Actionscript 3 :: Find Out The Object Path In Flash

Jan 13, 2011

get the target path of an object.So that i can give properties/methods to that object.Actually i need the target path when an event on click/keyup/enterframe..and so on.

var curinstance:Object =;

In the above code i get the instance name of the particular object i cant give properties and methods to it.

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var myLoader:Loader = new Loader(); addChild(myLoader);
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import flash.display.Sprite;

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I want to drag an object on this path or random path .If you are not getting my point Please look on the attached image.or look to this link.

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Jun 30, 2010

I'm trying to write a plug-in for Flash CS5 that will display the "instances path" for a selected object. I'm trying to work with JSFL.I manged to get all selected objects using fl.getDocumentDOM().selection. I iterate over the array I get and look at the objects. I am able to get each of the objects' name. What I need to do is construct the "path" to that object (e.g., scene.scene.instance4.myText). Can anyone think of a way to do that? Is there a way to get the object that contains a certain object?

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