I am currently working on a slideshow that loads it's images from xml. I want the slideshow to scroll automatic left and right. Now the problem is that i can't figure out how to tell flash that if the last image is in frame how to scroll backward till it reaches the first image.It can scroll automatic forward until it reaches the last image.I can tell flash when the last image has reached te stop sliding.
I have a series of thumbnails that should scroll from left to right & right to left when you roll over the movie clip buttons on either side. IT was working in another flash movie, but I moved it to a different flash file and now it's not working. The hit buttons within the movie clip buttons have this action script:
I know something about this was posted on the forums but I don't find the specific post.I need to have the scroll panel to auto-scroll until you roll over and I need to have this panel to scroll continuously to right or left.[code]
I am trying to create a slideshow that goes through the large images on it own using a timed interval and also have thumbnails of the large images that you can click on to take you directly to that image.I have create a slideshow with thumbnails that you can click on to view the large image but I want the large images to move automaticly when you start and then use the thumbnails to move between pictures
slideshow rotate with actionscript. Currently the code I have keeps it static until a button click. On pushing a button, 1 through 6, it will go to the corresponding photo in the slide. I want it to rotate thru all photos 1-6 until the user pushes any button, then the sliding will stop.This is the code I'm using:
I just completed a great tutorial on doing an xml slideshow at URL...Would love to add a timer function by adding a button called auto slide show which lets the user select it and have the slideshow automatically fade in and out all the images in the xml file. I think this could be achived using the get timer function but not quite sure how to integrate it.
I want to make the kirupa slideshow that loads in movieclips instead of images. This is a huge multimedia project and the movieclips will each have a lot of text and graphics in them. I want it to autoplay AND have manual controls like "back" and "next".
I'm not too familiar with autoplay, except in a timeline. How can I make this work if everything is in a movieclip on the first frame? Do I need to use the timeline or scenes or can it be done with out them?
to clarify... I have 20 buttons at the top. Clicking each one of them will open a different movieclip into an empty mc in the middle of the stage. I have back, next and autoplay buttons at the bottom. I want the user to be able to manually control the movies AND to autoplay.
I'm using the Kirupa tutorial of the xml auto slideshow. I need it to stop after it runs through all the images one time.How should I modify the code below in order to do that
delay = 3000; //----------------------- function loadXML(loaded) {
I have a graphic that I want to scroll from right to left across the screen. I want the graphic to loop, not when finished, but when the right edge of the graphic hits the right edge of the screen.
in AS 1.0, how do you continuously scroll an MC across the screen from right to left and then when it reached its destination, "box" will go to its original location from the right and then move the "box" again to the left? It's like mimicking a scrolling marquee.
I'm using the auto slideshow with xml that you guys demo on your site (which I love BTW) -I need it to stop at the end of the last slide and the demo is set up for it to loop -It looks I need to alter the parse command but I don't know how to do that - Is there an explanation on the site of how to alter the AS so the slide show will end after it runs once through all the images?
I have five buttons in my site which means five pages. I want to put auto scroll down effect in one of the page. So that, when one of the button is clicked on, it automatically scroll down to a place in the page, without the user scrolling down by himself. I'm using flash and actionscript 2.0
I am working on a simple scroller rite now. What it is suposd to do is scroll a row of buttons to the left when you go over the left button and to the rite when you go over the rite button. i am pretty sure i have the wright syntax but i alwasy get an error.
how can I modify the embedded photo gallery slideshow from Google's Picasa to auto repeat the pictures, i.e. play them over and over again? This is the code Picasa gives me for embedding in a website:
Related to this, are there free tools that take as input a Picasa username or a set of photos and automatically create a thumbnailed gallery, which is embeddable using Flash in any website?
I need to create an interactive slideshow where the each image automatically slides to the left every 10 seconds. There should also be the option of clicking a button to move both back and forth as well.
I have a client that is looking for a autoscrolling loop of thumbnail images as seen at this site [URL]. I have the CS3 Flash, Photoshop Dreamweaver etc and am a very persistent (read stupid) self taught entry level website builder.
I am trying to get a menu that has videos that I will scroll through at a certain speed.Right now I have 30FPS which I have tried to lower which doesn't' control the speed of the auto scroll? Below is the code.
I have a dynamic text box called logtxt. I add text to this whenever i click on my box object.(this works fine) I have a UIScrollBar attached to the text box(still works). But I need it to automatically scroll to the bottom whenever I add text.
I'm trying to create a vertical auto scroll. The idea is to move up or down the image gallery when the user passes the mouse over a mask movie clip. Problem is I'm not sure how to determine the right coordenates form this movie clip. Let me explain, I can imaginary divide this movie clip in half. Top half let me move the gallery to the bottom and bottom half let me move the gallery to the top. It will be great if some easing could be added in the process.
I want to get my text to auto scroll vertically it is for a news section for one of my customers... I am loading the text from an external txt file. I have got everything to work but can figure out how to make it auto scroll itself.
I tried to make auto scroll for contents. It works but someting is wrong [AS] function core() { buttons_height = 566.3; //this is the height of the contents (buttons) mask_height = 319; //this is the height of the mask (mask) the_speed = 6; if (mask.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { mousepos = _ymouse; [Code] .....
how to make the output window auto scroll? i.e. If I have an enter frame event that increments a number and I trace that number, when the traces fill the output window, I cannot see the current traces. I have to go grab the scroll bar and drag it down and since it is constantly changing it is tough to keep up.
I am wanting to make a scroller similar to the Flash Components 360PanVeiwer[url]...but I have no idea about how I can go about doing it. Could someone please explain how i might acheive this in AS3 alo I don't necessarily need it to be 360 I just want to be able to scroll through a movie clip that is much bigger than my stage and click on the buttons in side the clip. I hope that makes sence.
Why is it that the scroller is on the right side when I use the component ScrollPane ? I want it on the left side -Much more logocal when the text is in english. How can I customize it? I cant use the UIScrollBar - makes problems when I load it from txt file and then load the SWF to anouther file so I decided to use the scrollPane.
Is there any tutorial showing how to do a slide show where the images are loaded dynamically through XML and when I move the mouse to left or right, the images moves aside left or right depending where the mouse cursor is please. I have around 100 small images to show. No need any fancy effects, it's simple the image sliding according the mouse position (left / right).