ActionScript 3.0 :: Difference Between Extending And Subclassing?

Aug 12, 2010

the difference between Extending and Subclassing with regards to AS3 classes? I've been under the impression that the two terms meant the same thing, but it seems I'm wrong.

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Professional :: Difference Between Importing And Extending Classes

Jun 1, 2010

What is the difference between importing a class and extending a class, I know that when you extend you add all the properties/methods of that class to your own class, but I am still un sure of what this actually does for you and your program, I am pretty confused on the topic and I couldnt find the difference between the two on the internet, also how do you know which one of the two you need to do?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Subclassing MovieClip Not Working

Oct 22, 2009

I'd like to get more of the actionscript into class files and off the various time lines. The problem is I can't make it work. I have a class file called dezynworks.aegis.TextPanel Container.I have a MovieClip in my library called TextScrollWinow. Linkage for TextScroll Window: Identifier, TextScrollWindow; class: dezynworks.aegis.TextPanelContainer. Now I read on a web site that dragging the clip to the stage would retain the class association. That is news to me. I thought you had to use attach. Regardless, neither way seems to work.[code]The attach works. The clips appear on the stage, but the class is gone. dummy.init() (a method of the TextPanelContainer class) is never called and the instanceof statement returns false. There are no compiler errors. There are no runtime errors. I've set up test cases in a new Flash file and it all works like I expect.I've tried deliberately gumming up the class name and introducing syntax errors into the class file. It seems Flash is finding the file okay. Something must be failing silently, but I have no clue what and I'm out of ideas.

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Actionscript 3 :: Is A New Constructor Function Necessary When Subclassing

Jan 9, 2010

Basic OOP question... I want to add a couple functions to the Array class so that my program will be amazing and make me rich and famous overnight. So I create a new subclass NewArray which extends Array. Do I need to write a constructor method for NewArray? If I leave it blank will it just use the parent's (Array's) constructor method?

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IDE :: Function In Class Subclassing Sprite?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a class which subclasses Sprite (Class1). In this class I draw something on the stage. I have another class (Class2) that creates several instances of the first class (Class1) and places them on the stage. As I am creating the instances of Class1, I am adding an event listener for the CLICK event for each instance.When I click on any of the Class1 instances, I would like to execute a public function in Class1. However is Sprite and I cannot conver it to type Class1.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Subclassing - Library Items And GetDefinitionByName?

Aug 29, 2009

I've recently inherited an AIR project, which is basically a widget that displays product images and static content (contact details etc) on the desktop.The original project was developed in CS4/AS3, and has been published and works fine. Since then, the original developer has gone overseas and I've been hired to make new versions of this widget, UI reskins, different products, etc. I work in CS3, so I've had the original Flash authoring file saved down, gotten Flash CS3 to be able to publish for the AIR runtime, and found the relevant AIR classes that I need. This has all gone smoothly.

The problem I'm having, is that there seems to be some strange way that the original developer has linked the library items to their relevant classes, and I'm trying to unravel this.I'm going to use the clip called windowApplication as my example.In the library, there is a movie clip symbol called 'windowApplication'. In its linkage settings, its class is set to 'windowApplication', and its base class ''.The Application class extends the MovieClip class.However, when I test the app, I get compiler errors

'5000: The class '' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.'
'1151: A conflict exists with definition SectionBackground in namespace internal.'
(SectionBackground is the first variable declaration in the Application class. Commenting it out makes this error change to the second variable declaration).

I can remove this error by changing the class of the 'windowApplication' symbol to 'Application' and setting the base class to 'flash.display.MovieClip', however that doesn't seem to instantiate the class properly. The symbol appears onscreen, but none of its instantiating functions are called.

The windowApplication object is instantiated using a getDefinitionByName call. I've had a google and looked around various forums, and I've seen suggestions that classes used in getDefinitionByName need to also have a fake instantiation so that they're compiled in Flash. I've tried this but it makes no difference.It seems to me that the getDefinitionByName call is working properly, as it does bring up the correct symbol - but only when the base class is flash.display.MovieClip.

I had another movie clip, called sectionMain, that also had this problem. Its original class was 'sectionMain' and its base class is 'com.aca.sections.Main'. It, too, threw a compiler error 5000. I changed the symbol's class to 'Main' and the base class to 'flash.display.MovieClip', when testing the app, this brought up the symbol. When I changed it back to the original settings, it worked fine, the object was called properly and I could interact with it. However, when the errors with the Application class are thrown, I also get the 5000 error for the Main class - without having changed anything.When I change the class of the windowApplication symbol to 'Application' instead of 'windowApplication', I get a warning that Flash can't find the class and will create one at runtime.

View 4 Replies

Actionscript 3 :: Arrays - Option For Subclassing Vector Class (Flash Player 10)?

May 7, 2009

I would like to take advantage of all the goodness of the newer Vector class for FP10, but it seems it is marked as final. I am doing some intensive mathematical processing in Actionscript, and repeatedly process arrays of Numbers. I have previously been using my own subclass of Array(I call it NumericArray), with added functions such as sum(), mean(), add(), multiply(), etc. This works very well and allows for some clean OO code. However, I am finding through profiling that about 95% of my processing time occurs in the functions of these objects. I need more performance out of these arrays.

I want to use a Vector, as it provides some performance enhancements. I want to specifically use a Vector.<Number>. Unfortunately, I cannot subclass Vector as it is marked final. What is the best and cleanest way to imitate what I was previously doing with a subclass of Array, to a Vector.<Number>?

I have thought about passing around Vector.<Number> variables instead of my custom class and just using utility functions to manipulate, but this is not good OO design and will be a pain to use, not to mention ugly.

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Flash :: Add Parameters In The Constructor Of A Class A, Subclassing Movieclip, Present On Stage At Design Time

Nov 12, 2011

There is a library component represented by Class A. But constructor of this class requires some parameters. When the component needs to be added dynamically, it's fine because of code :

var abc:A = new A(param1,param2)

But what if my movieclip is already present on the stage. I notice it gives out error, that the parameters are null.

Is their any way to insert constructor parameters for movieclips already on stage.

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AS3 :: Flex - Subclassing An Array - Get Array Elements (this[0] Does Not Work)?

Mar 16, 2011

If I am a subclass of an Array, how do I access an element?

class ArrayOfFoo extends Array
public function getFooAt(anIndex : int) : Foo
return this[anIndex] as Foo; // <---- looks for an object attribute (named "0", for example)

I could wrap an array instead of subclassing it, however lacking a universal IArray interface, that is less than useful for standard and custom functions expecting an Array.

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IDE :: UnloadAndStop And Extending Loader?

Oct 25, 2003

I have an asset management system which loads a bunch of external swfs, and when requested distributes copies of those swfs to other parts of an app (it creates instances of the classes to do this).Anyway, when I use these loaded swfs somewhere and then remove them Flash does its trick of leaving the sounds running (as they are triggered by timers).If they were Loader class items I could use .unloadAndStop() to shut them up and get them garbage collected, but they aren't of course.I thought I might be able to extend the Loader class and set the .content my self - which I have done by overiding the content getter in Loader. I was hoping I could then use unloadAndStop on that class but nothing happens. I've tried casting my fake Loader to a Loader as well and no joy.

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IDE :: Extending The Tween Class?

Jan 26, 2009

extending the tween class?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 - Extending MovieClip With Packages?

Sep 8, 2009

I'm using AS2, and trying to use AS2's packages for the first time, so I can organize my .as files properly. I'm running into some problems though I've got some classes that extend MovieClip, and I've put the class names in the Linkage>Class fields. When I publish, though, I get the error: The class or interface 'ClassName' could not be loaded. anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I tried importing the classes on the main timeline, and even including the directories of those classes on the classpaths list, but no dice

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Extending A Function Over Various Frames?

Jun 29, 2009

this cursor follow works in a single frame on the main timeline with a stop action :
// kisses start and follow cursor
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, start_kisses); 
function start_kisses(event:Event) { 
staged_kiss_mc.x = stage.mouseX;

How can this same function be called in various frames throughout the main timeline?  For instance, say the above code is on frame one and the "staged_kiss_mc" is extended from frames 1 to 10.  On all frames there is also a stop action (along with additional code, content, etc.)How can the function "start_kisses" be activated on each of the 10 frames in the same way it is on frame 1 ?Is it necessary to add a new Event Listener?  Do new functions need to be coded for each frame, such as start_kisses1, start_kisses2, etc.?  --Or can the same original function be reused?

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Extending A Component Over Multiple Frames

Nov 24, 2009

I found this sentence while googling out for Flash help: "Add 3 frames to your timeline. Drop a TextField on your Stage & make sure it extends over all the 3 frames." I was not able to accompolish the second task of this. I added the frames, dropped a TextField on the first frame, but could not find a way to extend it over all the 3 frames.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Extending The MovieClip Class?

Mar 3, 2010

I want to add a property to the MovieClip class. I just have a bunch of MovieClips that are placed on the stage by reading an XML file and creating lots of clips according to the information in them. Now, I need to know which MovieClips were created below previous clips, and I figure that the easiest way to do so would be by extending the MovieClip class and add an order property.I have some problems though: I don't know how to set or get this order property within the main clip, I don't know how to place this clip within my movie, and I don't know how to create them dynamically (do I just do something like var myNewObjectOfExtendedClass : myExtendedClassName = new myExtendedClassName?)
This is the code I have on my extended class, called

View 14 Replies

Professional :: Extending The Timeline Grid

Oct 1, 2011

When I open a new Flash CS5 project, the timeline grid only goes out to 600 or so frames. I have a three minute audio track that I want to insert at frame 1, and at 24 fps, that means it should end around frame 7200. So what I want to do is to extend the grid out to 7200 frames - before I drag my audio clip in, or once I have it in. If I set keyframes at 1 and 5, say, and drag my audio track in at frame 1, it appears that it will play all the way through using the controller, but my timeline grid is still only 600 frames long, and if the next thing I want to do is something that happens at frame 6000... I still can't get there.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Extending The Custom Class?

Feb 12, 2012

I made the transition to AS3 two years ago, but I still carry with me old AS2 habits. Could someone please help me understand how I extend a custom class correctly. I have the bad habit of putting most of my code in one .as file (the Document class), but I use a few custom classes now and then. What I'm tring to figure out is how I would extend a class of this type:
public class ClipDragger {
private var _clip:MovieClip;
public function ClipDragger(clip:MovieClip) {
_clip = clip;

For example I would like to add a MOUSE_MOVE listener, and also add actions to the drag function.

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Flex :: Exception When Extending A Component?

Aug 2, 2009

when extending a flex component and trying to use it, I get a RTE. I.e. I am extending a DataCanvas and am using it like this:

<MyComponent dataProvider="{dataProvider}" width="100%" height="100%" x="0" y="0" id="dc" verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="0" />

Has anyone seen this? How can I get around it?


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Flex :: Error When Extending AdvancedDataGridRenderer

Mar 28, 2011

I have set the itemrenderer package like that:


However when I include the following lines in my AdvancedDataGridColumn tag,


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Flex :: Extending The Spark Skin?

Jul 14, 2011

My current requirement: I have menubar with 3 different button types. Skin structure is simple: one label and two state graphics. So my base skin have label, and in overridden i want add two images. But flex docs states that overriding of skin is not preferred. I try override override public function addElementAt(element:IVisualElement, index:int):IVisualElement for adding new subcomponents to custom container sdk using it but my view is blank. Does skins are really not overridable? My current code:

<s:ButtonBar skinClass="MenuSkin" dataProvider="{content}" />
in MenuSkin:
<fx:Component id="firstButton">


and next 2 skins have repeated <s:Label/> part. As label should look the same, naturally i want extend base skin class but it is no possible form me. First problem: if i add image in mxml it overlaps label.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Extending Rectangle From Right To Left?

Jan 25, 2010

I hace this problem :

I have a rectangle that is on the top left of my screen it's width is 10px so if I want to make it bigger from left to right I do

ActionScript Code:
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
square_mc._width += 20

this works fine but now what do i do if I palce it at the bottom right and i want it to strech from right to left

ActionScript Code:

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ActionScript 3.0 :: DispatchEvent Without Extending EventDispatcher?

Jan 27, 2010

How should I dispatch Events in my objects without having to extend the EventDispatcher?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML With HTML Not Extending Textbox?

Jul 12, 2010

So I have a quick question. I have an xml document that has a list of items. Some with links, some without (i have removed the links for this example as I am not allowed to post links here). This works fine until my list extends passed the textbox (scroller) that I am inserting them into, at which point the list simply disapears. I am not trying to get the box to grow in height, I have a scrollbar attached to it.its the second list that gives me the problems.Actionscript:

ActionScript Code:
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Extending From Document Class?

Jul 15, 2010

Is this possible? Extending From the Document Class?

Because I have this as code and can't get a trace[code]...

All I can find online are examples of instanciation, not inheritance when connecting/accessing the document root:

var mySubTest:TheSubTest = new TheSubTest();

Is extending from a document root impossible? I can create a new instance, but branching out seems like a dead end.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Extending To Custom Classes?

Dec 14, 2010

Say I have a document class called index, where I set up some variables and methods and include a class.

I get this error:

Error: Error #2136: The SWF file file: index.swf contains invalid data.
at com::index/initIndex()
at com::index()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Extending The JWPlayer Class?

May 13, 2011

I'm having an issue extending a class in the JWPlayer API, but I think it's probably more of an issue of the way I'm extending the class in AS3 rather than the class itself. Here is the code:

package {
import com.longtailvideo.jwplayer.parsers.*;
import com.longtailvideo.jwplayer.utils.*;


All three of the final functions do not return values even though I have event listeners only calling those values one Event.COMPLETE (of the loaded SWF that contains this script).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Extending From Entity Class?

Jun 23, 2011

am attempting to make a simple asteroids game using push button engine. In the game the ship should fire when the user pushes the spacebar button.To do this my KeyboardController class should make a new instance of the Bullet class on every tick when the spacebar is down.The problem is for some (probably simple) reason I can't extend the Entity or IEntity class. IEntity is an interface so I understand why I can't extend that, but I'm not sure why it's not letting my extend entity. Heres my code for calling the bullet constructor:

if (PBE.isKeyDown(InputKey.SPACE)){
var _newBullet: Entity = Bullet();

and here is the first line of the bullet class.

public class Bullet extends Entity{...}

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Have Class Extending Restriction?

Jul 27, 2011

By this question, I don't just mean add a final to your class name.I'm talking about, let's say that you have a class that only one other class uses, but should not be accessed by no other class. Is it possible to say in the extended class that only this other class can extend me?*Change* Also, can you restrict which classes are allowed to initialise it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Extending The Button Class

May 4, 2005

I have an AS file named MovieClipTLnd which I created to add a property to the MovieClip class, plus a function to trace the current value of the property I added. I works out just fine. But when I do the same trying to extend the Button Class, it won't work.

check the last lines of this LiveDoc, a few days ago someone posted a comment regarding this problem


I know there are some workarounds for this problem... like embedding the button into movieclips and assigning properties as objects, but I need to know if it's possible to Extend the Built-in Button class itself just like it can be done with the MovieClip Class.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Extending A Class From MovieClip?

Apr 18, 2006

extending a class from MovieClip? I could just make a movieclip variable in the class to make it simpler. I heard if you extend from Movieclip it makes it feel like its dynamic because you have frames (gotoAndStop, etc). However, it allows me to have direct access to variables (or this.) instead of somemc., and I believe thats faster because 1) smaller name variable lookup, 2) no get function call.

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