ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Scroll To A Dynamic Movie Clip
Oct 21, 2009
I tried this route considering it seems ridiculously complicated to add a scroll bar to a dynamically generated movie clip. I mean, I just want to scroll text/links coming from an XML file... I could be missing something very easy - definitely, but I shouldn't have to repeatedly bang my head on a brick wall.what's the easiest way to add scroll to a dynamic movie clip.
scroll pane loads scroll bars for the movie clip as soon as it loads the movie clip, so there is no scroll bars the movies height and width are one, but after its loaded it changes its size to bigger than the scroll pane, but the scroll bars dont show up because of the size of the movie clip when it was first loaded, can anyone help?
how to scroll an external movieclip? I have a movie clip containing text and pictures in a swf file, and in my main file i have loaded the clip using loadMovie. Theres loads of information on how to scroll text boxes, but i cant find anything on scrolling external movies..
How to scroll an external movieclip? I have a movie clip containing text and pictures in a swf file, and in my main file i have loaded the clip using loadMovie. Theres loads of information on how to scroll text boxes, but i cant find anything on scrolling external movies..
I am wanting to make a scroller similar to the Flash Components 360PanVeiwer[url]...but I have no idea about how I can go about doing it. Could someone please explain how i might acheive this in AS3 alo I don't necessarily need it to be 360 I just want to be able to scroll through a movie clip that is much bigger than my stage and click on the buttons in side the clip. I hope that makes sence.
Apparently I can't make a post on the forums if I've pasted in text. If I write it in by hand, it works fine, but if I paste in text, it doesn't recognize that there's actually anything inside the body of this posting window.
I would like to simply scroll through a flash movieclip using my mouse wheel. Here is the work i've done thus far (http:url].....).Each image is a separate frame in a movie clip.I had this working in Flash AS2 but then all of a sudden the web-page started scrolling around as well when scrolling with the mouse wheel.I see there is a solution here: http:[url].....
I have a large movie clip and four buttons. Each button is supposed to move the movie clip to a specific _x and _y location. What I'd like to do is have the MC scroll smoothly, rather than jump to the new location.
Here's my file so far. Note that I have some onClipEvent code on the MC itself, and the button code is on the actions layer.
It scrolls, but it seems to be ignoring the _x and _y values for some of the buttons.
I currently have two movie clips (test & test2) that upon button release (button & button2) I am loading into a scrollpane (scrollPane). (For testing purposes I load each clip several times, but in the final product I will have up to 10 different movie clips & buttons the user can load into the scrollPane.) On each of the movie clips I have a delete button (btnDelete). I also have an additional delete button on the main page called btnRemove. When the two movies are loaded into the scroll pane I can click the btnRemove button and the last clip I loaded will be deleted, then if I click it again the one above it will be deleted, etc. - so it works that way. However, I would like the user to be able to click on the delete button (btnDelete) that goes with the specific movie clip they would like to delete-not just the last one that was loaded. I have this action on the btnDelete within the test movieclip:
I have a series of images (movie clips) inside a container movie clip.I need to somehow scroll those images within the clip left and right with buttons rather than a scroll bar.
I would like to scroll a movie clip (my main page itself actually). If I put my mouse to the left it scrolls right, to the right it scrolls left, up it scrolls down, down it scrolls up... seen it on so many pages, still can't find any code for it.
I have a Competition page on my flash project. Within the page is a ScrollPane, the ScrollPane has a MovieClip which is the stuff inside the ScrollPane. Then within my MovieClip I have a FLV video embedded using the FLVPlayback Component. I want to be able to select that FLV to make it stop when I use the navigation bar to go to another page otherwise it keeps playing in the background. its obvious I need to use stop(); but I don't know how to select the child MovieClip.
I've made a flash movie which will load four movie clips at runtime. Actually, the number of movie clips will depend upon number of "NODE" in XML file. Keeping XML file thing aside, I've tried hardcoded values; 4. Let me describe you the structure very well:
There is a main empty movie clip, instance name "mc_scroll" which will be only item on stage. In this movie clip, another movie clip whose identifier name is "blueMovie" will be loaded dynamically. Inside this "blueMovie" MC, there is a button instance name is "blueButton" and inside this button there is a "Dynamic Text" field instance name is "btn_text".
Phewww.. so long chain... inshort: mc_scroll->blueMovie->blueButton->btn_text
Now, I can load 4 or any number of "blueMovie" inside "mc_scroll". But I also want to set the button text for each button inside each MC!! I'm sure you guys are getting what I want to do. But its not working. Below is the code:
Code: //INSIDE THE MAIN TIME LINE for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
how to assign the text dynamically which is inside a button and this button inside a MC which is created dynamically inside a main MC!
ok I only got my flash movie working half way. I have 2 picture containers but only one is working. I changed the name on the second one to match the flash instance names but still won't work.
I have a series of thumbnails that should scroll from left to right & right to left when you roll over the movie clip buttons on either side. IT was working in another flash movie, but I moved it to a different flash file and now it's not working. The hit buttons within the movie clip buttons have this action script:
I am dinamicly creating movie clip(see code below). I give each movie clip a name that has a diffrent nubmer at the end(myMovieClip1,myMovieClip2,..). In the createEmptyMovieClip this works fine, but when I want to do something with the new created mc (_root.designer.nameMC.lineStyle(0.5, 0xFF0394, 100); ) I can't use the string variable to acccess it. How can I access this movieclip with the name given in the createEmptyMovieClip method?I shuold probably (somehow) set movie clips instance name, right?
i have a dynamic text which loads data from external file what i want is that based on what i click in the dynamic text the corresponding image should be displayed from the folder in the movie clip loader. e.g say dynamic text file has ball,bat,bird,sun these should be listed in the dynamic text area and when say i click ball, the movie clip loader should display the the image of ball from the folder.
I have a requirement wherein I have to draw some of the elctronic components like resistors, capacitors and inductors. I have tried using the image and converted it to the Movieclip, but it has some limitations with respect to our requirement and also doesnt look natural. Is it possible to draw the components using basic shapes and then try converting it to movie clip. I want to assign some events to the ends of the components(small end wires for connecting the components) say like highlighting the wire end by drawing a circle on mouse focus on these points. This requirement is not possible with the image being converted to movieclip.
I have a move clip (video_mc) which contains the instance of flv_playBack with instance name test_video.i would like create a instance of the movieclip (video_mc) which presents in library as myVideo_mc dynamically.[code]
The image is the little speaker, which has been converted to a Button symbol. When you click the button to mute, the sound mutes and a red "X" appears over the speaker icon. The red "X" was created as a Movie Clip so that it appears and disappears as you mute and unmute....after you click the button and mute, the red "X" does appear, however 1.) When the master movie recycles so does that X (it disappears). The muting stays off, though. Of course, then, if I want to unmute, I have to reclick the speaker icon to make the "X" reappear and then quickly click it again to turn the muting off (and I have to catch it before it recycles and disappears again).it is anyway. I'm using AS2:
var sound = 1;var offMC = _root.attachMovie("off","off01",99);off01._visible = false;off01._x = btn._x;off01._y = btn._y;var s:Sound = new Sound();s.attachSound("WildWestSaloon2");s.start;btn.onPress = function(){ if(sound==1){
I am trying to make a scrollbar that scrolls a dynamic movie clip horizontally and resizes to match the width of that movie clip.I'm having trouble making the scrollbar resize to the correct size and having it scroll at the correct speed so that it can scroll the whole movie clip.
I'm loading jpg's externally into a dynamically created movie clip that then get clicked on to show a larger image. I'd like to be able to click on that MC/larger image to close it once it's loaded. Here's the code I'm using to create the MC and for the life of me can't figure out how to do it after extensive searching on the subject. Basically I'm wanting to go back to the "pre-click" state of the movie when it first loads before any clicking happens.
Code: _root.createEmptyMovieClip("large_mc", 1); with (_root.large_mc){ _x=225; _y=92;
need to have a movie text containing a dynamically loaded single line text box to move back and forth like a ticker tape. The text box will change content depending which button is pressed, so the length will always change. The effect is something like in the winamp display screen where the text scrolls back and forth depending on the length of the file name.I can get everything to scroll one way or another but I can't seem to get it to switch directions when it reaches a certain _X position. I've used if statements to set a variable when the _x position reaches a certain point, nested loops, everything I can think of.These are two versions of the loops I've used to move the clip. I've tried this in a clipEvent and as a function.