ActionScript 3.0 :: False As Part Of If / Else Statement Is Not Working In IE?

Oct 10, 2009

i have made a navigation banner in flash for a blog site, but the banner is giving me trouble in Internet Explorer. The Flash file has two buttons, one for "Log In" and one for "Log Out", that are supposed to be visible/invisible depending on whether or not the user is logged in to the blog or not. To achieve this, I have set up a Param tag that checks to see if the user is logged in or not, and then reports this true or false data to the Flash movie as being either "1" or "0" in the form of a variable. The Actionscript in Flash then uses this data to make one button visible, and the other not visible.This is working perfectly in Firefox, but for some reason in Internet Explorer (tested in IEv8) both buttons are visible at all times. Both Firefox and Internet Explorer are running the same version of FlashPlayer (v10).[Code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Recognizing True/false Statement Inside MC?

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How do you get a True/False statement to be recognized inside a movie clip with a button on the main timeline as the control. I want my movie clip to stop at the last frame if the movie clip reaches the last frame. Otherwise gotoAndStop at the first frame of the clip. I was using

on (press) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flag The If Statement As False Based On The First Parameter?

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var run:Boolean;
var jump:Boolean;
if (run && jump){

is flash smart enough to flag the if statement as false based on the first parameter? or will it still process both booleans, even though it is known the if statement must return false based on the "run" Boolean alone. just wondering if its a waste of processing, although trivial at this level.

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main.asc: line 4: SyntaxError: missing ; before statement: var __CONFIG__.isConfigLoaded = false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: MouseChildren = False Not Working?

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package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.*;[code].....

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var my_loader:Loader = new Loader();
my_loader.load(new URLRequest(""));


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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Statement Is Not Working?

Jun 22, 2010

on my main timeline i have a movie clip called "screen" within that i have a dynamic text box for inputing a number. var for text box is txt_1

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//this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.screen.txt_1 == "11111") {

but this is not working...basically i want to say that is the text that was inputed was "11111" play the first prize animation inside the "prizes" mc, and if its "22222" play the second prize animation in the "prizes" mc.what am i doing wrong?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Statement Not Working?

May 28, 2005

For some reason my if statement is not working. It is in a movie clip of a blinking eye and I want the code to pause the blink for 4 seconds between blinks.The movie clip does not have an instance name (which may be the problem).Frames 1-12 is the eye blink animation. (no script)

Frame 13

timeDelay = 4+getTimer()/1000;
Frame 14 is empty


When I run the movie, the varaibles change like they should according to the time, but for some reason, it skips over the if statement even is timeYet is greater than timeDelay. I probably labeled the variables wrong, but I do how they should be.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: For Statement Not Quite Working?

Jan 4, 2006

ActionScript Code:

<p>function flasher () {</p>
<p> trace ("flasher running");</p>
<p> count = 20;</p>


If i am right this should make win11 flicker 4 times but it aint:confused: I dont need to use a onEnterFrame for this do i?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Else If Statement Not Working?

Aug 9, 2006

Here's my code:

Global variable _level0.menu_2 is populated with one of 5 values. Function exists for each value. The function for the value should only be called if the _level0.menu_2 variable matches the value. What is happening is that even though _level0.menu2 is correctly populated, only the first if statement executes--even if the first condition is NOT met.

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function loadMenu2():Void{
if (_level0.menu_2 = value1){
trace("_level0.menu_2 is value1");


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Actionscript 3 :: Conditional Statement Not Working?

Jan 23, 2010

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var manTimer:Timer = new Timer(1700,5);
manTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moveMan);
function moveMan(e:TimerEvent):void {[code].....

I am trying to get it so that when btnElScorcho or btnTheGoodLife is clicked it'll move my "man" mc out onto the stage. It starts at 590px and ends at -10px. That part is working.What is not working is my conditional statement that tells it to only move the "man" if he is at the x position of 590 or greater, because, when one of the 2 buttons is clicked again, I don't want to move him out if he is already there or if he is already moving out.So for some reason, "man" will still move when the buttons are clicked a second time and oddly enough, "man" will only move twice as opposed to the normal 5 times set in the function.Maybe I can change the if statement to check if the button has already been clicked as opposed to where "man" is?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Switch Statement Not Working

Nov 5, 2009

I have the following in my script:[code]where eProp is an Array.Tracing the eProp[3], shows the correct number (1 or 2) but the statement always jumps to the default part!In other words: If eProp[3] is 1 or 2, the switch do nothing, jumps to default.[code]What is wrong? AS can't evaluate Arrays? Or I did something wrong?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple If Statement Not Working?

Feb 21, 2012

I am attempting to create one function to respond to multiple button clicks. I have a simple if statement in my onBtnClick function that does not work. Just need the button that is in that variable to go to frame 1. Trace statements are working inside the statement so I the if statement runs correctly?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Conditional Statement Not Working?

Jul 31, 2008

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on (press) {
startDrag(this, true);
on (release) {


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Actionscript :: Switch Statement Not Working In Flex?

Mar 5, 2010

I have a students xml from a database. The student_state column can have a value of "passed", among other values (hence the need for switch statement). When the list_changeHandler function is called, depending on the value of student_state, I want a form to display different fields. So I tried to dynamically create the form in actionscript, but it fails to show up when I run the flex application:

import mx.containers.Form;
import mx.containers.FormItem;
import mx.containers.HBox;[code].....

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Jan 16, 2009

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ActionScript Code:
//working code
function checkTarget(drag){[code].............

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Statement Not Working To Verify Password

Nov 4, 2009

I am a total newbie and just learning from resources available here.. Today i was trying If statements to verify if the password entered in input box named "pass" . I code is as following..
on (release){
if (pass =="acc"){
Even if I enter the correct password it displays the content in frame 15.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Focus Not Working On If Statement

Jul 7, 2010

I have created menu which has roll over and out animations.What I am trying to achieve is to play the roll over animation when rolling over the menu, but stop the roll out animation IF the focus has been set on a specific movieclip.[cod]I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but if I trace the stage focus inside the if statement nothing happens, but it works if I trace it on else statement(gives null) which means that the if statement is bypassed and the else is played.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SW1 Change Handler - IF Else Statement Not Working

Nov 21, 2011

sw1 = text input
asw1 = text input
My problem is that is sw1 when I put in "188" it gives me "28.73" instead of "209.43". If I put in "2" it gives me "28.73" instead of "21.78". So it really doesn't work. My other "If" "Else If" statement works.

protected function sw1_changeHandler(event:TextOperationEvent):void{
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (sw1.text <= String ( Number("18.325")) && sw1.text >= String ( Number("1"))){
(asw1.text = String ( Number("21.78")));
} else if (sw1.text <= String ( Number("24.83")) && sw1.text >= String ( Number("18.326"))){
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing Function With If Statement Not Working?

Jan 10, 2005

I am trying to reference a function in an if statement and it's not doing anything. The reference is here.

private function newNumber (qTotal:Number, curNum:Number):Number {
var newNum:Number = Math.floor(Math.random()*qTotal);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Statement Not Working Properly [renamed]?

Dec 16, 2005

For some reason my first if statement is allways fulfilled, even when I set the varaiable to different values, I cant work out why. My variables are not used anywhere else in my site.

if (_global.roller=5){
var speed = 0;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: IOErrorEvent Try Catch Statement Not Working

Sep 24, 2009

I have a picture loader to load pictures on a website I am making and I want it to check for a picture and if the picture is not at the url, I want it to run a function and not throw an error. I tried using try catch but it didn't work so I tried using an IOEventListener and that still didn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing Function With If Statement Not Working

Apr 30, 2010

I am trying to reference a function in an if statement and it's not doing anything. The reference is here.


private function newNumber (qTotal:Number, curNum:Number):Number {
var newNum:Number = Math.floor(Math.random()*qTotal);
for (var j:Number=0; j<curNum; j++) {


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