ActionScript 3.0 :: Can Print Selction On Stage To Jpeg Format Or To Printer

Feb 10, 2010

does anyone know a way that you can print a selction on the stage to jpeg format or to a printer

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Print Sent To Printer But No Page Gets Printed?

Mar 7, 2008

Ok, this is a function that used to I didn't check it for a while...and I did not edit it from when it was working in any way...but now the print function does not produce a page from the printer...when I click "Print View" the print dialog box comes up, and I can choose my printer, and when I click ok, there is a tooltip near the windows clock that says document sent to printer, but the printer never does anything...I have tested this in several printers and several computers...I have also tried to output to a pdf...and it allows me to choose a file name to save to but it never creates the file...

print button code:

printButton.onRelease = function()
var pj:PrintJob = new PrintJob();


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Java :: Print Photo ID Card To A Plastic Card Printer From Website?

Oct 28, 2010

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I have imported a jpeg into Flash CS3 IDE Library and Exported(Linkage) it to be used in action script by giving a class name 'Image'. And when I am trying to compile the file its showing error: 1136: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected 2. and 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Image to an unrelated type flash.display:Bitmap.

How to attach the jpeg to the stage as a Bitmap datatype using as3..

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Bitmap;


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var pj:PrintJob = new PrintJob();
var printOptions:PrintJobOptions = new PrintJobOptions();


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function printScore(event:MouseEvent):void
var printJob:PrintJob = new PrintJob();


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[Code]... and go to the print section and then check out the print pieces. for some reason my resizing gallery movie is doing some weird stuff and i cant figure out how to fix it. my actionscript goes like this :


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Print More Than 5 Pages In One Print Job?

Dec 19, 2008

I am not able to print more than 5 pages in one go. I want to print almost 12 pages in one print job. I am creating the movieclips of each page by adding the dynamic data in to it and store in an array. When all the movieclips created and stored in an array(pagesAry) then it call the following function to print those pages:

private function sendToPrinter():void
pj = new PrintJob();


Getting error: Print job canceled as it took more than 15 seconds to complete.

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Jul 19, 2005

how do you set a print button so that it does no show up in the print out?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Too Much Data Being Sent To Printer

Apr 20, 2011

I've been building an AIR application in AS3 which includes a number of drawing tools, allowing the user to annotate a page with freehand drawings, lines, text etc. I'm almost done and everything tests well on my dev computer but testing on an old XP machine crashed every time I tried to print. Eventually I realised this was due to a mass of data being sent to the printer which that poor old XP machine just couldn't handle. All I'm doing is creating a new printJob with printAsBitmap set to true, and using addPage to add the MC I want to print.

When I look at the windows print jobs dialog I see it's sending 1.68Gb of data to the print spooler! I figured that there must be too much in the MC so I create a bitmapData of the same size and copy it to a bitmap, then add that to a blank MC and send that to the printer - same problem! The MC is 2480x3508 which equates to 300dpi on A4 paper. By my calculations that should be a bitmap of around 33Mb, so where is all the other data coming from.

Here's my PHP Code:
var myPrintJob:PrintJob = new PrintJob();
var result:Boolean = myPrintJob.start();
var options:PrintJobOptions = new PrintJobOptions();
options.printAsBitmap = true;
var thisRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 2480, 3508);
myPrintJob.addPage(printTemplate, thisRect, options);

PrintTemplate is a simple MC containing a single bitmap. Both the bitmap and the printTemplate object are 2480x3508 pixels.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send A Pic To The Printer?

Jun 2, 2005

I've created a print button. I now want to have it sent to the printer a picture that is in my .fla file. What is the best way to achieve this?

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Make Button Link To Map A Printer?

Feb 9, 2010

I want to make a button map to a local printer on the network.

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