ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Object By Memory Reference?

Dec 18, 2008

When debugging, I see an objects memory reference next to its value. Is it possible to get that as a string or assign a variable based off memory location?

var myInt:int = 5; debugger shows(@afff222)
var copy:int = memor(@afff222);

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Flash :: Null An Object Kill Reference Or The Space In Memory?

Jan 12, 2010

This might be a dumb question. I think I already know the answer, just clarify. If you declare a object in varible1 and then pass the value into varible2. If you decide to null varible2 would that kill just the reference or the object itself as well. I want to say no, but then again, everything you do to the reference it self, also affects the space in memory.these are the 2 varibles in my class.

private var objects:Array;
private var viewableObjects:Array;

above are class varibles. Later on in my code I add an object to the objects arrayobjects[0][4] = new Enemy1();When i trace i get the following[object Enemy1]I then add it to viewable objects arrayviewableObjects.push(objects[0])

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How Much Memory Does A Reference Take Up

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Objects From Memory By Reference?

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I am creating a generic button that will remove items created dynamically in a movie clip container from memory (not just from the display list).

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public class TestVO


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory Leaks - Variable Reference Inside A Function Or Outside It?

Mar 11, 2009

I wonder what the most common reasons for memory leaks in AS3 are.First thing what I am not sure about is: is it better to have a variable reference inside a function or outside it. Will the variable be null-d automaticly inside a function or when do I have to null it and when not?I have massive problems with my game with memory leaks. I noticed I reference some of the clips of the timeline even inside my debugging clip to display propertys and this was causing collecting huge amount of memory.But even before I go into the game with bigger objects the System.memory is slowly growing and growing.I just have a socket connection and some interval loops and enter_frame events.

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Actionscript 3 :: In Flash Does Extending An Object Use More Memory Even If The Object's Methods Aren't Used

Jul 20, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Since The Variable Was Declared Without Reference Into The Class How Long Does It Stay In Flash's Memory

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I was thinking about how to streamline my code the other day and looked through my classes checking for possible memory leaks. I wonder when are variables declared inside of methods clear for garbage collection? or are they not and just hang around? For instance if I have a class like this:


Since the variable was declared without reference into the class how long does it stay in Flash's memory, or does it stay indefinitely because it cannot be nullified?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Not Deleted From Memory?

Oct 11, 2009

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- listener added with weak refference, therefore it shouldn't keep the GC away

- object set to null

- trace of the object m shows null

- debugger shows the value of m as null

But the "frame" trace still keeps on appearing, so where exactly is that object and how to check for it, how to delete it and kill it. I know that listeners keep objects in the memory, but then how to find them, and at the end of the day also used weakReference=true while assigning it, so that should take care of it. What exactly is going on here?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Object From Memory?

Aug 5, 2011

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<objecthandles:ObjectHandles xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" backgroundAlpha="1" xmlns:mx="library://"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Remove Previous Object From Memory

Jun 9, 2010

I am getting problem of memory of having repeating object. Below is my code.

import flash.system.System;
var counter:Number=0;
var systemMemory:TextField=new TextField();
function showNext(event:Event){
[Code] .....

Above code does repeat textField Object continuously. Now I want to destroy previous created textField Object. So that my memory will not be hang. I got some where in the blog that with System.gc() could clear garbage collection. But currently I am not working with system.gc any more I want to clear previous object in programatically way. Is there any way that I could destroy previous created object?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory Management With An Object Pool

Sep 8, 2009

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View 3 Replies :: Load An In Memory XML Returned By A Linq To SQL Query To An SWF Object?

Nov 12, 2010

Can i load an in memory XML, returned by a linq to SQL query, to an SWF object? And here comes the long version. The purpose is loading an in-memory XML file, to an SWFobject via a querystring.

Currently i read and load the XML file from an absolute path.


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Apr 1, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Memory Gain Changing Alpha Value Of An Object?

Dec 30, 2011

for a periodic table tool I'm making, I've incorporated an effect that changes the alpha value whenever I hover over an element (pretty standard). I've noticed a mysterious gain in memory when hovering over my elements; using SYSTEM.TOTAL_MEMORY - there would be about 0.005MB increase in memory usage when I hover over an element, which isn't relinquished when I move my mouse off. However, if I move my mouse back on again, there isn't a second memory gain.


Does anyone know why this memory gain is happening when the alpha value is changed? And curiously why it only happens once? Some extra info: my Element class is a MovieClip, with a couple of TextFields, primitive variables and a MovieClip in it. It has had its mouseChildren property set to false (and buttonMode property set to true).

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Actionscript 3 :: Object Memory Usage With Static Vs. Instance Methods?

Nov 17, 2010

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class MyClass {
public function myMethod():String {
return "some return value";


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Actionscript 3 :: Object Tree Traversal Afl For App Memory Leak Detection

Nov 28, 2011

I am trying to traverse object tree in AFL (adobe flash lite) engine, to check if there are memory leaks in an event driven application (AS3). The idea is to get object tree dump before and after an event processing and check the object tree dump difference for memory leaks.I believe MMgc is the GC for AFL, I am unable to get a dump of object tree, can anyone help me to point out where in code I can get the alive object info in tamarin.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Copy A Shared Object File To A Memory Stick?

Jan 23, 2009

I have been trawling around forums for hours now and the only was to save information LOCALLY in Flash seems to be using the SharedObject stuff. which is fine. BUT I am making a project which is meant to be entirely run from a memory stick i.e. portable. So, I was thinking it would be good to save the information from the flash to a SharedObject .sol file and then to copy the .sol file to the memory stick, then load the information back into the flash file from the copy of the .sol file on the memory stick!

Dont know if this is possible, but I need to some how save information created in the flash file stored on a memory stick (which will be text and possibly an image which would be loaded from the users pc) to a file on the memory stick and then next time the flash file is run, load all of the information back in!

I know all this stuff is possibly using PHP etc. but as I am running it from a memory stick on a pc which probable wont have internet access.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check For Objects In Memory That Have Been Removed From A Display Object?

Nov 21, 2010

Anyone know if there's a way to check for objects in memory that have been removed from a display object but not set to null?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Does It Increase Memory Use To Add And Object To Display List

Oct 18, 2010

If an asset (say an swf) is already loaded. Does it increase memory use to add and object to the display list?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Object From Display List And Memory Which Added Dynamically

Aug 22, 2010

how do we remove object( sprite which has an external swf as it's child ) from display and more importantly from memory yet we still can use the same variable to add  another object (yes another sprite like the one we removed yet has different content).., "
i did tried the removeChildAt thing it did remove all the child from the display list but i still can hear sound from video running.
here is small scale code of what i'm doing (sorry that i can only give you chunk code of loading and adding)
// var SWFList:XMLList; //used to hold a list of all external swf source,atribute and etc// var totalSWF:int; //hold the total number of external swf there is to be loaded
// var swfLoader:Loader; //instance of loader class used to load the external swf


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Object - Error "Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference"

May 31, 2009

I have problem with accessing object created by function imported from another package.
I have 2 packages DragDrop and UserInterface. In UserInterface I create methods for buttons and later add them in DragDrop . I make it in two different ways:
One(this one works):


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Quick Object Instancing - Original Instance Get Deleted Or Will It Remain In Memory?

Apr 20, 2009

I just wanted to check something if anyone can clarify this:

If I create an object with


And then replace it by doing


Does the original instance get deleted or will it remain in memory? If it does, how do I remove it properly?

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Jan 31, 2012

I have a bit trouble with LoaderMax memory occupy, i have a queue, and i am keep loading images depend on user's action. if they click load more and it keep load, but i would like to clean the memory which been occupied by the previous queue (i have remove all the children been added by the loading previously). is there a way i can do it? the behavior like this.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory Monitor That Allows To See The Memory Leaked And Find Its Location?

Sep 26, 2010

I have an FPS monitor running and notice that I am getting choppiness here and there, bringing my game from 40 to 27 fps and back and forth at certain stages. I have an idea of where it is happening, but do not know for sure. I looked up quite a few memory monitors but haven't found anything decent yet. Is there a memory monitor that allows you to see the memory leaked and find its location? If not, how about just he memory leaked?

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