ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Dynamic Thumbnails From Video

Jul 23, 2010

is there a way to create dynamic thumbnails taken from a streaming video?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display A Dynamic Grid Of Video Thumbnails

Apr 3, 2006

i want to display a grid of video thumbnails, whose parameters are loaded from XML. the number of TNs is variable but the area in which to display them is of a fixed size. i'd like the number of rows/columns AND the TN's size to vary to fill the available space, whilst maintaining the TN's aspect ratio e.g. display area is 200w x 300h and there are initially 10 TNs (which are 4:3 ratio, say): 3 columns and 4 rows of TNs 62 px x 46 (i think) but if the number of TNs goes up to 30, or down to 3, i want the code to adapt, to give me a 6 x 8 grid or a 1 x 2 etc.

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I am trying to create a dynamic xml driven video playlist, that will display the thumbnail, title and time duration of the video (quite similar to the one on youtube). But I don't know where to begin and I have been googling for some helpful tutorials but cant find anything resourceful.if I shall use the Flash component for scrolling purpose or I shall learn to develop my own scroller with scrollbar.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Video Thumbnails?

Mar 18, 2009

how can i get video thumbnails or convert 1 video frame into picture.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: XML Video Playlist - Thumbnails?

Jan 19, 2009

I am using Lee's video playlist.It all functions great.Instead of alphaNumber text for the list, I would like to create thumbnails. I prefer small movie clips for thumb nails.Is it possible to modify this xml code to accomplish this? I have 3 movie clips for thumbs names mc_1 mc2 and mc3. Or, do I need to modify the AS also?

Code: Select all  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<video url="" desc="Video 1" />[code].........

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Thumbnails From XML?

May 29, 2007

I am building a dynamic thumbnail gallery, where each image links to a fullsize version. (Sounds simple so far, but wait!) The thumbnails are created dynamically - an xml document provides the image path and description. I create a movie clip for each one on the fly, then load the appropriate image into it.

My problem is when I try to convert each movieclip into a button which loads the fullsize image. Each button loads the same image- the last one in my xml document. If I try placing "img[i]" inside the onRelease function, it comes up undefined. Here's that bit of code:

var thisimage=img[i];
eval("thumbnail"+i).onRelease = function()
// do something
loadMovie (thisimage,_parent.emptyclip);

And here is all the actionscript:

var xpos=0;
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Thumbnails For A Pic Gallery

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This is question is a take off of my post in the Flash MX forum regarding creating thumbnails. I'm trying to create thumbnails for a pic gallery and would like to have an over-button state that will make my little thumbnail increase in size a little to indicate that this is the picture the viewer is going to view. I don't know how to go about making this button and I'm trying to figure out if there is a way through action script to do this. This way I don't have to make the over state a movie and increase the size manually...

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Dec 23, 2009

Is there a way to get video thumbnails from Flash Media Interactive Server (FMIS) without using client side action script. Bascially we want that we dont have dependency on Flash for displaying thumbnails from FMS but when a user clicks on one of thumnails then Adobe Player streams that video from FMIS.

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Nov 21, 2009

I need to create a rather detailed menu system that will load thumbnails of movie clips that I can then double-click on and it will load them into the display list of another movie clip.

I think I can code the loading part but I've never dealt with creating flash menus before and don't have any help in the 5 as3 books I own.

Is there a way I can make the menu generate the thumbs from an external file that I can just update when I need to instead of editing the flash file?

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Apr 2, 2006

I found the tutorial on how to create a photo album with thumbnails using XML. However the only thing that i shows me is to create it with a scroller. I made some modifications to thinking I was going to be able to turn it into a grid but everything that I have tried is not working.[code]

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Apr 30, 2006

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Thumbnails Loading 3 Per Line

Jun 1, 2005

Who knows how to get this kinda menu: [URL] to only display a certain number of items per line? (I'm referring to flash file down the page a little that says "Choose Thumbnail" on it. The source code for this flash file can be found on page 2 of this tutorial)

As you can see, it currently has 4 thumbnail images, and all 4 of them are displayed on 1 line. But what if I wanted to tell Flash to only put 3 per line (thus 3 on the first line and 1 on the second). This thumbnail image menu is dynamically loading data from XML, so if I wanted to add more images to the XML file, I wouldn't want these extra images added to the same line as they would run off the page! I need them to load under the existing ones..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Scroller For A Gallery Of Xml Photo Thumbnails?

Nov 19, 2010

Kind of like this but instead of scrolling to mouse move, the user would have to click the arrows. And it would be vertical instead of horizontal: [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create The Simple Photo Gallery With Thumbnails?

Nov 1, 2006

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Facebook Graph API - Loading Video Thumbnails CrossDomain (Flash)

Apr 11, 2012

I'm trying to display some Facebook video thumbnails in a Flash application, all of the video thumbnails I try to load seem to be hosted at [URL]. However [URL] cannot be loaded (Access Denied). Is there some way around this? (other than loading the images through a proxy). Maybe an alternative url which can be used?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Set Mask - Stop Loading To Other Thumbnails

Dec 19, 2009

i have a problem with setmask. in my current project i used a thumbnails which are loaded via xml. if user click on those thumbnails then in the stage a movieclip loades an image correspondent to the thumbnail and the loaded image will ba mask itself on the background image that is loaded previously. for that purpose i used onEnterframe in the onRelease function of the thumbnail. but the problem is that when user click on thumbnails it will do the all the jobs but stop loading to other thumbnails.the code is below:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking Dynamic Thumbnails To Fullsize Jpgs?

Jul 29, 2004

building a dynamic gallery using PHP and mySQL. So far I am able to load the thumbnails from my database, and create an onPress event for each thumbnail. I can get a static .jpg to load, but I can't get the thumbnial to link with the corresponding fullsize image dynamically.

Basically I have loaded the filenames from the database into two arrays: thumbnails[] and fullsize[]. I know the database is working perfectly, I can load the fullsize images or the thumbnails into the thumbnail placeholders.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Image Gallery By Toggling Between Different Sets Of Thumbnails?

Feb 15, 2012

I'm trying to create an image gallery by toggling between different sets of thumbnails and thus loading the appropriate images.I've set up the first 9 okay and they all load at first but when I toggle back and forth in the toggleThumbnails function using addChild I can no longer load these same movieclips.I'm loading the same movieclip with their associated instance names? How come it no longer interacts with the thumbnails?

ActionScript Code:
var thumbnailSet = "setOne";[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Gallery - Swap Images OnRollOver Thumbnails

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What would be the best way to swap images onRollover inside a thumbnail gallery dynamically loaded into contentMain?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Simple Slide Gallery With One Main Canvas / Thumbnails

May 19, 2010

I'm trying to create a simple slide gallery with one main canvas + thumbnails.Usually the main canvas has auto slide feature.Users can choose the picture on main canvas from thumbnails.When the mouse is over thumbnails I want Canvas to stop auto slide show until that mouse is outside of thumbnails.So I start creating this, and I finish coding for auto slide show and choosing picture from thumbnails. Now I need to code if the mouse is on the thumbnail then temporary stop auto slide show.I thought the right way is to write the code like this,[code]but when I do this, the timer won't stop.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Get Kirupa Scrollbar To Scroll With The Generated Thumbnails + Dynamic Content

Feb 4, 2009

Mainly been making websites all these years, but in my last year at school i started to get interested in Flash Actionscript. I've been at home for over a year in 2008, unemployed. I got back to school in September 2008 but quit the education as it wasn't for me. Now I'm looking to get a job, but I need a showcase, so I'm building my portfolio at the moment.

I'm currently working on my portfolio which i wanted to make in Flash using XML generated content. I got as far as getting the content generated in my prototype. Now I'm trying to build the real thing. I currently got a scrollbar on the left which contains the thumbnails. I used the custom scrollbar from [URL] ([URL]). The content in it is generated with xml and actionscript though.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scroll Thumbnails By Scrolling The Mouse Left Or Right Over The Thumbnails?

May 9, 2011

Haven't been here for a while and I'm really rusty using Flash. I looking for a tutorial or some information on how to scroll thumbnails by scrolling the mouse left or right over the thumbnails.

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Flash :: Professional - Create A Video That Will Incorporate Powerpoint-like Slides Along With Video Footage

Jan 22, 2010

I'm trying to create a flash video that will incorporate powerpoint-like slides along with video footage. So for instance I will have slide 1 (graphic) - slide 2 (video clip) - slide 3 (text). I have used CS4 before for one of my classes but that was a little while ago, and I feel like I'm starting over again. When I import the first graphic (.png), is there an option to have it resize to fit the stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Html Video List That Uses A Flash Video Player?

Oct 21, 2010

Create a html video list that uses a flash video player?

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IDE :: Tutorial 'Adding Thumbnails' / Reload Other Thumbnails Again?

Jan 19, 2010

I used the tutorial "Adding Thumbnails" to build a fotoshow. Adding another xml-file I have the problem,that I cannot reload(?) the thumbnails correctly.[code]Then I do not see any thumbnails,if(!) the new thumbnail list contains fewer elements than the old one and if the old thumbnail list was scrolled over the hit_right field before.It is seemingly necessary to reset the internal state of the movieclip. But how can I accompish that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Video Player But The Video Is Not Visible?

Apr 13, 2011

i am trying to create a video player in AS 2.0, but I have a problem.My code loads a video, and plays the video, but.... I don't see my video xD.This is my code :

ActionScript Code:
var connection:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var flux_video:NetStream = new NetStream(connection);


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Media Server :: Possible In FMS To Record Thumbnails Of A Streaming Video In The Server Side?

Dec 8, 2009

to generate thumbnails of the streaming video to control de contents of the video streaming. Could I do that in the server side?There is any setting to do that? Could I use the getOnMetadata method to catch a bitarray and then put in into a bitmap file?

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