Actionscript 3 :: Find MC Path On MouseClick?

Mar 14, 2012

Is there a way to get the path to the movieClip I'm clicking?

e.g. event.currentTarget.path? (This doesn't work but I'd like something like it!)

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does anyone know.... it's very important!

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[F8] Moving Movieclip With A Mouseclick?

Nov 26, 2008

Im currently making a game that has one of those old-skool Fallout maps (a world map where you click somewhere and the "you" marker moves there) that im trying to replicate.I already have the scripts ready for map interaction (using onhit here). But i was wondering if someone could help me with a script that works this way:

1. I have a movieclip (the character)

2. When i click somewhere on the map i want this movieclip to move there. Not instantly but moving over the screen to that point where you clicked.

3. I also want there to be passages that when the movieclip hit that movieclip (named hit for example) it stops dead and doesn't move (will be used on the map for mountains and such) and the player has to click somewhere else to move it that path (im assuming this will be something like onhit: hit - speed=0 something but im not a good scripter and it would had to be worked into the script.

4. ok this one is kinda optional but would be great! If it's possible to have it worked in the script that when the clip doesn't move (and is stationary on the map) the movieclip stays on frame 1 but when the movieclip is in motion (and moving across the screen) the movieclip is on frame 2 (and reverts to frame 1 when it's not moving anymore and so no)

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_rotation += (Math.floor(180*Math.atan2(_ymouse,_xmouse)/Math.PI)+90);


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Dec 27, 2010

at first ihave 3 frames coded with AS3

frame1 has var i = 0;

then frame2 has AS3 buttons (action inserted)

function Click(e:MouseEvent):void {

gotoAndPlay(2); var i = 1;

and the last one has (without click, this one works very well)gotoAndPlay(2); i++ (but it gets i=0; on click)how can i change the value ? (and this way works very well on AS2)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sound On Mouseclick Or Keypress?

May 26, 2009

I have recently made a piano in CS3 using AS2. The basic idea is that you can both click on a piano key and click on a key on your keyboard to hear the sound that particular key makes.Everything works just dandy apart from the fact that the sound doesn't seem to work at all.Below I have posted the action script (the comments are in Dutch) perhaps you'll need the FLA file as well.

//Maakt een sound object en verbind het met de piano movie clip op de stage


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loaded Swf Disable Mouseclick?

May 14, 2009

im loading a swf into my flash but the whole swf that is loaded gets the "click hand"
is there a way to get rid of this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: UNLOAD External SWF On Mouseclick?

Oct 12, 2010

All of my buttons load their respective external swf files. However, they load on top of each other. How do I set each button to UNLOAD the external swf's that have already been loaded by the previous buttons.Here is what I have now:
movieClip_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF); 
var fl_Loader:Loader; 
//This variable keeps track of whether you want to load or unload the SWF 
var fl_ToLoad:Boolean = true; 


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Professional :: Animation Start On Mouseclick

Jan 6, 2012

I have a most simple animation which I want to start on mouse click. I use CS5 and ActionScript 3.0. I have one layer where my animation is in, and an actions layer. When I add a stop(); at frame 1, the whole thing does not start. So far, so good. How do I tell Flash that it should then start the animation after clicking the mouse?I am a complete newbie but have tried since hours to overcome this problem. 

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving An Object On Mouseclick?

Aug 8, 2009

'm putting together a flash animation of approx five productsEach picture is above the other so the flash file is tall roduct 1 at the top product 2 underneath 3 underneath that etcThe whole thing will scroll up and down vertically to display each appropriate pictureI need 5 buttons each one would move the strip of images up and down vertically to the correct location and I was wondering if this would be possible by using actionscript to move and define the position on the long strip of images.I.e when product 1 button is pressed, scroll the strip up to show product 1 picture. When product 4 button is pressed, scroll the same strip down to display product 4..For example, each button script might read something likeonRelease - scroll the image bar to y position(obviously a different position for each button)would this be feesable? I hope somebody understands what I mean, I've seen these type of flash 'portfolio' type scroll bars quite a few times but I'm not sure how to go about putting one together, is this the best way?

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