ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Player 10 Removes HTML Encoding In CDATA When Parsing XML

Nov 24, 2010

I have an application that was written with Flash Professional 8/AS2 and it parses XML for rendering dynamic media content. The XML pulls text with HTML markup out of CDATA sections and places them into an html enabled text field. Everything has worked wonderfully until Flash Player 10.
Now, if we use html escape characters for greater than or less than symbols, they are being decoded by the xml parser.
Here's my example CDATA section:

Here <u>we</u> go: This <node> <works> 

when I grab its value using nodeValue or toString, the results are different from Flash Player 9 to 10. Here's what I'm getting:

In Flash 10, if I escape the ampersand, it will work, but this doesn't work in 9. for example, the following works in 10:
<![CDATA[Here <u>we</u> go: This &#60;node&#62; &lt;works&gt;]]>
This all happens before I assign it to a text field. How do I keep the parser from destroying my escaped characters in Flash 10? Do I just need to drop support for Flash Player 9 and go for what works in 10, or is there a solution for both?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CDATA To Pass HTML Via XML Into Flash

Dec 13, 2006

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Anyway enough about my rant...

I have a WYSIWYG html editor on my website that generates flash readable HTML code and we use PHP to store the information that is generated as a .xml file to be readable by our flash file. The data is passed via XML but trying to get the HTML tags through without the XML parser thinking its XML and interfering, and I've managed to research find the CDATA tag to pass information in (i dont know much XML, just basics to get it to work) but it doesn;t work!!

When I try to HTML code that is wrapped in the CDATA than it just shows as "null" on my flash file, but if i remove the CDATA tag and put in simple text it seems to work ok! even if i put in

<b>you better work, damn you!</b> this part is not bold, but doesnt show anyway
than the part in bold shows as bold but anything after that has disappeared

how I can effeciently put HTML into flash and get flash to successfully render it as HTML?!? note I've already used a .txt file unsucessfully and it seems to have LOTS of issues with special characters

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trying to work with "simple" XML for the first time. I'm building a small CMS for a Flash based site and the content is held in an XML file. My problem is that many of the copy fields are XML CDATA fields. on the one hand, with:

$xml = simplexml_load_file($file, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);

I can pull the data out of that node and the CDATA tags are stripped. My issues come with trying to save the data with:

file_put_contents($file, $xml->asXML());

Problems are: a) tags are interpreted with their HTML entity equivalents. I don't want this to happen.I gather this is coming from the asXML method because even if I do anhtml_entity _decode on the $_POST data it's still being converted.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML - Cant Extract The [CDATA[57.14]],[CDATA[14.29]] & ![CDATA[28.57]] To Use It?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>[code]....

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<ul><li> is fine, but if I do another level, second levels are on the first level.

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</example>Unfortunately (unless I am missing the concept of CDATA in xml) my text is rendered in flash as:see google <a href=">here</a>My ultimate goal is to generate text in flash that is generated from xml and that have a link to external urls. I do not have much experience with xml in flash, i have been looking online but can't seem to figure out what to do. Any ideas?

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mydata.ignoreWhite = true;


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I am trying to avoid having to unescape URL encoded XML nodes by using a CData node element. It is a hassle to URL encode the html to put into the XML which is then read into Flash.This is what I have so far:

//Create XML with HTML 1.0 tags
myXML = new XML('<![CDATA[<p>This is a paragraph<br><a href=''><b><u>Link to Amazon</u></b></a></p>]]>');
//Create dynamic html textfield


I know that Flash does not fully support CData, but I'm sure there has to be some workaround.I did try sending the XML toString() but that didn't change anything.

htmlXML=myXML.toString();//create var for conversion from xml to string

I want the textfield to render the HTML--not just display the tags.

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<?xml version="1.0" ?>


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


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You are <font color='#FFFFFF'>very pretty</font>.<br><br>

When I trace out the xml after it is loaded into flash, it comes out as this:

You are <font color='#FFFFFF'>very pretty</font>.<br><br>

I need it to come through with the tags in tact. How do I go about this?

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Below is my AS and below that is my XML

xml menu stripped down
function CreateMenu(menu_xml) {
var items = menu_xml.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)


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public static var JSON_2:XML = <data><![CDATA[
if (!this.JSON) {
JSON = function () {[code]....

Actually, this is only about a quarter of what I need to include but this is where it breaks down. Right after the second slash in the last line, Flash reports: TypeError: Error #1091: XML parser failure: Unterminated CDATA section.

In fact, as you can see this is a perfectly valid CDATA section and isn't being terminated anywhere (there is no instance of "]]>" anywhere in the data). Unfortunately, Flash doesn't think so and seems to think that the backslash is an XML node directive. how to effectively deal with this? The JSON source code has *many* backslashes so not having to convert them would be *very* useful.

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_root.selectedText = "About Us "
centreMe.textContent.htmlText = mx.xpath.XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(this.firstChild,


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Dec 21, 2010

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to use string function splice etc. to replace tags with the one which text fields can understand but is it too complex and processing over head is there that reduces the efficiency but i have max control to do changes what i needed. parsing the html to xml and then use this as the text input to text field what about the efficiency and control need to know about from this question. regular expressions .

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Parsing HTML Within Text Loaded Via An XML File?

Apr 25, 2006

I am loading in a bunch of text (and other data) from an XML file into Dynamic Text Fields on my stage via an XML.load call. Below is one example of one entry of my XML file:

PHP Code:
<stillDescriptions><text>Mack Trucks of North America came to us tothem create marketing m


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Fields 'suddenly' Not Parsing HTML

Feb 1, 2011

I have come across a bizarre Flash problem with dynamic text fields. I built a site in flash for a designer about a million years ago. The content in her portfolio's dynamic text fields loads from plain .txt files. The fields, which were set to parse simple html tags, used to do so perfectly. At least the last time I checked in April of 2006. The designer just contacted me last week: one of the fields is no longer parsing the html. ?! I opened the original .fla and it is definitely set to do so. Why would this suddenly stop working?[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Showing Text Field As HTML Field With XML/CDATA.?

Aug 26, 2007

Trying to get a text field in my Flash MX movie to pull from and XML file with CDATA tags to show as HTML. I've checked the box to render as HTML for the text data field... but I'm having problems with the Actionscripting.

The field from this line is what I need to recognize as HTML reading CDATA tags:

this.ref["textField"+i].text = subnodes[3].firstChild.toString()

I know I need to do more than just change it to ".html" instead of ".text" and have tried a couple things, but nothing seems to work.

//Create the XML Object
myXML = new XML ();


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Sep 29, 2010

I am attempting to create a custom FLV player in flash that will allow me to link to an external FLV file in the html object code. This is in order to easily change a video that will appear on a client's index page dynamically. Currently I am using an external player that does exactly what I wish to do (URL...). However the client I'm building the site for requires a custom built player. My abilities in Flash (CS3) are limited but I have scripted in ActionScript and worked in Flash many times before.[code]As I stated, this links to a free third-party player, which is great, but I'd really need to build to my own. I have built a basic player in flash already using the FLVPlayback control, but am unsure on the details of making it dynamic.

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Jul 14, 2009

I'm trying to create a flash player similar to the way Amazon's is set up, where the user can click an HTML link and the player would play that specific song.


I'm just not sure how I would go about using the onClick event in the anchor to return a value to the flash player.

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Php :: HTML : Flash Player Detection Technique?

Sep 27, 2010

when we place flash files in our websites, it OFF-COURSE requires flash player on client machines, and prompts to install flash there some php code using which i can check weather there is flash player on the client machine and if not then instead of placingembedding a flash file i place an images over there...cuz in my specific case flash is not that much important... it is just for cosmetics, an animation... which i can replace by a gif or a simple jpeg doesnot matter...

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