ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Find This Blog Post - Air Android Music Player Made With Native Extension?

Nov 8, 2011

Recently I came across a long and details blog post or tutorial about creating a music player for air on android, but the audio management was with a native extension.I didn't bookmark it, I have searched quite a bit and I just cant find it again!!!It was only 2 or 3 weeks ago.

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If ExtensionDll.dll uses the functions in the other Dll, the extension won't load. DllMain is not called. It seems like DllUsedByExtensionDll. dll is not in the Dll search path when the air application uses the extension is running. How should I make the application find the extra Dlls, if I don't want to put them into some common Dll path?

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Objective C :: Failing To Build Air IPhone App (with A IOS Native Extension) With Adt?

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My issue is when I try to compile my .ipa using the adt tool (through Terminal) I get the following error:

ld: absolute addressing (perhaps -mdynamic-no-pic) used in -[MediaCaptureViewController showCamera] from /var/folders/NP/NPNiEhuUEwGiPRg0Bym7Sk+++TI/-Tmp-/97f7f1f9-6d5e-4486-9ba0- 147ff50f7157/libcom.luxson.mediacapture.a(MediaCaptureViewController.o) not allowed in slidable image. Use '-read_only_relocs suppress' to enable text relocs
Compilation failed while executing : ld64

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cam.mediaTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObject:(NSString *)kUTTypeMovie];

I have included the MobileCoreServices framework in my project and added the following to my header file:

#import <MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h>

I'm using Xcode 4.2.Project set to build with the following settings:

iOS Deployment Target: iOS 4.3
Enable Linking With Shared Libraties: No

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Flash :: Linking An Inline Swf Wall Post To A Native Ios App

Oct 25, 2011

I have a Facebook application where you can create an animation and share it on your wall. Each feed has a swf player that lets users to play the animation directly on the wall. (like any shared video). As IOS does not support flash, I have also created a native IOS application for playing those animations.

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What I want to do is, to have an alternative link for iPads to play these feeds on my native IOS app (like fb://APP_ID/video_url).

Is it possible to provide a native IOS App url for inline swf feeds?

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Android :: Adobe Native Extensions - Voice Recognition

Dec 12, 2011

currently I am coding a android mobile app in Flex with the Flash Builder. I am tring to get the Voice Recognition of the Android Platform working but it seems to be complicated. I managed to write a Native Extension that at least displays the Android style voice recognition that asks for speech input. I found out that for the android system the speech input dialog represents an activity where you can wait for the activity's response and overwrite the onActivityResult function. And there is the problem. Since I have to call the Activity "Voice Recognition" in the FREContext the response of the Voice Recognition Activity gets lost.


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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe AIR 3 Native Extensions - Android Res Folder Not Included In The .ane File?

Nov 9, 2011

I am trying to develop an android extension for air, but I have a problem with resources.According to this : Official adobe doc - FREContext and this Extending AIR by Oliver Goldman We simply have to add the resources we need in the res file of the Native part, then they are added inside the .ane file and passed to the final apk. In order to access them though we have to use getResourceId( "drawable.background_image" ) instead of R.drawable.background_image

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PS, here is my batch to compile the ANE :

set adt_directory=C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Flash Builder 4.6sdks4.6.0in
set root_directory=C:UsershugoAdobe Flash Builder 4.6
set library_directory=%root_directory%HelloANELibrary


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Blog Roll - Put The Titles Of A Client's Blog On Their Homepage

Jun 22, 2010

I am trying to make a blog roll program that will put the titles of a client's blog on their homepage. i ran through a tutorial that got most of it working, but when i went to move from the tutorial to the client's program, i started running into some errors. since i have no idea what they mean, i can't even begin to figure out what is causing them.


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Android :: Flash Content Breaks WebView Boundings And Overlaps Native Layout Elements

Dec 11, 2010

I'm using a WebView to display a web page which contains some Flash content which basically works pretty well.
The big problem is, that the Flash content seems not to consider the WebView's boundings: The Flash content is displayed even if the WebView is too small to show the complete page and the Flash content is not inside the WebView's boundings. Moreover this Flash content overlays other (native) layout elements that are displayed next to the WebView.To me, it seems, that the Flash content is rendered in (special) z-Layer, that overlays all other layout elements.

Tested with: Android 2.2 and Flash 10.1.Is this a known bug in Adobes Flash player 10.1?

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May 16, 2011

I'm trying to publish an iPhone game and I have downloaded everything I need to allow me to publish through flash. I'm on a pc and I can't figure out what the password is of the .p12 certificate I made in openssl is. Here are the steps I've used:

I create my key:

openssl genrsa -out mykey.key 2048

I create a CSR with the correct info

openssl req -new -key mykey.key -out CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest -subj "/, CN=John Doe, C=US"

I upload this to apple and then download the certificate they send me, which I convert to a PEM with this code:

openssl x509 -in developer_identity.cer -inform DER -out developer_identity.pem -outform PEM

For my final step, I generate the .p12 using this:

openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey mykey.key -in developer_identity.pem -out iphone_dev.p12

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Here's a link to the tutorial I used if you want any more info: [URL]

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I want to know where I can find an open source webshop made in FlashMX.

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Does anyone here have that for me or knows where to get it?

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Android :: Air App - Music Does Not Turn Off When User Leaves App

Dec 30, 2011

I have a AS3 Android Application that is playing background music but when the user leaves the application, the music still is playing in the background. Is there a method to call that senses the user leaving the application so that I can turn off my music?

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Flex :: HTML Post Error - Swf Made HTML Posts To PHP Scripts?

Dec 5, 2010

I have a swf that I have created that make a few HTML posts. When I run and compile the swf locally, it successfully makes posts to my php code hosted on my domain. However when I then upload my swf to my domain, and then alter the embed tag to have a fully qualified path to my hosted swf, the swf will load correctly but it will make any HTML posts to my PHP scripts. The reason that I have an an embed tag with the fully qualified url in it, is that my goal here is to be able to place the html embed code on a number of different sites.

I have it working on a single remote site, and it has a wild card crossdomain.xml file in it. However when I try to apply a crossdomain.xml to any of the hosted sites, or to my computer locally nothing runs when the I use the embed with the fully qualified URL, if I just the locally hosted swf on my computer the HTML post work just fine. I feel this is related to the crossdomain.xml file, however I guess I'm not understanding some aspect of the security model.

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Flash :: Flex 3 + Player 10 - Losing Extension When Use FileReference Download

Dec 22, 2010

Possible Duplicate: losing extension when use FileReference download I'm having an issue that looks common when using the FileReference class in FP10 when saving a file. The whole thing works fine as long as I don't change the default filename. If I do, then I loose the extension of the file... which is annoying >_< I haven't found any "acceptable" workaround, but the posts I've seen are from a couple of months already. So I'm inquiring hoping that something's been done regarding this issue since then =)

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Sep 30, 2010

I have a mp3 that is retrieved from the server via "somepage.php?id=100". When I load this into spark VideoPlayer it doesn't work. But when I copy that URL and put it into the browser URL I get a dialog that asks if I want to download "sound.mp3".

// in the creation complete handler
var audioElement:AudioElement = new AudioElement();
audioElement.resource = new URLResource(path);


It seems the audio is cued up in order when added to the creation complete meaning that if one audio file is loading another will not start until after the first has completed.

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Aug 25, 2011

develop apps for Android (creating .apk's using the bunddled Air).

I'd like to know how can I use the "native" Android menu on my app.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Native Mouse Cursor For Flash Player 10.2?

Dec 11, 2011

writing the title in question in www motors of search u can read a lot of comments on the novelties introduced with the new releases of the flex sdk [URL] where is used the new class MouseCursorData  present in Flash.ui libraries.

Now: I use Flash Prof as Editor of my projects and I don't succeed in giving in meal to the editor the sdk so to have available the new class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Interactive Survival Guide Project - Can't Find A Delete Post Button

Jul 13, 2009

I can't find a delete post button.

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Javascript :: Deploying A Google Chrome Extension; Adobe Flash Player Has Stopped A Potentially Unsafe Operation

Feb 20, 2012

how to best handle the issue of not having enough permission inside of a Google Chrome Extension. I am interacting with the YouTube API, but I am not using swfobject.js, just using am embdeeded div. I do not believe this is introducing my security issue, but perhaps it is. In development, I had to navigate to Adobe's flash player security page and designate my development folder as a 'safe' location. In deployment, I do not have the ability to do this. I do not want my users to have to click 'Allow All' on flash player security, but I do not see another way to achieve my results.Seems to be a duplicate of SWFobject in a Chrome Extension - API Unavaiable but remains unanswered.Source: https:[url].....

To run: Pull from the repo, load up Chrome, click the wrench, go to extension, check 'Developer Tools' -> Load Unpacked Extension and browse to the folder.

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Professional :: Find And Save The Background Music File Of Flash Site?

Sep 19, 2010

I see that the background music in my Flash site is located in a symbol called muz When I click the properties of this symbol, the sound file's location is listed as.flashsoundmuz.wav I couldn't find that sound sub-folder in the flash folder nor could I find the file. I tried doing a search to look for the muz.wav file in my computer but it could not be found. Does anyone know how I can find and save this file?

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Non-XML Music Player For Web Site?

Apr 22, 2011

I'm a relatively experienced Web developer, but this is my first foray into playing (streaming) music. All of the music players I've run across either load MP3s from an XML file (which exposes the MP3s' URLs) or have code embedded in them that loads URL-accessible audio files. Due to copyright issues, this is not acceptable for my client's content.So, I'm looking for one of two things...(1) A music player that already exists that either plays music embedded into the FLA itself -or- can read the files from a non-public area on the file system, or(2) Sample code that generally approximates what I'm describing, from which I'll try to construct my own player.

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