuff out to use it ..
I'm trying to do a player roster for a sports team. I found on here as a template. However, I'm having a bit of an issue. I want to be able to format the xml using html in the xml file itself...for example I'd like to be able to insert pictures, make text bold, etc. using html tags in my dynamic text field. I enabled the "render as html" button thing. When I put
I'm trying to include some JavaScript (JSON 2, to be precise)in with some ActionScript 3 classes. I'm using the inline XML method (E4X) of declaring the data. It looks like this:
public static var JSON_2:XML = <data><![CDATA[ if (!this.JSON) { JSON = function () {[code]....
Actually, this is only about a quarter of what I need to include but this is where it breaks down. Right after the second slash in the last line, Flash reports: TypeError: Error #1091: XML parser failure: Unterminated CDATA section.
In fact, as you can see this is a perfectly valid CDATA section and isn't being terminated anywhere (there is no instance of "]]>" anywhere in the data). Unfortunately, Flash doesn't think so and seems to think that the backslash is an XML node directive. how to effectively deal with this? The JSON source code has *many* backslashes so not having to convert them would be *very* useful.
I remember doing it before, so I guess I'm missing something here. XMLNode's nodeType property only support ELEMENT_NODE and TEXT_NODE, and if I try to add the CDATA section to the XMLNode as a string it get escaped.
var node:XMLNode = new XMLNode(3, "<![CDATA[some text and <tags> here]]>");
What I get is a TEXT_NODE with the following value:
< ;![CDATA[some text and < ;tags> ; here]]> ;
trying to convert data into XML and than be readble by flash, why can't macromedia be 'normal' and have some connector that can directly connect to a SQL database
Anyway enough about my rant...
I have a WYSIWYG html editor on my website that generates flash readable HTML code and we use PHP to store the information that is generated as a .xml file to be readable by our flash file. The data is passed via XML but trying to get the HTML tags through without the XML parser thinking its XML and interfering, and I've managed to research find the CDATA tag to pass information in (i dont know much XML, just basics to get it to work) but it doesn;t work!!
When I try to HTML code that is wrapped in the CDATA than it just shows as "null" on my flash file, but if i remove the CDATA tag and put in simple text it seems to work ok! even if i put in
Code: <b>you better work, damn you!</b> this part is not bold, but doesnt show anyway than the part in bold shows as bold but anything after that has disappeared
how I can effeciently put HTML into flash and get flash to successfully render it as HTML?!? note I've already used a .txt file unsucessfully and it seems to have LOTS of issues with special characters
I am trying to load xml links in flash by using CDATA but what I get as a result when I publish the movie is the code itself(<a href=[URL]) instead of the link. I am pretty sure that I have done something wrong with the actionscript, nodeValue part. Here is the xml I am using:
I have a website - [URL] - and on this website I have a pngfix. I also have a flash object. In IE6, which I am required to support, every image after the flash object is not included in the document.images that the png fix uses to loop through the images, and so the png fix doesn't get applied. Any ideas how I can get the rest of the images to appear in this list? (I am looking to replace the brightside group logo and it really shows with the new image)
pngfix script: // JavaScript Document /* Correctly handle PNG transparency in Win IE 5.5 & 6. [URL]. Updated 18-Jan-2006. Use in <HEAD> with DEFER keyword wrapped in conditional comments: <!--[if lt IE 7]> [Code] .....
I'm having trouble setting up my object pool. I created a "BallPoll" custom class to handle the pooling logic. I first call fillPool() to add 20 Ball objects into my array. Then in my document class when I want to create a Ball, I check the pool array. It isn't working and I'm not sure why.
I am calling one flash with transparent bg in an HTML page.. Now the HTML links which are below the flash area are not working. So how can I make them work. I knw though I am calling flash with transparent bg but still the object�s area is same.. n all the links which are there on the HTML page that comes under that area stops working as they no longer remain selectable. To have a clear picture of what I am tryin to do have a look at the following url : [URL]
this is just a sample file you can consider..Have a look at the register now button..It will be in HTML how can I make it flash comes above it.
I'm using the bridge to load and talk between a as2.0 object in as3.0 . The library works smoothly. If I upload the html it works smoothly. But when I embed it as using fb:swf on facebook, the as2.0 object stops loading, any clues?
I have embedded a Font in my flex app. That works on any components without problems. @font-face { src:url("../assets/fonts/wedtxtn.ttf"); fontFamily: "CSSFont"; cff: true; }
However, when I try to apply the font to my TextFlow object, it is not working. However, it does work when I use the FTE and do it my self. I debugged through the TLF and the looks like the correct FontDescription is created.
Here is the code I use to create text (Full Source @ Pastbin) var element:SpriteVisualElement = new SpriteVisualElement; element.verticalCenter = 0; element.horizontalCenter = 0; // Create Text using TLF var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement(); [Code] .....
I have a div with a flash object in it. That div is going to pop up in a modal triggered when a user clicks a thumbnail of the flash presentation. The problem occurs when I try to use the scale effect to scale in or out, it errors out.
Here is the HTML: <div id="modal"> <object id="presentation" width="720" height="576" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="[URL]" align="middle"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> <param name="movie" value=" video.swf" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> [Code] ......
I have an application that was written with Flash Professional 8/AS2 and it parses XML for rendering dynamic media content. The XML pulls text with HTML markup out of CDATA sections and places them into an html enabled text field. Everything has worked wonderfully until Flash Player 10.
Now, if we use html escape characters for greater than or less than symbols, they are being decoded by the xml parser.
Here's my example CDATA section:
Here <u>we</u> go: This <node> <works>
when I grab its value using nodeValue or toString, the results are different from Flash Player 9 to 10. Here's what I'm getting:
In Flash 10, if I escape the ampersand, it will work, but this doesn't work in 9. for example, the following works in 10:
<![CDATA[Here <u>we</u> go: This <node> <works>]]>
This all happens before I assign it to a text field. How do I keep the parser from destroying my escaped characters in Flash 10? Do I just need to drop support for Flash Player 9 and go for what works in 10, or is there a solution for both?
I created an array in the var declarations with Code: var private eDrag:Array In a function that adds imported mcs to the stage, I also added code to push each to the array. Here is an example of a block of code loading the object with the part pushing the object to the array at the end:
I found the following XML - Flash quiz template on the net and I was wondering how can I adapt the XML doc to pass CDATA instead of "Value". The code is currently sending the "answers" values into Flash as value, instead of values I will like to type the answers inside of CDATA tags. I don't know how and what to change in the XML as well as in the AS file.
<EventDays> <EventDaysInfo year = "2012" month = "0"> <![CDATA[<Days day="0" name="sdfds" desc="fgfds" _img=""/>]]> <![CDATA[<Days day="0" name="sdf" desc="" _img=""/>]]> <![CDATA[<Days day="0" name="dsf" desc="dsfd" _img=""/>]]> ..... This is the structure of my XML, and I tried in some ways, but I can't able to get Character DATA as XML data. Is this any way to convert CDATA into XML in AS3?
So i stand corrected. the <a href is screwing up my XML data.If I plop a CDATA tag in the XML obviously it works fine. But is there any other options to keep that tag out of the XML file?If I can somehow include it in Flash (which logically doesn't make sense) that would be great. The XML is generated server side and I can't get them to mod it.
I am loading up xml(rss2) in AS3, then trying to get something out of the description tag from each item. The description usually looks like this[code]...
I need to have two links in an XML document. This XML document would be loaded into Flash.
The first link I would need is a mailto: link for e-mail. The second link would be a regular hyperlink. Now, first, how could I accomplish this? Render the text as html I was told, but how should write the links? Does Flash have to parse such data?
I encountered a problem on a website when i use xml CDATA and whitespace. It works fine in Firefox but once again IE gives me problem. My whitespace which works in Firefox is not the same in IE, it is all messed up instead of lined up.
in altering this code so that it will support CDATA in my XML file? I am in desperate need of assistance. I have no idea where to begin. I have also included a zip file with the fla and associated XML file.