Actionscript 3 :: In Flash Does Extending An Object Use More Memory Even If The Object's Methods Aren't Used

Jul 20, 2011

I am creating an object pool to cache some recyclable objects in memory at the outset of my application in order to avoid (as much as possible) the performance issues caused by GC running; if possible I'd like to minimize the memory my object pool reserves, so I'm attempting to pool generic forms of the objects (with no methods) and then casting the generic variants to more specific and complex object types which extend the generic form when I actually want them on the stage.

The trouble is that to do this requires the generic variant class to import/extend MovieClip (because the more complicated objects are themselves MovieClips and make use of DisplayObject methods)-- does simply importing and/or extending a class add to the memory an object takes up when instantiated even if it never uses methods from the inherited class? It makes sense that it would, and some light profiling seems to suggest that it does, but I'm not 100% certain. About how large should an 'empty' MovieClip instance be in bytes?

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class MyClass {
public function myMethod():String {
return "some return value";


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import icon;
public class main {
public var _time:String;
function main() {
[Code] .....

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private var objects:Array;
private var viewableObjects:Array;

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//create it and store something in it
set ("_root.item"+item.stored, "data storage test for item "+item);
}function checkobjects(){
for (i=1;i<5;i++){
[Code] .....

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Been doing some actionscript magic lately, done a nice interpolator class. The class, whenever an update occurs, calls a previously specified callback function. Normally, setting a variable of funCallback:Function and calling it works fine. However when I wanted to specify an *object's method* as the callback for the interpolator, it apparently called it as if it would be a static method.

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Oct 11, 2009

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- listener added with weak refference, therefore it shouldn't keep the GC away

- object set to null

- trace of the object m shows null

- debugger shows the value of m as null

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var copy:int = memor(@afff222);

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So basicaly the object is removing it self from the parent object,but I still think that it exisits in memory and doing its backend job.How can I remove it completely from memory?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Remove Previous Object From Memory

Jun 9, 2010

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import flash.system.System;
var counter:Number=0;
var systemMemory:TextField=new TextField();
function showNext(event:Event){
[Code] .....

Above code does repeat textField Object continuously. Now I want to destroy previous created textField Object. So that my memory will not be hang. I got some where in the blog that with System.gc() could clear garbage collection. But currently I am not working with system.gc any more I want to clear previous object in programatically way. Is there any way that I could destroy previous created object?

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Actionscript 3 :: Merging XML Object In Memory Files

Jan 15, 2010

There are a number of posts on here about merging XML with Java, but I can't seem to find any reference to Actionscript for the same task. I have a group of XML files that I need to load. I want them to sort into one XML Object in memory. For example, let's say these were my XML files:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory Management With An Object Pool

Sep 8, 2009

I've been trying to figure out how Flash does its memory management regarding object declarations but haven't found anything that describes declarations themselves. [code]Basically I want a pool of declared variables that get instantiated only when a certain type is set. I'd have logic in other functions that figures out what the type is and then does certain things to it, but for now I just wanted to know what kind of memory management Flash does with something like this. Does it do nothing until I actually instantiate it (= new Object()) or will space be set aside once I simply declare it (someObj:Object)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Deleting A LoadVars Object From Memory?

Mar 26, 2004

Is it possible to delete a LoadVars object from memory, as well as its contents? Say I load 20k of data into a LoadVars, and I delete the LoadVars Object, does it stop loading variables into memory, and does it delete the memory that it importing?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Deleting A LoadVars Object From Memory

Mar 26, 2004

Is it possible to delete a LoadVars object from memory, as well as its contents? Say I load 20k of data into a LoadVars, and I delete the LoadVars Object, does it stop loading variables into memory, and does it delete the memory that it importing?

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How to write an AS3 object's memory location for example to a label?

View 3 Replies :: Load An In Memory XML Returned By A Linq To SQL Query To An SWF Object?

Nov 12, 2010

Can i load an in memory XML, returned by a linq to SQL query, to an SWF object? And here comes the long version. The purpose is loading an in-memory XML file, to an SWFobject via a querystring.

Currently i read and load the XML file from an absolute path.


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