ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Ignores The Flash Index, And Focuses On Some Of The Navigation Elements Of The Parent?

Oct 6, 2009

I have a flash file that loads in a external swf. That swf contains a form that I want to control the tab order on. The external swf has form fields in it, and I have their tab indexes set. When I hit tab, flash ignores the flash index, and focuses on some of the navigation elements of the parent .swf. What am I doing wrong?

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Flash :: IE-8 Iframe And Object Ignores Z-index?

Jun 5, 2011

I have the following divs and I'm trying to make the iframe layer infront of my_flash. It's a common problem and I've read through all the solutions I could find and still I'm getting issues in IE8. I'm using SWFobject by the way.

Here's the source:

<script type="text/javascript">
swfobject.embedSWF("index.swf", "my_flash", "100%", "100%", "8.0.0");"my_flash",900,650);


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Css :: When Using Swfobject / Swf File Ignores Z-index

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Elements To An Associative Arrays Index?

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myArray = {car:"Ford",type:"Mustang"},{car:"Chevy",type:"Camaro"});

Now if I wanted to add data to the indexes how would I do it?

For instance I now want to add years 1985,and 2000 to the index 0 and 1.

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Html :: <object> Height Ignores Parent Div Height?

Aug 9, 2011

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<div id="exp_banner" style="width:930px; height:180px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; z-index: 100;">
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="test.swf" width="930"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: TextField Navigation Index?

Oct 13, 2009

I'm new to ActionScript and I'm having trouble creating a navigational index for my company's catalog. I've created 6 dynamic TextFields on the stage, given each of them a unique instance name (one, two, three, etc.) and have assigned to each of them the same eventListener and pageJump function via AS. My intent is to allow a user to jump to a specific page by clicking on the corresponding TextField. My question is how do I tell the function which TextField has been clicked? Nothing I've tried has worked thus far. If there's

var navList:Array = new Array(one,two,three,four,five,six);
function setFieldParam():void {
var i:int = 0;


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Flash :: Get The Specific Array Index Based On Value Inside The Index's Object?

Jun 22, 2011

So, for sending to individual streams we have to reference the connected netStream we want to send to in some way like this:


and I have to determine which peer I'm sending to by their ID such as "peerID1234"

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how can I make my send stream function know to use the array index where the peerID is?

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Flash :: Xml - Does Xml Ignores (,) OR (-) (xml Of Object)

Jun 9, 2010


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Navigation Bar - Tracing Index No Of Array

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var pgtit:Array=["link1","link2","link3","link4"];
var xPos = 0;
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for(var i:uint = 0; i < pgtit.length; i++){
var btn:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
[Code] .....

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PHP Code:

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("countdown.swf");


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash Ignores ALL Scripts?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Recreate The Following Website Except Using Different Graphics But With The Same Navigation Elements?

Apr 15, 2009

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Flash :: Flex - TextFlow Ignores Whitespaces?

Oct 17, 2011

i'm trying to add whitespaces in front of my text, but flex removes all but one whitespace from the text. So i can't format the text.

Here is the specified line:

<s:p> - Lorem</s:p>
<s:p> ipsulum</s:p>

Here its shown correctly but when running the swf it reduces the whitespaces of the second line. Of course i tried to use CDATA but this didn't work too.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Ide Ignores Changes In Imported Classes

Jul 20, 2009

a few days ago i have started running across various errors and glitches in the app i am developing, and after a lot of time found out the following fact:

just as the title reads, flash started ignoring changes i make to classes i use, as if it has an internal cache of imported classes and refuses to check for changes. it notices when i remove class from directory, it notices when i comment out a whole function, BUT if i comment out the contents of all of the functions, leaving just their declarations, flash executes them "perfectly" well. where does it takes their contents from? how to delete the cache?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Application Ignores Crossdomain.xml?

Dec 8, 2009

With a looming deadline for a big project, I've just wasted an entire evening trying to find out why my application won't properly load image content when the .swf is deployed to a web server.

Here's what I'm trying to do:

- load a jpeg image from a different domain than where my .swf's are hosted

- turn it into a Bitmap object to apply smoothing

Loading the jpeg itself is no problem, as long as I do this:


As soon as I try to access loader.content, or loader.contentInfo.content to create a Bitmap, Flash simply aborts the script.So there you have it: a typical security sandbox violation (although no error is ever thrown). Solution: crossdomain.xml! Or that's what I thought.Now the image host has a crossdomain.xml in it's root, with * as an entry. I'm testing my app from if I try to force load the policy file:


Or, with LoaderContext:

[AS]// create a loader context that
// checks for policy files
var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
context.checkPolicyFile = true;
// use the context with your call to load
myLoader.load(request, context);[/AS]

...I still can't access my loader.content.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Know What Index An Object Is In Its Parent?

Apr 9, 2010

Like I have a parent with 5 children which are the same type of object, like the same class. Is there a function or property that tells me what index this particular child is in its parent? Like this child is the 3rd child in its parent.

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C# :: Flash Animation Embedded In C# Form Ignores Given Size?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a simple C# program that, when a user clicks on a button, opens a new frame with an activex flash object embedded in it. The code I use to open it is the following :

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Form f = new Form();


The test program has been run by several user, without any problem, except for one, that sees this:

I don't think that the problem is in the application itself, but in the flash player. So, the question is, what am I missing? Are there flash settings that force the window to have the default size?

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Html :: Show Elements Over Flash Elements?

Jun 9, 2010

When i create a menu, the dropdowns go behind the flash element. But in some sites, like Digg, it is shown above. z-index is of no use

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IE Ignores Flash Width/height, Display Remains Small?

Feb 26, 2012

[URL]how do i stretch the movie to fill the entire white area which is set to be 500 to 350 px (please see pic)

the code:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="videos/player.swf" width="500" height="350">
<param name="movie" value="videos/player.swf">
<param name="quality" value="Best">
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Export SWF... From Flash Library Ignores Base Class?

Mar 24, 2009

I have a symbol in the Library with a Base Class that extends the MovieClip Class and adds some additional functionality. I want to be able to export this from the Library by right clicking on the symbol and selecting Export SWF. I was hopping this would essentially give me the same results as if the symbol contents was on the main timeline and I had declared the Base Class as the Document Class. When I import this SWF using the Loader Class it seems to loose all of Base Class functionality and think of itself as a MovieClip.

Looking at the below sample code, the alpha property is correctly set but the param1 getter is unaccessible. What the hell is going on?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Child - Parent - Index Level Setting?

Jul 2, 2009

I encountered and did not make heads or tails out of this whole new concept of child, parent and setting a index level. What is an index level and this 'child and parent' thing?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Breaks Randomly, Won't Compile, Ignores Document Class?

Sep 16, 2011

I have run into a strange and annoying problem since updating to Flash Professional CS5.5 on my work computer.Sometimes, seemingly randomly, Flash stops compiling things correctly. I Test Movie by hitting Cmd+Return and it just displays what's on the stage, frame 1. The document class is never initialized, no errors at all, no trace statements print out; it acts as if there is no code at all. After this happens once, it will continue to do this until I restart Flash, which fixes the problem. However, restarting Flash every 10 - 15 minutes is very annoying.It seems to happen regardless of what project I'm working on or what state the project is in (i.e. if the code contains errors or not). All of our projects use external AS3 classes (no code on the timeline).

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Builder Ignores Output Folder When Syncing With SVN Repository

Nov 19, 2010

I am having a lot of trouble while syncing my Flash Builder Actionscript project with Subversion. I have read that the output folders bin, bin-debug and html-template should not be checked in to the repository. The project bin folder contains a lot of XML files and assets that other project members needs to access. The problem is that Flash builder ignores it.

Is there a way of setting up Flash Builder to override the ignored bin folder? If not, what other approach should I consider? Different folder structures?

/src (commited)
/bin (ignored)
/swc (commited)

I would really like to override the default "DO NOT COMMIT YOUR DEPLOY FOLDER" setting. Bounty it is.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash PrintJob Ignores HTMLText With Font Face Declaration

Nov 21, 2011

I am trying to print a string with html formatting. Part of the formatting includes font face. I have found that my print job will not print any string that includes a font face declaration. I'm guessing because the font isn't embedded, but I'm not positive.

This works:
string = "<b>bold</b> not bold";

Doesn't work:
string = "<TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="12" COLOR="#000000" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">this is my string</font></p></textformat>";

How can I get around this. I need the ability to print any font on a users computer.

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Actionscript 3 :: Overlay A Border/image In Flash/Firefox That Ignores Mouse Clicks?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm building a flash app that will go full screen. I need to ensure it's usable at a variety of resolutions.I can overlay them fine, but the problem is I now can't interact with the app, because when I click on some part of the UI, it thinks I'm clicking on the image, since it's technically in front. I want the image to be in the front at a visual level, but without it having any bearing on the keyboard/mouse interaction with the app.My fall back is to create a series of 1pixel wide lines, which will still be in the foreground mouse/keyboard wise, but I can cope with losing that much interaction ability.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Runtime Ignores Alpha Values When Iterating Over Points In A Line

Apr 15, 2011

I have a large-ish array of points.

The graphics object I am using has it's alpha value set to 0.1.

When these points are plotted iteratively, and the line being drawn overlaps another line drawn earlier, there is no visible change in the colour at the intersection.

If I draw the line differently, not using an array of points, the alpha is not ignored.

ActionScript Code:
public function render(e:Event):void
if (segmentsCollection.length > 0)


This all occurs on each ENTER_FRAME event until the array is emptied.

I have tried loads of options but the alpha is always ignored.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: MovieClip(parent).menu2.gotoAndStop(1) Hiding The Navigation

Mar 8, 2011

i've got a problem where i use the code below to communicate with another movie clip on the stage (from inside a movieclip), i don't get any errors and i even put a trace command to test it so i know it is going to that particular frame but visually it doesn't change, done the usual research, tried using a frame label instead of a frame number and also using root instead of parent.


none is a frame label by the way! extra info:- what i'm trying to do is integrate an as3/xml slideshow into a website which is no problem, however my menu is in another movieclip so its making it difficult to 'unload' the slideshow correctly without having an exit button (exitBtn) and hiding the navigation (menu2)

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Flash :: Drag And Drop Application Where Mc Is Dragged Out Of One Parent Mc And Dropped Into Another Parent Mc?

Nov 13, 2010

Simple drag and drop application where mc is dragged out of one parent mc and dropped into another parent mc.All works OK until I added 2 text boxes to the mc's -- one is a non-selectable dynamic text box (a label) which is set by the code, the other is selectable input text that the user can amend.

Finger cursor disappears when user hovers over the section of the mc that contains the text fields (even non-selectable text??) When the user trys to drag the mc by inadvertantly click-dragging anywhere within both text areas it causes this error: TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.text::TextField@2374a381 to flash.display. MovieClip (same error appears for both text boxes)

The input text box may confuse the user - how do they sometimes click to drag and sometimes click to amend? I need to create an overlay area within the mc that is click-detected for the drag? Here's the relevant bits of code:

var itemArray:Array = [
{iname:"police",ititle:"POLICE OFFICER"},
{iname:"insurance_assessor",ititle:"INSURANCE ASSESSOR"},[code].............

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Child Within Parent Within Parent?

Aug 24, 2010

I am trying to make a calculator where a user can select from a list of items. If a user clicks say "ITEM1", it should add the item to a "CONTAINER_MC". The problem i have is all my data is set inside an array containing names and prices like the code below.


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