ActionScript 3.0 :: Change A Rectangle's Border Color On Hover?
Jun 7, 2010
how can I change or tween the color of a dynamic rectangle's borders ? (created with LineTo)I d'like the color to change when I hover the rectangle...Right now I 've always been to change the global color of the rectangle with it changes the color of the borders too.
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PHP Code:
import flash.display.Sprite;var rect:Shape = new Shape();, uint("0x666633"));"231f1c"), 1); , 0 , 60 ,10 );;
[Code] .....
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Jul 1, 2010
I have this [code]...
And It seems to work but this is creating a new rect. Which I do not want.
And I have tried ColorTransform, and that changes everything, even the border, which is not what I wanted. And I am not able to colortransform and then set the border color.
So how can I change the color of a sprite without changing the border color?
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What I want to do is change the color of the rectangle from green to red whenever the checkbox is selected.
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Mar 25, 2006
I'm trying to draw a filled rectangle with no border. Here's the code for my test project:
ActionScript Code:
myMC = this.createEmptyMovieClip("", this.getNexthighestDepth()-1);
myMC._x = 0;
If you take a look at the coordinates, this was suppose to draw a 180x22. Well, it looks lika it draws a 180x22 rectangle, but only if the zoom is at 100%. If I zoom in on the flash player, there are two problems:
1) the line, as it is scaled, goes over the shape edge. Basically, as the border line has 1 pixel, Flash starts do draw it half pixel up and half pixel left; 2) the rectangle is in fact a 179x21 pixels, instead of the 180x22.
I'm sending an example project on an attachment. In this example I have 2 vertical rectangles which act as buttons:
1) the first button draws the rectangle step-by-step;
2) the second button cycles through 3 different styles:
2.1) line with 1 pixel, normal border rescale. This is the style at start;
2.2) no line;
2.3) line with 1 pixel, no border rescale.
The background is a checker texture, with 1 pixel per square. This gives you a perfect look on how the line is drawn.
The drawing instructions are executed on the yellow movieclip, which serves as reference, considering that it has the desired dimensions (180x22). *
If you zoom a couple of times you'll be able to see the problems I'm experiencing.
All you have to do is to click the first vertical button several times to draw the lines, to press the second vertical button to reset the draw and to change the border style, and finally to look at the draw with some zoom in, in order to see it in detail.
So, what can I do in order to draw a perfect rectangle, meaning that the border will not go outside the shape (it would be nice that when the border is rescaled, it does it inside the boundaries of the shape) and the rectangle has right dimensions (why am I missing one pixel in each direction?).
* By the way, is there a way to draw in a movieclip using the lineTo in such a way that the drawing is on the topside instead of the bottomside? I had to make the yellow rectangle partially transparent in order to see my drawing.
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Jan 10, 2011
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Feb 1, 2004
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Jun 29, 2011
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I'm sure this is ridiculously simple, I just can't seem to figure it out.
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Oct 27, 2011
I would like to know why does AS3 colorTransform only transforms the border of a shape [code] Only the border of a shape is transformed.I've tried to redraw on everyframe the object with different fill but it's an overkill in performance, about 10 3d planes were performance killers.I can only think of that because beginFill() does not use a pen set by lineStyle() and that may be causing the problem, however I would really like to know the problem as I need my uber-super-semi3d-spinner to spin while changing colors and not his borders!
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May 20, 2011
So I'm trying to change to appearance of a spark DropDownList when it's in the normal state. I thought I color used the borderColor property but that seems to only change the color of the border when the list is open.
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Jun 29, 2011
I have a custom skin applied to a Flex 4 spark datagrid. One really annoying issue I am having is finding the ability to override or change the selected row border color. I was able to set the selectionColor just fine but the border is still the default light blue color. I need it to be yellow.
Anyone know where I can find this style or override this border that is being set when selection happens within the skin itself.
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