ActionScript 3.0 :: Edit The Content Without Having To Edit The FLA File Or Any Code?

Aug 11, 2009

I'm actually relatively new to flash and actionscript but I could say I have fair knowledge about them. So anyway, I usually build flash websites the traditional way using timeline animation and scripting. Today I had a job interview and they said they're looking for someone who can develop any web design into a Flash CMS with a back-end office for the client to edit the content without having to edit the FLA file or any code.

Accordingly, I'd like to know where and how to start. What are the main concepts I should follow/adapt?

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var mc = _root.bottom.panel.duplicateMovieClip("copy"+j, j);
if (j===(4)) {posit=50;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Edit Code For Sound Toggle Button?

Aug 19, 2010

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[My fla has 2 layers, one for this AS, and one for the buttons... within the symbol section, I have two layers, one for the button common BG, and two frames in the button layer, one for play (triangle) and one for stop (square). They are saved as a movie clip.]


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theText.html = true;

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<icons><icon image="shoes.png" tooltip="" content="I made this...<![CDATA[<a [code]....

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The banner can be seen at self catering accommodation belfast dot com

Is it possible to request this on the forum please?

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Feb 14, 2010

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I'm trying to edit a .fla file. It's actually a flash game, a dating sim game to be specific. Now, the game has dialogues where you have to press a "next button" so that the next dialogue will appear, but I've noticed that all the dialogues are gone, they're not appearing at all. It's just a blank space. At the same time, the game has dynamic texts like money, energy and name of the player but likewise it's just an empty space. I've noticed that when I exported the game as swf. The text appears but it's distorted. For example the dialogue "Where am I" would appear as "a aa ii". I've also noticed that when I opened the .fla, it says that there are fonts missing.. I dont know if that has something to do with this..

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Feb 23, 2010

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u can see the flash player here [URL]

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1. how do I edit an flv file?

2. how do I save a video as an flv?

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Lets say that I record my webcam to fms, access it and see that I would like the first 10 seconds to be deleted. Can I possibly do that with code?

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Professional :: How To Edit Default Text In FLA File

Nov 13, 2010

I'm using an open-source Flash mp3 player. In comes in two swf versions. One plays a list of songs and displays the album cover(s). The other version just plays one song. The problem is that the single-song version loads some default text that I want to change (I was able to do this in the other version via the external playlist file). I'm a Flash newbie, and when I open the fla file the player's author provides, I can't find where this default text is located. (The playlist version works fine; its default text relates to what the user will get when they click on the file titles.)
Playlist version that works OK - [URL]
Single song version with wrong default text - [URL]

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Java :: Edit A File On Computer From Within A Browser?

Jul 13, 2011

I would like to know if it's possible to edit a file from within the browser. I know where the file is and I know its format. I would like to some HTML5 and JavaScript but have little luck so don't mind using Flash or Java.

The file I would like to edit is the hosts file. C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts on Windows XP.

This is mostly for test run of a new breed of AdBlocking so would like to give my browser and the best chance of working. I have Google Chrome Dev opened as ROOT, running on Windows XP.

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