ActionScript 3.0 :: Find When An FLV Using With A FLVPlayback Component With An Instance Name Of "videoComp" Is Finished Playing?

Feb 21, 2011

I am trying to find when an FLV I am using with a FLVPlayback component with an instance name of "videoComp" is finished playing.  Here's the code:

videoComp.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, movieDone);
function movieDone(event:VideoEvent):void {
trace("movie complete");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: FlvPlayback Component Play Next Video After Finished?

Aug 2, 2006

My Challenge is this...To feed up to 5 video references (filepaths) into the SWF which contains the FLVPlayBack component, and have these play in sequence automatically.

Once the first video ends, the next begins...Currently our FLV player takes 1 filepath passed by FlashVars and play it.

First things first... I just want to get the function of having one .flv file play after the first has finsihed... do I need some kind of listener?

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Get A Video Placed On Stage In An FLV Component To Loop To The Beginning Once It's Finished Playing

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Playing FLVs Using FLVPlayBack Component When Files Incomplete?

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I cannot get my sample program using the FLVPlayback component (using as2) to play back FLVs that are still in the process of being recorded. I have no problem playing back FLVs that are complete. Is this a practical limitation?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A Swf With FLVPlayback Component And The Flv Restarts Playing?

Mar 31, 2012

i have an fla file with 5 keyframes. Each keyframe navigates forward to the following keyframe. On the fifth keyframe, a Loader loads an external swf. The external swf has an flv playback component with sound.
The fifth keyframe, other than having a button to click to load the swf, has a movie clip that navigates you back to the first keyframe. The loaded swf, once loaded, may be removed using removeThis function which has removeChild code as well as a flv.stop(); which makes the flv stop when the swf is removed. So u're back on keyframe 5, no sound ASo, all is well and the user can navigate back to the first keyframe (from keyframe 5), and from there continue on to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th keyframes again,  problems start though, when you get to that 5th keyframe again: that keyframe has an FLVPlayback component playing an flv, which at that point becomes very sluggish as all the mc animations on that 5th frame. And worse, i realize, the flv in the external swf that was previously loaded, starts playing by itself, which i know, because i hear its sound track.
I tried putting a conditional statement to tell the _flv to stop on keyframes 1 and 5, but that causes errors, considering that the flv is an undefined property from the perspective of those keyframes.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Out When Video Is Finished?

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Im using an instance of the FLV PLayback component, how can I find out if the video is finished so I can then do another function?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Out When A Sound Is Finished?

Jun 27, 2010

SOUND_COMPLETE apparently isn't working!

In short, this is what I have:

ActionScript Code:
var playingsong:Sound;
function loadTrack(track){
playingtrack = new Sound();


I have a trace on trackFinished, and it never happens, so it's never getting called.

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Flex :: Find Out Moment After RotationX Has Finished?

Feb 1, 2011

i am playing around with the rotationX/Y/Z properties available in flashplayer since version 10. for testing purpose i created a cube and put canvas objects on three sides of it (top, front, bottom) and created a tween to get the values required for turing by 90 deg. turning the cube (a canvas) using rotationX = xx works well when the three side-canvas objects are small and filled with a not-to-complex element hierarchy. when using larger and more complex content it slows down. the next idea was to remove the canvas elements content and replace it by a snapshotimage of the content instead before starting the turn, after the turn is performed the original content is put back on the sides again.

this results in a good perfomance increase. using a tween the last step of rotation is done in the function that is called as the tweenEnd handler. in this function also the process of copying the canvases content back is performed. unfortunately this results in a short hang of the cube right in that last rotation step, the reason for which is that rotation and copying back takes place at the same time. so i could wait for some time after having called cube.rotationX = endValue by using a timer or setTimeout(func, 500), but this is ugly. so my question is: after having called cube.rotationX = endValue a period of time is required to calculate data for the rotation and do the rotation itself. is there a way to find out the point in time when the rotation has ended, so that then the copying can be started ?

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Actionscript 3 :: Find Out When All Loaders That Are Currently Loading Have Finished?

Jan 8, 2012

I have some code where I am loading a few hundred images into an array in Flash. I am using XML to pass in the list then a Loader for each entry like this -

for (var i:int = 0; i < myXML.item.length(); i++) {
imgloaders[i] = new Loader();
imgloaders[i].load(new URLRequest(myXML.item[i].imageLocation));[code]...

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Mar 20, 2012

I was wondering if there was a way to get the sound from a FLVPlayback component and manipulate it with using a custom volume slider? Within my Actionscript I currently have this code which enables me to control the volume of a MP3:

var mysong = new music();
var myChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
var myTransform = new SoundTransform();
myChannel =,10);


But Instead of using the MP3 for sound, is there a way to use an FLV's sound instead?

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Javascript :: Run After Swf Is Finished Playing?

Aug 9, 2010

I'm working on a project where a SWF will play (as sort of a splash), followed by JS. After the video plays, the navigation and content will appear, and the video will fade out. I'm just wondering what would be the best way to accomplish this? Play the video first and then load everything via ajax behind the scenes? The goal is to be as seamless as possible and I am having a flash asset provided to me by the client.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: After Flv Is Finished Playing?

Sep 24, 2010

A.swf has an empty_mc on it's stage. Loading into the empty_mc is B.swf.B.swf plays C.flv. After the C.flv is done playing I want B.swf to tell A.swf to go to frame 3

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Sep 7, 2009

i have a client who wants to make a school system on his website, now i've done that, however what my client wants is to put wmv or flv files inside every lesson and he wants to be sure that the user who has registered to the online school WATCHES fully all the wmv or flv and then redirect him to a quiz page where he will take a test.My client wants to be sure that the users are watching the wmv or flv files before doing any quiz.SO is there a way where i can know when the wmv or flv file has FINISHED playing so that i would redirect them to another page??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Next MovieClip After One Finished?

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In as2 I am using:
_parent.gotoAndPlay(_parent._currentframe + 1);
to have one movieclip play and then when it finishes the next movieclip plays. How do I do this is as3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detecting When A Flv Is Finished Playing?

Dec 17, 2010

I am looking for code that would let me detect when an flv has finished playing and advance the playback head to the next frame. So to set this up I have my flv on frame 1 (instance name vid1) and I want it to automatically "gotoandstop" on frame 2 when "vid1" is finished playing.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Unload A FLV When Finished Playing?

Jul 4, 2011

I have an urgent issue, I have created an swf file that loads the external FLV, however when finished playing the video stops on the final frame of the FLV.What I want is for the video to unload itself.

if(_root.video1 == undefined){
vStream = "15_IT_CURVES_BECKS_700x400.flv";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Swf Has Finished Playing?

Jun 7, 2009

I am using the loader class to load an external swf "cube_final.swf". note I am setting a movie_clip (set on stage) to alpha=0 as I want it to remain invisble until the loaded swf finishes playing. I will then set alpha = 100% .

But how to i detect that the swf has finished playing? I can detect whether its loaded (i'll place a preloader in the loading() function)

this.open_cube.alpha = 0
var introLoader:Loader;
function loadIntro(url:String):void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Mc Once Finished Playing

Jun 7, 2011

How do I do that? Writing the code in the timeline does not seem good to me in as3, nor am I sure how to do it. I saw a site with an answer but it uses the main timeline for coding. Is it okay if I use the timeline for codes like in as2 or is it considered a bad practice?

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Flash :: Remove Instance Of Video When Finished?

Mar 19, 2011

I did a file/import/video and pointed to a video on my server and this is all on the first frame. On my aa layer I have the following[code]...

As you can see, when the video finishes, it hops to frame 2 and continues to the website. What started happening on a few occasions, is the timeline would randomly jump back to frame 2 for no apparent reason. I'm assuming it's because I didn't remove the instance of the video, or something along those lines? This whole issue on;y started when I introduced the video.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Jump To Frame After FLV Finished Playing?

Nov 5, 2008

I am using actionscript 2 and I am trying to get my FLV to jump another frame in my flash movie after it's finished playing. I am using the FLV component that comes in flash to play the FLV and i've embedded an event cue point in the FLV but I am not sure what I am now supposed to do!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect When A Loaded Swf Has Finished Playing

Apr 1, 2009

I have an external transparent swf loading in to my movie. The swf has to be imported over a button element on stage. The swf plays for a few seconds than it appears to go off-stage... at which point I need to free up that button to be clicked.

So, I need to detect when that movie has finished playing and then unload.

My code so far.

import flash.display.Loader;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tell When MovieClip's Animation Has Finished Playing?

May 15, 2009

I'm just wondering if there is an event for MovieClips that tells when the MovieClip's animation has finished playing. Basically, I have an explosion movie clip that I put on the stage. I want to have it animate once through it's loop, then remove itself.

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Oct 28, 2009

i want to play an animation that is converted into a movieclip and indicate success of that level and then after the movieclip is finished playing then i want to run a function which will bring user to the next level.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Start Playing Before Finished Loading?

Apr 22, 2010

I am a flash newbie, how can I get the flash to start playing before it is finished loading on a website? I embedded a FLV file into a flash and I'm going to export it as a SWF, I want it to start playing the movie before it's done loading so people don't think that it's not working.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing Mc Label After Tween Is Finished?

Apr 28, 2010

I have a tween on this mc and after its finished its supposed to play "goal", a label inside it (code is on the main timeline and the label inside the mc). But, well, i dont know why but it doesnt.. Heres the code:

import com.greensock.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect A External Swf Is Finished Playing?

Nov 15, 2011

I have 5 loaded swf files, I can play them one by one using "next" button. But now I need a "autoplay " button. My thinking is to dectect one swf finished, then call the "next" function, so it can be played automaticly. The thing is I don't know how to dectect one swf is finished playing.

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