ActionScript 3.0 :: Get External Swf Menus To Commuicate With Main Swf Using Swfaddress?

Aug 23, 2011

I'm implementing swfaddress in my project, which starts with a main swf with various menus. When a menu item is clicked, it signals a url change, and the url change loads a corresponding external swf. All works swimmingly here. But... what if I wanted to have another menu from within the loaded external swf, and have that have its own loaded external swfs, url change etc, as well? For example, on my home page, there is a menu item called "news". Once "news" is clicked, the url changes and loads a "news.swf" into a holder on the main swf. Now, in the "news.swf" there is yet another menu, this one with two buttons: one button says "Article 1" and the other "Article 2" and each would signal a URL change and load "article1.swf" and "article2.swf" respectively when clicked. Is there a way to get the menus on the external swf to communicate with the swfaddress that is happening from within the main swf so that every swf has it's own url address and different events triggered by that change?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SwfAddress Class Seems To Pick Up An OnChange Event From SwfAddress

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The timeline swf itself (the core of the site) is being loaded into a wrapper swf, as one of the requirements is that this timeline can be used elsewhere, in other projects. This wrapper, however, will have some additional visuals that pertain to a stand-alone version of this timeline. As a result of never knowing exactly where this is going to be used (either a subchapter in another flash website, or as a stand-alone site by itself), I've decided to dump all of the swfAddress code into the wrapper, in a child class of it. To handle the navigation changes, I'm dispatching custom events (from the timeline) with parameters that describe the nav changes, which gets picked up by the parent wrapper, which then calls a function in the swfAddress child class for handling.

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var xmlPath:String = "index.xml";
var settingsXML:XML;


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Relevant code:
XML code:Code: Select allvar xmlPath:String = "index.xml";
var settingsXML:XML;
var loader = new URLLoader();
loader.load (new URLRequest(xmlPath));
loader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
function xmlLoaded (e:Event):void{
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Deep Linking - External Swfs And Swfaddress

Aug 23, 2011

I'm implementing swfaddress in my project, which starts with a main swf with various menus. When a menu item is clicked, it signals a url change, and the url change loads a corresponding external swf. All works swimmingly here. But... what if I wanted to have another menu from within the loaded external swf, and have that have its own loaded external swfs, url change etc, as well? For example, on my home page, there is a menu item called "news".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External SWFs From Another External Swf Into The Main SWF Container?

May 4, 2011

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I am trying to get a nav button in one movie (main_nav.swf) to target a my main movie (index.swf) and load a sub nav movie (metals_subnav_infinite.swf) into it. The sub nav movie will do a similar task - loading a portfolio swf into main movie (index.swf). Here is the file breakdown of my working files:index.swf - main final movie which loads "main_nav_infinite3.swf" on startmain_nav_infinite3.swf - loads main nav "main_nav.swf" and scrolls it infinitely (infinite menu)main_nav.swf - main nav with buttons that trigger sub nav "metals_subnav_infinite.swf" to load into index.swfmetals_subnav_infinite.swf - loads sub nav "metals_subnav.swf" and scrolls it infinitelymetals_subnav.swf - sub nav with buttons that trigger "folio.swf" (have not created this file yet!) to load into "index.swf"The script I was focusing on is in main_nav.fla and it is:

metals_mc_bn.onRelease = function() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: .load Six Separate External .swf's Into The Main Movie While The Main Movie Loads Too

Dec 23, 2004

I want to load six seperate .swf's into the main movie while the main movie loads too. So in simpler words, i want to be able to load all of the swf's the same time i am loading the main swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing Flv In An External Swf From The Main Swf?

Sep 27, 2008

I am creating I guess what you could call a swf library. It's a bunch of different interactive swfs all packaged up into a main swf that I can embed on my page. Each swf contains flv's that play. They all work great in my main swf and individually, that's not my problem.Everything is working great but I have a menu that pops up to change between different episodes and it works great.BUTWhat I'm looking to do is when you click on the menu button and the menu pops up over the externally loaded swf, I want the externally loaded swf to pause. Then when you close the menu I want it to un pause. It looks really tacky when the menu pops up and the flv's in the externally loaded swfs keep running. I knew how to pause them in as2 but only from the swf they were actually in.

This is my code (this all works) I just can't figure out code to add that will pause everything when the menu pops up is what I named an empty box on stagetop_btn is the button that launches the menu

var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var myURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("NewHarbison2.swf");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Communicating Between External Swf's And The Main Swf

May 23, 2010

how do you get an external swf which has been loaded into the main swf to talk to the main swf?

Like, lets say you load an swf into a container clip inside the main.swf's timeline, but need to get things to happen in the main one from the external one...

in as2 you used to just be able to go, say _parent._parent.main.gotoAndPlay("whatever");

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load An External SWF Into Main SWF?

Jun 24, 2009

I'm using the following code to load an external SWF into my main SWF. The code is called inside of a button function. The code works TOO well. The external SWF loads multiple times on top of each other.
var ldr:Loader = new Loader();ldr.load(new URLRequest("portfolio.swf"));
ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,      onLoaded, false, 0, true);function onLoaded(evt:Event):void {    addChild(;, onLoaded);}
To see the mess go to:[URL] hit the "web" button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading An External SWF To A Main SWF

Jul 7, 2009

I'm loading an external SWF to a main SWF. The external SWF is a dynamic video gallery. When I test my movie, I click to load my external SWF. It load ok and functions perfect. Then if I click on a back button to return to my inicial view, I have I get an error that says:Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2036: Load Never Completed.It's funny because I already used the same code in another project and this problem never came up.The code on my main SWF is:[code]

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Oct 1, 2009

just trying to embed an external swf into main fla. Please give me a starting point. Do I create an empty MC? Is there a standard code to upload in AS? If so what would I code and where in AS would I insert?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control Main Swf Through External Swf?

May 9, 2010

ive figured out timeline transitions, and timeline based now i have a problem.....i have my MAIN swf file that i load all my pages in externally ( external swf files )....when i click a button ( for example ) my "about us" button - the transition begins....i have a keyframe with the following code on frame 40 ( inside a movie clip named "pages" in my main SWF where all the buttons/transitions are ):

var Xpos:Number=0;
var Ypos:Number=0;
var swf:MovieClip;


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Actionscript :: External Swf Load Into Main?

Aug 13, 2010

I need to load external swf into my main swf into a dispay object in this main swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load External Swf In Main Swf?

Feb 18, 2009

i'm trying to load external swf in my main swf. when I click first time in first frame on object(movieClip) which has event handler gotoJob, the jobfair.swf will load and it works. But I have on the stage in first frame also another objects - movieClips. If I click on some movieclip, than it means to go to nextFrame. But when I return to first frame, where is also object with click handler gotoJob and I click on it, it does not load the swf.

function gotoJob(evt:Event):void{
var requestSWF:URLRequest = new URLRequest("jobfair.swf");
var loader:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load External SWF And MC On Main SWF Via Xml?

Dec 15, 2009

external SWF 1 plays and when it finishes, it loads the SWF 2.inside the loader SWF, there are MC-buttons which can control which swf will be played.i want it to be dynamic so i used XML.there are 5 external swfs and 5 MC-buttons. when i update the xml, i want loader SWF to display only 4 external SWFs and 4 MC-buttons.update:the xml is being loaded but it wont load the SWFs. heres th AS and xml

myXML = new XML();


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Control Main Swf From External?

Apr 26, 2010

I will try to explain this as easily as i can.

I have a holder swf called holder.swf

Within this i am loading in external swf files. Each externally loaded swf is put into each frame of the loader page.

I have created a string to navigate through the timeline when either next_btn or prev_btn is pressed.

The probelm im having is that in one swf file there are two buttons which determin which way the story goes (eg. with pressing yes_btn goes to section2 with no_btn go to section2a)

How do i communicate from this externally loaded swf to affect the main timeline of my holder swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load An External .swf Into The Main .swf?

Jun 14, 2004

In the current flash project im working on I load an external .swf into the main .swf, the external .swf contains sound loops and movieclips which they are attached to. In the main .swf there are buttons which trigger the sounds to stop and start.the problem im having is that the sounds wont play when the button is pressed, when everything is in one file it all works fine, so i believe the problem is to do with the reference to the external file.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Path From Main Swf To External Swf?

Feb 10, 2007

I have my main swf that has a container called "mc_dropphotos" where I have:loadMovie("photo_scroll.swf",_root.mc_dropphotos);In the photo_scroll.swf there are movieclips that I want to get the x coordinate of and do something in the main swf by:if (mc_dropphotos.mcPhoto1._x < -4.15){etc.which is the path syntax I thought you use for checking properties from an external swf. I have tried _root.mc_dropphotos.mcPhoto1._x , _root.mcPhoto1._x, _root.mc_dropphotos.mcPhotos.mcPhoto1._x, c_dropphotos.mcPhotos.mcPhoto1._x and none of them work either.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Main Swf With External Swf?

Aug 27, 2009

My main flash file is setup with a scroll pane component. The scroll pane is loading an external swf. This external swf has a button that when pressed I want to load another external swf into the scroll pane in the main flash file. How do I make the button functional? Is it using sprites? If so, could someone direct me to a tutorial?

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