ActionScript 3.0 :: Find The Language's Document Object Model (DOM)?
Feb 17, 2011
Just getting started with ActionScript 3, which is, I'm told, an object-oriented langauge.Therefore I am trying to find the language's Document Object Model (DOM), but I cannot find it anywhere.This would be a comprehensive outline of all AS3 objects with their respective properties, methods, etc. Any real OOP language would have this.
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<EventHandlers type="{WebServiceEvent.RT_GET}" debug="true">
<HTTPServiceInvoker url="/services/rtGet.asp">
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openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey mykey.key -in developer_identity.pem -out iphone_dev.p12
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Here's a link to the tutorial I used if you want any more info: [URL]
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Manish's answer was enough for me and according to rcdmk's comment, the p:String isn't about the Type of data that the loop will go through, it is actually the name of the property, which makes sense because every name is a String.
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Aug 8, 2010
If the size of the Document object in a Flash application is not set explicitly, how is its size determined?
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Jun 1, 2005
So I was just sitting and fooling a bit around in flash, when I decided to change the colour of an object through and XML document, that ofcause contained the colourcode. So I made a little, very basic, action script, but it doesn't seem to work. When I open the page, the object turns black, so the setRGB works, but because it can't find any of the xml, flash writes 000000, and therefore it turns black. Well, that's what I'm guessing. The point is, it isn't working, and I really don't know why.
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Apr 23, 2009
I have two files, MenuButton and JerkChicken (my document class...don't ask).
MenuButton loads a font and then creates a textfield with a background rectangle that is inivisible (for a hit state).
In my document class ( I build a menu with the following function:
private function buildMenu() {
var labels:Array = new Array(
Or something similar...basically I want to take the width of the menu button, add a bit of space and then place down the next menu button (to make a horizontal menu bar).
The problem I am having is menuButton.width is returning 0.
In the menuButton class when I try to trace the width (i.e. trace (_bgWidth)) I am getting the width but when the button is created in the document class, I am not retrieving the width.
I guess what I am looking for is to somehow send "_bgWidth" from the MenuButton class to the document class...but I don't know how to do this.
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Jan 12, 2011
How to find out targetpath of a movieclip or a textfield.? i need to get full path of a movieclip like Object(root).moviclip1.movieclip2.textfield
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Jan 13, 2011
get the target path of an object.So that i can give properties/methods to that object.Actually i need the target path when an event on click/keyup/enterframe..and so on.
var curinstance:Object =;
In the above code i get the instance name of the particular object i cant give properties and methods to it.
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Feb 23, 2011
how do you find an object's index / position within an array in flash actionscript 3? I am trying to set a conditional up in a loop where, if an object's id is equal to the current_item variable, I can return its position within the array.
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Dec 5, 2007
I don't know if this is even possible, or if I'm going the right way about this.Here's what I've got:
ActionScript Code:
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, imageProgressHandler);
function imageProgressHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void {
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Apr 19, 2011
I'm trying to determine if an object exists in a multidimensional array.I found this code:
contains = function (input, arrayData) {
for (i=0; i < arrayData.length; i++) {
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Oct 7, 2011
I have the coordinates, i just need to know what is there. Is there a simple command that will return this to me?
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Jul 19, 2005
I have a couple of components on stage that I need to disable mouse events on. I've been looking through the documentation, and it looks like the components probably have a Mouse listener setup, and then they fire off their functions when their listeners are notified of an event. In order to remove a Mouse listener, I need to know the instance name of the listener object, is there a way of referencing this? I couldn't find it as a built-in function.
Maybe I'm off-base, and there's a better way to get a component to stop responding to mouse events. I tried
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