ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Gallery With Auto Slideshow
Jan 5, 2008
I just completed a great tutorial on doing an xml slideshow at URL...Would love to add a timer function by adding a button called auto slide show which lets the user select it and have the slideshow automatically fade in and out all the images in the xml file. I think this could be achived using the get timer function but not quite sure how to integrate it.
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May 10, 2010
how can I modify the embedded photo gallery slideshow from Google's Picasa to auto repeat the pictures, i.e. play them over and over again? This is the code Picasa gives me for embedding in a website:
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" width="400" height="267" flashvars="
Related to this, are there free tools that take as input a Picasa username or a set of photos and automatically create a thumbnailed gallery, which is embeddable using Flash in any website?
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Feb 12, 2010
I am trying to create a slideshow that goes through the large images on it own using a timed interval and also have thumbnails of the large images that you can click on to take you directly to that image.I have create a slideshow with thumbnails that you can click on to view the large image but I want the large images to move automaticly when you start and then use the thumbnails to move between pictures
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Aug 3, 2005
slideshow rotate with actionscript. Currently the code I have keeps it static until a button click. On pushing a button, 1 through 6, it will go to the corresponding photo in the slide. I want it to rotate thru all photos 1-6 until the user pushes any button, then the sliding will stop.This is the code I'm using:
speed =5;
photo_width = 380;
slider_width = 14
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Nov 3, 2009
I am currently working on a slideshow that loads it's images from xml. I want the slideshow to scroll automatic left and right. Now the problem is that i can't figure out how to tell flash that if the last image is in frame how to scroll backward till it reaches the first image.It can scroll automatic forward until it reaches the last image.I can tell flash when the last image has reached te stop sliding.
Here the Code:
ActionScript Code:
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May 31, 2007
I want to make the kirupa slideshow that loads in movieclips instead of images. This is a huge multimedia project and the movieclips will each have a lot of text and graphics in them. I want it to autoplay AND have manual controls like "back" and "next".
I'm not too familiar with autoplay, except in a timeline. How can I make this work if everything is in a movieclip on the first frame? Do I need to use the timeline or scenes or can it be done with out them?
to clarify... I have 20 buttons at the top. Clicking each one of them will open a different movieclip into an empty mc in the middle of the stage. I have back, next and autoplay buttons at the bottom. I want the user to be able to manually control the movies AND to autoplay.
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Aug 1, 2007
I'm using the Kirupa tutorial of the xml auto slideshow. I need it to stop after it runs through all the images one time.How should I modify the code below in order to do that
delay = 3000;
function loadXML(loaded) {
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May 21, 2008
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Jul 26, 2007
I'm using the auto slideshow with xml that you guys demo on your site (which I love BTW) -I need it to stop at the end of the last slide and the demo is set up for it to loop -It looks I need to alter the parse command but I don't know how to do that - Is there an explanation on the site of how to alter the AS so the slide show will end after it runs once through all the images?
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Feb 20, 2010
I want to create a photo gallery where the photos don't have to be the same size. I need the photo border or container to smoothly resize to accomadate each new image.
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Jun 28, 2004
I am trying to make a photo gallery that is dynamic instead of throwing the pictures in a movie and tweening effect inbetween them. I know, why take the easy route.
What basically I want to happen is that when the movie loads the first image is displayed for 4 seconds then fades out as the next image is fading in. I have 11 pictures that are in a folder called "weddings". The pictures are all named "weddings0.jpg", "weddings1.jpg", "weddings2.jpg",...... "weddings10.jpg". Here is the code for this part, I have tested and it works:
totalImages = 11;
var aWedding = new Array;
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Oct 20, 2004
How do I make a random XML auto gallery. The actionscript is for my auto gallery, which loads and changes every 15 seconds. How do I make it so that it loads from the XML file randomly?[code]...
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Apr 30, 2010
I've tested the published swf files in IExplorer (8.0.6001), Safari (4.0.5) and Firefox (3.6.3). All work.
I've tested the published index.html in IExplorer, Safari and Firefox. All work.
I upoaded to the server. Now there are problems. The gallery (a flash gallery I built using UILoader) doesn't load the first picture in Firefox (3.6.3), but loads fine in IExplorer and Safari.
On a girlfriend's of mine mac, the first picture in the gallery doesn't load in her Safari. But it works on my Safari?
Is stuff like this common? I can't understand why it's happening, I mean, I tested it. On the very same browser it works fine when reading off my hard drive, but doesn't autoload when reading from the net.
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Jun 28, 2004
I am trying to make a photo gallery that is dynamic instead of throwing the pictures in a movie and tweening effect in between them. I know, why take the easy route. I have something really wierd going on, maybe you can help. What basically I want to happen is that when the movie loads the first image is displayed for 4 seconds then fades out as the next image is fading in. I have 11 pictures that are in a folder called "weddings". The pictures are all named "weddings0.jpg", "weddings1.jpg", "weddings2.jpg",...... "weddings10.jpg".
Here is the code for this part, I have tested and it works:
totalImages = 11;
var aWedding = new Array;
//The for statement creates new movieClips with the images loaded and stored within
//stores the movieclips in an array.
[Code] .....
At this point I have loaded all the images into movieclips and stored their references in an array. I have also gotten them all alpha of 0 except the first image, weddings0, which I want to display first. My function to make the images scroll through doesn't work. If I trace what the alpha is as it scrolls though I get wierd numbers like 93.3233432 or 32.323223 which doesn't make sense to me because I am increasing or decreasing the alpha by += 2 or -= 2. I don't know where the functions come. Anyway, here is the code, or what I have I should say, btw
I have the code linked to a button right now to test if it works, I would like it to run automatically on load:
butt.onRelease = function(){
trace(k + " k");
tempInt = setInterval(fadeInOut, 10, aWedding[k], aWedding[k+1]);
} function fadeInOut(mcPic1, mcPic2){
[Code] .....
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Apr 13, 2005
i am having big problems with XML. i have made a auto re-size gallery useing XML, but i want my XML to load text as well for my contact and profile info, how do i do this. heres what i mean
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Oct 9, 2003
How do I make a photo gallery that up dates by itself its contents getting it from a folder and putting then in order? The pictures when clicked should load a swf with information about the tittle.
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May 28, 2009
I have this code for an auto slideshow(supposed to be with thumbs but i am not using them), how do i stop from looping after all the pics run once?
var delay:Number = 2500;
var init:Boolean = false;
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Oct 9, 2003
How do I make a photo gallery that up dates by itself its contents getting it from a folder and putting then in order? The pictures when clicked should load a swf with information about the tittle.
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Jun 7, 2004
I'm looking for a way to setup a slideshow of pictures that I can control with Actionscript. I've come up with something using setInterval, but I'm having problems with that, so I'm looking for an alternative method. I have maybe 5 photos. Starting with the first photo I'd like to have it slowly fade on, when it reaches an alpha of 99 or higher, it will wait a certain amount of seconds and then the next picture will fade in. I'd like to do this automatically through actionscript, don't want to use keyframes or animations.
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Jul 26, 2009
i am relatively new to flash and actionscript 3 but i have been recently making a website and i have got to a stage where one page is pulling in SWF's via an XML document. There are left and right arrows which load up the next/previous SWF. The right arrow works fine, it loads the next one up and then due to some AS3 code when it gets to the end it loops back around. The left arrow goes back a frame until it comes to the beginning and it wont loop to the end. Below is a copy of the code that i am using. I am aware that i need to create the event listener for the arrow and i am fine with that, its just the function to go with it that i am struggling with.
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Mar 7, 2011
I've made a website using AS3 in CS5 Flash, I then decided to add a 'Slideshow Gallery' into the site. I made a new page, called it 'gallery' (this page is made from frames 73-86) and then looked at making a slideshow.[code]...
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Mar 7, 2011
I've made a website using AS3 in CS5 Flash, I then decided to add a 'Slideshow Gallery' into the site. I made a new page, called it 'gallery' (this page is made from frames 73-86) and then looked at making a slideshow. The first one I made was from this site; [URL]
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Aug 17, 2011
I have to make a slideshow in an existing thumbnail gallery. This is the class that manage the gallery[code]...
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Oct 26, 2011
I'm trying to create a slideshow in a gallery. I managed to make it work but only if you first click on the slideshow button and then you click on one of the thumbnails. I haven't been able to do just by clicking on the slideshow button. This is the code I used in summary:
package galery {
public class GaleriaFotos{
public function GaleriaFotos() {
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Dec 14, 2005
First off let me say that this forum is a lifesaver. I managed to figure out the links in xml file myself, but I cant seem to get the next/previous buttons working the way I want them to. I have got them to work to the point where they will bring up the next image, this is until it gets to the end of the xml node, then it wont start over from the beginning if I hit next. Here is my code:
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Mar 10, 2006
anyone know of a good tutorial with more albums, slideshow on/off, setting timer, and maybe transitions. Could some off this also be set in a config.file?
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Mar 7, 2011
I've made a website using AS3 in CS5 Flash, I then decided to add a 'Slideshow Gallery' into the site. I made a new page, called it 'gallery' (this page is made from frames 73-86) and then looked at making a slideshow.The first one I made was from this site; and the script was;
//next button
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Jul 25, 2010
I want to make this gallery auto play means ones gallery load than the photos should be change by itself after few seconds.path for gallery [URL]
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Feb 12, 2010
I used a tutorial ("Photo Gallery and Thumbnails: Flash Tutorial!" by tutvid on utube) to create a gallery on my website. I love the thumbnail navigation but, I want it to play like a slideshow when it first opens and I want to add play/pause buttons. I am using Flash MX 2004 and don't know much at all about actionscript or how to make these modifications. I emailed the author of the tutorial to see if it was possible to make these changes his reply was: "Yes, it is possible to modify the file in this way, however I don't remember how I set it up so I wouldn't be able to re-code it for you in this email. I would take a look around the web at Actionscript 2.0 slide shows and see if you can use the code they are using and make it work with your gallery."
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Nov 15, 2010
I have a flash site with 10 different tabs/sections with a stage size of 1200 x 1372. The final tab of the site contains a photo gallery, which I would like to have a different stage size and just fit the browser screen as it loads an external SWF which auto fits to the screen. At the moment, it auto fits the stage size meaning the bottom half of the photos don't show. How I can just alter the last page?
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