ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect The Point Of Intersection Of A Line And A Triangle?

Nov 27, 2010

There is some information but I couldn't figure it out:How can I detect if a line intersects with a triangle ? And how can I detect the point of intersection in AS3 ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: THICK Line-line Intersection?

Aug 15, 2009

Finding the intersection point of 2 line segments is easy enough.

But now I need to test wether a line with thickness intersects another (non-thick) line.

My idea is to actually perform 2 tests, one at the top and bottom of the thickness of the line. Does that make sense? Is there a better way to do it? I dont need the intersection point, just a boolean yes or no.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Intersection Of Line Segments Vs. HitTest?

Nov 2, 2009

I'm trying to improve upon the hitTest() function.I have a game in development that involves square robots, rectangular wall shapes, and line segment shots rotating and moving around. Without the rotation, hitTest works fine, but with rotation, problems arise.Walls at rotation 0,and square robots work fine. There is a small amount of funkyness with a rotated robot by a wall corner, but it's not very noticable.The big issue is collision of two rotated square robots.
I can create a function to get the line segments that make up each robot, and the check to see if any intersect. This will mean finding the location of eight points (using height and width and some trig to deal with rotation), finding the slope of eight lines, and then testing lines for intersection up to 16 times. This would be needed to find the intersection of each pair of robots. Those are worst case numbers, some colisions can be detected or ruled out before getting that far in the algorithm, but this check would need to be run every frame against all robots and walls and shots (shots could be a single line segment, though)Right now I'm talking about 8 robots max, maybe 6-20 walls, maybe 5-80 shots on screen @ 30 frames a second.
This is easy enough to create, but before I spend a day coding it all, I'm wondering if the computation requirements are going to make it prohibitive.(If so, I'll probably have to switch to circular robots).I feel like there should be a simple formula to find if two rectangles on a cartesian plane intersect, but I can't find one.

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Aug 31, 2010

I have an equation for a parabolic curve intersecting a specified point, in my case where the user clicked on a graph.

// this would typically be mouse coords on the graph
var _target:Point = new Point(100, 50);
public static function plot(x:Number, target:Point):Number{
return (x * x) / target.x * (target.y / target.x);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Find Third Point Of Triangle?

Apr 19, 2011

i want to find third Point of Triangle i Have two point p1,p2 with respect to it i want to find third point of triangle

Note one thing triangle is 45 - 90 - 45 degree so the point i want to find is at 90 degree,

so as per my requirment p1 = 45 degree p2 = -45 degree and p3 = 90 degree so i want to find p3

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ActionScript 2.0 :: A Line From One Point Past Another Point And Whether It Hits An Object?

Aug 19, 2009

I am using AS2 with Flash 8 Professional So, my problem is that I currently have a man in the middle of the screen, who shoots a line towards the mouse when I click. However, when I use hitTest to see if the line collides with another object, Flash recognizes the line as a large box if it is diagonal, so the hitTest isn't very accurate. The line only satys there for one frame, so I can't have the usual moving-bullet-style. I am either looking for a way to create an imaginary line with AS from the starting point to the mouse and beyond, and tell whether or not this line intersects with an object... or some other way that I haven't thought of to fix my problem. Keep in mind that the line rotates from a center point towards anywhere around it for 360 degrees.

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Detect MOUSE_OVER On A Line

Aug 9, 2010

I have some trails data that I am adding to an interactive map. The trails were imported from Illustrator and are lines that have been converted to movieclips upon import. I'd like to add effects and some interactivity to the lines upon click and mouse_over.  The difficult piece is that Flash treats movie clip like a box making it dificult to click on just the trail you'd like info for.  For example, if there are two trails next to one another, clicking on the one you want can be difficult.

Is there a way that I can make it so that only the line part of the MC is the piece that responds to mouse action (rather than the whole box which encompasses its extent)?

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Jul 2, 2011

Line is defined by two 3d points; (0,0,0) and (x,y,z). And there is also this 3d point. How can rotate this 3d point around the line?

Something like this (points indicate vectors in my expression, it's the same thing) :

I found some stuff on the internet but I couldn't really figure it out.

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Flash :: Reflection Of A Point Over A Line?

Aug 4, 2011

I have been looking at how to reflect a point in a line, and found this question which seems to do the trick, giving this formula to calculate the reflected point:

Given (x,y) and a line y = ax + c we want the point (x', y') reflected on the line.

Set d:= (x + (y - c)*a)/(1 + a^2)
Then x' = 2*d - x
and y' = 2*d*a - y + 2c

However there are two problems with this implementation for my needs:

My line is not described in the form y = ax + c (so I'd have to translate it, which is easy to do, but it means the process is slower). What if a is infinity ie. a vertical line?

Is there a simple way to calculate (x', y'), the reflection of point (x, y) in a line, where the line is described by the two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)?


I've found a formula which does this, but it seems as though it does not work with lines that look like they have equation y = x.

Here it is in actionscript:

public static function reflect(p:Point, l:Line):Point
// (, = start of line


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Feb 14, 2011

Can anyone tell me if an instance of a line as origin point and end point properties that can be read or changed? I know that if you create a line with actionscript you have to set them. But can the X and Y coordinates of the points be accessed once the line exists and moved to a different location?

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Apr 24, 2009

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Dec 11, 2010

is there a short hand way to reassign a point in 1 line?

something like:

var p:Point= new Point(0,4);
p= [5, 10]; // doesn't work
i know you can just say

but when auto formatting it will drop it down to 2 lines

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw Line From Any Point A To B Dynamically

Feb 19, 2011

I am trying to make an animation where there are several locations(say A,B,C,D,......) made on a map. If a person clicks on one location A and then another location B, I wanted to draw a dotted line from point A (from destination of the plane) to point B (to destination of the plane) using AS3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find X Position Of A Point On A Line?

Aug 22, 2009

To make this easy, lets say I have a movie clip with a diagonal line in it (top left to bottom right).

I want to start my y position at 0, and place it in a loop and increase y by 5 every time. So we start at the top left of the clip, and move to the bottom of the clip.

Now since we have our y value (0, 5, 10, etc.) would you get the x position of the line? such as (x, y):
5, 10


42, 15

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Distance Between Point And Line?

Feb 14, 2011

How could I find the distance between a given point and a drawn line? I was thinking about using the point-slope formula to draw a perpendicular line between the point and the line and measuring it as the distance, but I'm not quite sure how to do this in as3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw A Line Following A Moving Point?

Apr 12, 2011

I have a motion tween right now with a moving point that is following a copied and pasted motion path. Is there a quick way to have the point draw a line behind it as it moves along the motion path??? I can't seem to find a good way to do it in AS3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing API - Clear Line Only A A Certain Point?

Dec 26, 2006

is it possible to somehow use a the clear() function on a line that has been dynamically drawn only at a certain point? i need a line to be drawn and then gradually erased with time. currently i'm drawing a green line and then a few seconds later, a start up a function that creates a white line above it. it works great if this line is above a white background, but if it's above some other element, you see a white line.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovies To Line Up To Bottom Right Reg. Point?

Jun 19, 2007

I've searched high & low & tested numerous methods - but no cigar for me so far...I'm having trouble with the following problem: I have a main.swf which uses the loadMovie method to bring in external swfs.I want the movies to all load in aligned to the bottom right.So the very bottom right corner of my extrnal swf lines up to the very bottom right of my main.swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing Curved Line From Point A To B

Dec 2, 2007

Any way to get a curved line to draw from a known point a to a known point b. Point b will always be changing and will be in any position around point a. I can work with an existing line from a movieclip and change it somehow, but right now I can't find any way to accomplish it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw A Pixelprecise Line From One Point To Another

Feb 15, 2010

I wish to draw a (hair-)line, from one point to another. The drawing-api at [URL] gives a nice explanation, but flash is slightly off. The lineTo statement draws a line towards the specified point, not to. It's probably a matter of opinion, but I'm fairly confident that we all agree that drawing a line from (1,1) to (5,1) should result in a line 5 pixel long. That's how we've all learned it when we were young, that how other programming languages do it, etc. (One could state that 'going to school' doesn't mean you actually enter the building , but that's just avoiding the issue) But not Flash. Drawing this line results in a line of only 4 pixels long, the line stops at coordinates (4,1). I can see the benefits in this when drawing (transparent) connected lines and closed shapes, but it has it's drawback when creating single lines.

I'm probably not the first one to run into this problem. Maybe it's just a setting somewhere? How do I get flash to draw a line to the exact point I specify? Preferably without having to analyze the direction of the line and moving the destination coordinates one pixel further.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Angle Of A Line Drawn With API?

Jun 26, 2011

I'm drawing a simple line with API and I would like to know how to detect what angle the line has and where a ball hits it.Scenario: the player draws a random line in a random angle, a ball comes in from random points and hits the line, the ball then bounces off the line depending on where it hit the line (and of course depends on the line's angle).I draw the red line with this: (on a 400x400 stage)Actionscript Code:graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xFF0000, 100);graphics.moveTo(150, 150);graphics.lineTo(250, 250);The grey, green and purple lines are just demonstation of the ball movement, comming in from outside the screen, hitting the line and bouncing off in different directions. I just made a guess on the angle they will bounce off in.

I just can't figure out how to detect the line's angle and where the ball hits it. So all I have is a ball flying in from random positions and hitTests the line (not coded yet, but no problem to do ball movement and hitTesting with line), I don't know where to go from there until I know how to detect where it hits the line.I know this is a double post (from the Games section), but I realized this place seems to have more activity and not many seem to visit the Games place anymore.

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Flash :: Check Whether Line From Point(x1,y2) To (x2,y2) Intersects This Shape?

Mar 11, 2011

Given a MovieClip containing a vectorshape (loaded from the library) - is there a way to check whether a line (from point(x1,y2) to point(x2,y2) intersects this shape?

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