ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing A Movieclip When It Play A Certain Framelabel

Mar 23, 2010

I'm trying to access a movieclip so I can see when it play a certain framelabel. The code: if (this.solMC_.currentLabel=="nextScene"){ trace("HELLO"); this.imgIntroCont_.gotoAndPlay("start");} Nothing happens when my movie play (it should at least trace "HELLO"). I've read the parts in Flash CS3 Professional Advanced about currentLabel and currentFrame but it still doesn't solve my problem. I've also checked and made sure that the instance-names for the movieclips are right.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button To Play Fade Out Of Page Then Root To Framelabel?

Jul 14, 2009

I am creating a flash site, and inside my frame label for lets say "pageA" the movie clip begins In pageA, fades up shows the content and stops(); alowing for the page content to be read.

After reading, the viewer clicks on the button inside the nav bar, to take them to say "pageB" i now want "Page A" to fade out and then root to "pageB

my thinking is that i insert a stop on the time line of the movieclip, then when the button is pressed it plays, lets say, the remaining 10 frames in the clip (the fade out), and then roots to pageB.

i just need a simple actionscript to do that, if there is an easier way, any one who could point that out and end my misery is a god/godess respectfully!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FrameLabel Controlling MovieClip In A Variable?

Oct 28, 2009

I have four buttons currently set up to do all sorts of stuff in a flash file. What I'd like to do is have them all point to the currently displayed movie clip on my main timeline.

At the moment they're set up to test the addChild and removeChild functionality I've written and it seems ok. I would like to trigger removeChild and addChild by the last frame in a movie clip and have my buttons send a play command to my movie clip. That way the clip plays to the end before removing itself and adding a new movie clip.

The movie clip that I would like to trigger the addChild and removeChild functions is actually one of four movie clips so I need to declare play(); and send it to the current movie clip regardless of which one is on the stage. I was thinking about declaring a variable to contain my movie clip so that I can just say play(awesomeMovieClipVariable); and awesomeMovieClipVariable will be equal to the currently loaded movie Clip. I can't figure out how to declare a variable and send my movieClip in to the variable.

if(sceneTracer = 2);
variableName = mc_copy1
if(sceneTracer = 3);
variableName = mc_copy2


I have added frame labels to the final frame of each instance of mc_copy1 mc_copy2 and mc_copy3 to allow a conditional statement something like... if (current frame of that movie clip = frame label) but I don't know how to set that up...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing A Movieclip And Jumping To A Framelabel In The Parent Swf

Mar 30, 2011

This is the predicament Im in. I have 3 files:


In the launch.exe, I have a loadmovie command which loads the external file video.swf. When the video is loaded, I want the viewer to be able to hit the SPACEBAR at any time which will result in pausing the video (pause.swf appears on screen) and after 3 seconds unloads the video.swf file and jumps to a frame label on the Launch.exe timeline. The code below is what I have at the moment but it doesn't work.


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Cannot Convert FrameLabel

Oct 28, 2010

I'm getting a 1034 error can't convert frameLabel. There are 6 frames in each clip.[code]

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Check FrameLabel Are The Same?

Dec 7, 2010

Is there a way of check if seperate movieclips have the same frame labels within them so that you can do a comparison?

& if not gotoAndStop(1)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Cannot Convert FrameLabel

Oct 28, 2010

I'm getting a 1034 error can't convert frameLabel


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Find Framelabel Start In Scene 6?

Sep 18, 2011

When i am running my program, this pops up in the output: "Cannot find framelabel Start in Scene 6" This is my code:The speed of the scroll movement.

var scrollSpeed:uint = 1;
This adds two instances of the movie clip onto the stage.

var s1:ScrollBg = new ScrollBg();
var s2:ScrollBg = new ScrollBg();

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TypeError: Error #1010, While Accessing A Movieclip From Another Movieclip?

Feb 1, 2012

I have got two movieclips on the main timeline. First one is envelope_mc and second is bg_main. In envelope_mc timeline there is a button on 25th frame which plays ahead when clicked. Here's the code for first movieclip:

on_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playAhead); function playAhead(event:MouseEvent):void { play(); }I have also got some animation on bg_main which


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ActionScript 3.0 :: TypeError: Error #1010 While Accessing A Movieclip From Another Movieclip?

Feb 1, 2012

I have got two movieclips on the main timeline. First one is envelope_mc and second is bg_main. In envelope_mc timeline there is a button on 25th frame which plays ahead when clicked. Here's the code for first movieclip:

on_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playAhead);
function playAhead(event:MouseEvent):void

I have also got some animation on bg_main which I wan't to trigger on 30th frame (inside bg_main timeline) when button is clicked in envelope_mc timeline. Here's the code for second movieclip:

MovieClip(root).on_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playAhead);
function playAhead(event:MouseEvent):void

Complete error:
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at Flashphotographygallerywebsite7_fla::bg_1/frame25()

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Accessing A Variable That Is In A Function Outside Of The Movieclip

Dec 8, 2010

I am trying to access the variable myParentVariable within the function myParentFunction() from the MovieClip's myMovieClip_mc function myMovieClipFunction().
I know that It works if I declare the variable myParentVariable outside of the myParentFunction() but I don't really want to do that

main timeline
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
function myParentFunction():void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Parent MovieClip From Child MovieClip?

May 17, 2011

I'm trying to access a parent movieClip from the child movieClip

Here's what I want to do,

I've got a movieClip named wrong_mc, which plays for a couple of frames and on the last frame, its got a close button "close_btn" inside of it, now I wanna write the code such that when close_btn is played the movieClip "wrong_mc" should go and stop at frame1, I'm just not able to access this movieClip from the button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Instance Name In Play Button?

Jul 31, 2011

I created a button on the stage and made it a movie clip and called it's instance name "play_btn" then i made a document class "" and a second class "play". How is to access the instance name in the play file like this...

public class login_page extends MovieClip {
public function login_page() {
play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onPlayDown);
} public function onPlayDown(evt:MouseEvent):void {

And then I want to call the function in the but the general problem is that I want to access the instance name "play_btn" in the "" file. I tried to link it to the class but i get this error: 1120: Access of undefined property play_btn.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Mc Timeline - Play The Next Frame

Jun 8, 2010

i have a mc in wich timeline i put (manually) a mc called joe_mc. The first one (the container) holds all the code: A timer function slows down joe_mc and when it reaches its last frame its suppossed to play the next frame on the container mc timeline. Here�s the code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing A Named Movieclip In A Movieclip?

Dec 13, 2009

I have created a new instance of a movieclip and named it in as3.
I want to put this in another movieclip. How does this effect the reference because everything seems fine while the dynamic movieclip is just dealing with the stage. As soon as I put it in a movieclip, I get:
Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.  at com::Gallery/instancesOut()
Heres part of my code:

for(var i:int = 0; i < 20; i++){ var transition:mcTransition = new mcTransition();
addChild(transition); = "transition_mc" + i;  transition.x = i * 100;

I can reference using the string name but if I put the addchild in a movieclip it errors

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Accessing A MovieClip Inside A Movieclip?

Feb 24, 2011

I am trying to get to a

movieclip nested inside a movieclip in As2:


MovieClip1, MovieClip2, MovieClip3 is instances Names.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing A MovieClip Inside A MovieClip?

Apr 27, 2011

I made a script that creates a MovieClip (two stationary Ovals, side by side) from the library and transports them from the left side of the stage to the right.The idea would be to make the RIGHT Oval decrease in size as the MovieClip is traveling while keeping the LEFT Oval the same size. (All of them being part of an Array)I thought to convert the right Oval to a MovieClip within the parent MovieClip, but I have not been able to access the ".width" and ".height" of the nested MovieClip.Not sure whether I'm on the right track or not.

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Oct 26, 2011

I am creating a game in Flash CS 5.5 and would like to include support for the Sony Xperia Play - which has a built in dPad style controller and fire/start/etc. to access those capabilities in AIR for Android? I haven't been able to find any documentation at all on the subject.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing A Movieclip From Another Movieclip?

Oct 28, 2009

I'm trying to build a website but i'm experiencing some troublesI now have 1 movieclip "menu" on my stage wich contains my navigation bar (home, contact, gallery,...) and on the same stage i have a movieclip "middle" wich contains 3 frames 1 for home, contact etc... What i wan't to do now is write my code in the "menu" movieclip and access the 3 frames in my "middle" movieclip, so what i wrote in "menu" was this:

home_mc.buttonMode = true;contact_mc.buttonMode = true;gallery_mc.buttonMode = true;menu_mc.buttonMode = true;
home_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, homeClick);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Movieclip In Another Movieclip?

Mar 2, 2011

I have a helicopter that i have drawn in the flash ide as a movieclip inside my library and a turret as a seperate movieclip that has been dragged from the library onto my helicopter movieclip.Is there anyway to programattically access that turret movieclip for a seperate instance of the helicopter?


var helicopter1 = new Helicopter();
var helicopter2 = new Helicopter();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing This MovieClip

Mar 13, 2009

DocumentClass is a class that is also my document class for my fla (hence the name) and I have a movieclip on the stage with the instance name "player" which means that the player "belongs" to DocumentClass.

Without extending DocumentClass to CollisonDetection, how would I be able to access player from the CollisonDeteciton class?

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Accessing Child Of Another MovieClip

Aug 29, 2011

The issue I am having is that I have no idea how to access the Children of another MovieClip. I have 2 MovieClip's, storeFront, at frame 25, and reviewPage, at frame 60. storeFront contains a vector, cart, and I need to access it from reviewPage.

I have tried...

var appRoot:MovieClip = parent as MovieClip;
buff = appRoot.getChildAt(30);
review = buff.cart;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Movieclip From Swf?

Aug 28, 2009

trying to export a very large image from flash for days now and my latest approach has lead me to AS3. (I usually use AS2). AS2 was causing endless problems with the PHP server timing out (the raw pixel data was over 8MB) but I have the save function working thanks to this great class. The problem is, this function only works on local movieclips.

I have imported my whole AS2 project swf into an AS3 swf at runtime and now I need to find a way to send one of the AS2 movie clips as a parameter to Mark Knol's "save to jpeg" function from the class above. I've tried gSkinner's SWFbridge class but the flash LocalConnection method only seems to allow calls to a remote function, rather than call a local function on a remote movieclip.

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IDE :: Accessing MovieClip On Stage From Another One

Mar 6, 2009

I have a button, inside an mc1 which when clicked it plays
[, 2, {frame:1});]
inside mc2 -which located back on the stage.
Currently I get the error of "access of undefined property)".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Buttons In A Movieclip?

Aug 24, 2010

My problem is that I created my buttons on the stage and then grouped them together as a movieclip called navSat.Then I set the Linkage for navSat to NavSat.I am doing all my coding through AS3 outside of this. This is my code:

Importing the NavSat MovieClip


function loadNavSat():void {
var newNavSat:MovieClip = new NavSat();


When I run the swf now, my navigation system comes in and all the buttons are working (up, down, over, off states are working) It still links to nothing yet. The problem is when I try to add functionality to those buttons. I have tried about 5 days worth of variations around this type of code but cannot 'communicate' with the buttons within the movieclip. This is my code for the 1st button - contactBtn (linkage: ContactBtn):


contactBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, contactDown);
function contactDown(event:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing MovieClip On Stage?

Feb 20, 2011

I have created a movieclip (game_container_mc) in the file and I want to add a child (enemy) to it from a different file ( how would I do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Second Frame In Movieclip?

Dec 18, 2008

I have a movieclip placed on the stage called splashScreen. Inside this movieclip i have a button called easy_btn on the second frame but every time i try and access this button from the main timeline using actionscript i get the message TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

I'm not sure why because i think i have referenced it properly. Here's my code -

function chooseEasy(evt:MouseEvent):void{


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Flash :: Accessing A MovieClip On Script?

Aug 20, 2011

I'm used to working with AS3, but due to recent events I need to work with AS2, and I'm having trouble with a simple task: How do I access a MovieClip in AS? I drew something, converted it to a symbol (of type MovieClip) and ticked "Export for ActionScript". I gave it the name "MyMC". now, when I'm in some other MovieClips action, how do I access the MovieClip I drew on stage before?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Child Accessing?

Apr 25, 2010

I want to add a child to a movieclip on the stage and then modify its opacity, but I got a problem, when I try this:

ActionScript Code:
var a = new LibraryItem();
mconstage.a.alpha = 0.5;

I get an error saying that mconstage.a is undefined... and in fact if I trace it I get "undefined".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Accessing A Nested Movieclip?

Sep 1, 2010

This is probably a very simple solution, but I can't seem to find it online. Basically, I have a button that need to change a movieclip's frame in it's parent.So I tried:

ActionScript Code:

But it's not working! I know I'm getting to the right locaiton because _parent holds a variable, and I can access that just fine. But I for some reason can't access the movieclip at all.

Note: I can't upgrade to AS3 (What I'm used to) as this isn't my file.

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