ActionScript 3.0 :: Scroll Movie Clip Left And Right?

Oct 15, 2009

I am wanting to make a scroller similar to the Flash Components 360PanVeiwer[url]...but I have no idea about how I can go about doing it. Could someone please explain how i might acheive this in AS3 alo I don't necessarily need it to be 360 I just want to be able to scroll through a movie clip that is much bigger than my stage and click on the buttons in side the clip. I hope that makes sence.

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var speed:Number = 10;
object_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {


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on (press) {


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on (rollOver) {

What happens is the following: on mouse over the mc goes left, on mouse out the mc goes back to its original place.It works exactly as it is supposed to. Exactly until you try again... if you move the mouse away from the mc (onRollOut), before the animation reaches the end, it goes bezerk.what happens and also how the animation can be done using only AS (with some for loop or function or something and chaning _x property)?

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Sep 13, 2006

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this.btn1.onRollover = Function(){
this.scrolller._x +=3;

and its the oppisite for the other button

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IDE :: Slideshow Auto-scroll Left And Right?

Nov 3, 2009

I am currently working on a slideshow that loads it's images from xml. I want the slideshow to scroll automatic left and right. Now the problem is that i can't figure out how to tell flash that if the last image is in frame how to scroll backward till it reaches the first image.It can scroll automatic forward until it reaches the last image.I can tell flash when the last image has reached te stop sliding.

Here the Code:
ActionScript Code:


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