ActionScript 3.0 :: Z-Depth - Sort MCs On Stage That Belong To Different Instances Of Different Objects

Sep 14, 2010

I'm trying to sort MCs on stage that belong to different instances of different objects.


is there a simple way to use the Depth Management methods to control their sorting order? Right now, all I know how to do is place objectTypeB either in front of or behind all members of objectTypeA.

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for (var i:uint=0; i<container.numChildren; i++) {


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im develloping an application for  create a layout of advertising newspaper. the user can set the number of pages, and create rectangles represanting the adverts, then drag them and place them into the the representation of the page.the display list is as follow:  on the main stage there is inputs textfields and a button that create the pages according to the number that the user typed.Then instances of the pages are created (MC Page in the lybrary exported for AS as Page and i have a class Page as well). Inside this clip Page i have my tools for create the rectangles and drag and place.....As well as the instances of my pages are created, button(1 for each Page)  are also created. NOTE that Page and button are in the main stage My probleme is that i want my button to change the  depth of is related page for it can be on top or alpha at 100% or the visibilty to true, but my button doesnt find the instance name of the pages at the export because they are not yet created.

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Loading Objects And Dragging Objects To Create New Instances?

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carsArray.push({car:"volkswagen", year:1997, options:{price:15000, rating:"A"}});
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ActionScript:abc = new Array();
abc[0] = new Object();
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acceleration = 10[code].....

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Flex :: How To Know If Point Belong To Sprite

Mar 8, 2012

How can I know if a point is contained inside of an Sprite in Flex?

For example:
// My example point
var A:Point = new Point(5,5);
// My example sprite
var s:Sprite = new Sprite();,0x000000,1);,0);,100);

The point A belong to sprite s because its position is inside of it. Is there any function to know it? I want to do it for all kind of sprites, so use math formulas to calculate linear or quadratic equations (line, circle, rectangle, etc) is not valid for me.

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how I can place the sliding menu at the very top of the presentation when it's already on the stage?

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setChildIndex(e.currentTarget, 85)

on the mouse over function but its not working its giving me an error 1118: Implicit coercion of a value with static type Object to a possibly unrelated type flash.displayisplayObject.

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Mar 25, 2005

I need help with page "Thumbs" (as first frame), page "List" (as second frame) and Image gallery (as third and base). So, every frame have one own XML file...When you choose some thumb or list line, you must came to this image in the gallery. Easy, sure.. but i don't know what Function exactly i need to use.It's one flash move, hence it doesn't work with getURL or loadMovie...Some exemple with 3 separate pages here:

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Flash :: Element Stays On Stage After Manipulating The Index(depth)?

Mar 24, 2010

Here is the problem I have: after I change the index of one movieclip using this code

setChildIndex(DisplayObject(, numChildren - 1);
when I give the object its old index
setChildIndex(DisplayObject(, oldIndex);

and go to another frame of the movie, this element I have changed the index of stays on top of all elements on the new frame. My question is am I doing something wrong and if not, what can I do so that this element stays only in the frame it is placed.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Set The Game To Complete Once The User Has Placed All The Pieces Where They Belong?

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I created a drag and drop kind of game. Each item has the code below. How do I set the game to complete once the user has placed all the pieces where they belong?


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Flash :: IDE, Duplicated Objects Share Instances?

Jul 30, 2009

I'm using CS3+AS3 and I have a Flash project with a menu, the items in the menu can expand to reveal more items and this is currently done by having each state of the menu in a separate frame, and then doing "gotoAndStop" in this movieclip when buttons are pressed.Perhaps not the best solution, but works very well for this purpose, but as you can imagine, this means that the "same buttons" in "different frames" will do the same thing.All frames were constructed by duplicating the first frame, then moving the buttons around and adding more buttons where needed. So now I set instance names to the buttons in frame #1 and added event-listeners. But when I tested the project, the buttons that had event-listeners in frame #1 also had them in all the other frames. Now this could be an awesome feature, but right now it's more of a huge mystery to me.

ance names in frame #2, but yet they share the same instance. I searched all over the IDE but I could not find any functionality to actually determine what instances are linked, how to link instances or unlink instances. But I do know that two objects share instances when you duplicate them.So my question is, is there no functionality in the Flash IDE to actually make more efficient use of this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tell Several Objects/instances To Perform A Task?

Nov 2, 2006

Lets say you have 5 instances of a circle on the stage.Now, lets say you want to make all of the circles _x += 5;How can I do this without doing a repeat loop?Isnt there a single line command that could be used? Such as: {tell all circle objects} : _x += 5;

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ActionScript 3 :: RobotLegs Wiring Up Dependencies That Belong To Base Class

Mar 2, 2012

I'm using robot legs, I've got a bunch of ServiceResponses that extends a base class and have a dependency on a Parser, IParser. I need to wire in a parser specific to the subclass. Here's an example: ModuleConfigResponse extends SimpleServiceResponse and implements IServiceResponse.

The initial part is easy to wire in the context, here's an example:
injector.mapClass(IServiceResponse, ModuleConfigResponse);
injector.mapClass(IServiceResponse, SimpleServiceResponse, "roomconfig");

Each Response uses a parser that is used by the baseclass:
injector.mapValue(IParser, ModuleConfigParser, "moduleconfig");
injector.mapValue(IParser, RoomConfigParser, "roomconfig");

The question is how to tie these together. The base class could have:
public var parser : IParser

But I can't define the type ahead of time. Im wondering if there a nice way of wiring this in the context. For the moment I've decided to wire this up by instanciating responses in a ResponseFactory instead so that I pay pass the parser manually in the constructor.
injector.mapValue(IParser, ModuleConfigParser, "moduleconfig");

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Flex :: Storing Instances Of Classes In Shared Objects

May 26, 2010

Is it possible to store instances of a class in a cookie or in shared objects.

Basically in my application I have an object "Diagram" that the user can create. If they hit save, I want to store the current instance as a cookie and allows them to reload it later.

Alternatively, I could see about getting them to store the saved version on the hard disk. But even then, all I want to save and retreive is my actionscript object.

I've tried storing the object to, but when I try to retrieve the object from the cookie doing as Diag returns null.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sort An Array By Two Or More Sort Thingy's

Nov 27, 2010

I have an array that is structured like so.


Normally, I'd just like to sort the array alphabetically using the name field, which is easy enough using the following code. However, I'd like to create a radio button called 'loadedRadioButton' and when it's click on, I'd like to sort the array on the loaded value first(any items with loaded=true should be at the top, sorted alphabetically), then afterwards, any other items with loaded=false, sorted alphabetically should follow afterwards, how can I do it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sort Function - Sort The Video By Last Name

Mar 5, 2010

Here is a website that needs a sort function to sort the video by Last name. [URL] I would like to have a link that popped up videos sorted by last name. Please take a look at the following site for an example. [URL] When you click on seconds in the menu below, it opens a pop-up window that sort the videos in a certain way. If you are willing to,I will give you the source file of what it currently has on [URL]

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