AS3 :: Flash - Accessing Object Methods Given As Value In Dictionary?

Nov 17, 2011

So I am writing a program which uses Dictionary to store objects. For example

var dictionary:Dictionary=new Dictionary();
var myObject = new myObject(var1, var2, var3);

where var1, var2, and var3 are simply means of assigning values to variables in myObject.can I access values or functions that are found in myObject? In myObject class I have some getters and setters. Can I use a getter to get the value of var1 for example.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dictionary Class: Time Complexity Of Methods

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Player - If The Object Is Not Found In The Dictionary Object, It Will Be Searched For In The Delegate Objects?

Oct 29, 2010

I am encountering a problem in my app only when it is run in flash player Some earlier player versions I have tried are working fine.From what I can tell it seems related to the following:


from here: h[url].....

When searching for objects (not strings) in Dictionary objects using the 'in' operator, if the object is not found in the Dictionary object, it will be searched for in the delegate objects. With 10.1, the toString operator will be called on the Object if not found in the Dictionary. This can cause problems with Proxy objects who need to define the callProperty function or it will generate a RTE. ...what it means "it will be searched for in the delegate objects"?

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Flash :: Dictionary In Sync With A Local Shared Object?

Mar 22, 2011

In one of the classes in my Flex application I have a dictionary, which is periodically updated from other parts of the application. It contains some sort of user preferences and I want to keep it in sync with a local shared object - the dictionary needs to be read during the class initialization and saved to the local storage when an element is changed, added or deleted.

The "Dictionary" object inherits only "Object" and does not have a change event - like the "collectionChange" in ArrayCollection. So I can't sync the dictionary just by listening for an event and manipulating the shared object in the event handler. The other possible solution would be to make the dictionary private and manipulate it using special methods in my class. Something like:

public function setValue(key:String, value:String):void
public function getValue(key:String):String
public function delValue(key:String):void

But using bindings will become a real nightmare and I will have to make changes in many other parts of the application.

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Actionscript :: Extending The Dictionary Class - Accessing Stored Data?

Jul 18, 2009

I want to extend the dictionary class. Everything works so far except that in some of my methods that need to reference the dictionary's content I make a call like:

this[ key ]

It doesn't like that. It just tells me that there's no property 'key'. Is there a way to way to access the data within this class?Also, I'm using an integer for the key.

Edit: I've found that the same behavior happens when you extend Array.

var myArray : Array = new Array();
trace( myArray[ 0 ] );
var myArrayExtender : ArrayExtender = new ArrayExtender();[code]....

Where in this case, myArray returns "undefined" and myArrayExtender throws error 1069. ArrayExtender is an empty class that extends Array and calls super() in the constructor.

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Actionscript 3 :: In Flash Does Extending An Object Use More Memory Even If The Object's Methods Aren't Used

Jul 20, 2011

I am creating an object pool to cache some recyclable objects in memory at the outset of my application in order to avoid (as much as possible) the performance issues caused by GC running; if possible I'd like to minimize the memory my object pool reserves, so I'm attempting to pool generic forms of the objects (with no methods) and then casting the generic variants to more specific and complex object types which extend the generic form when I actually want them on the stage.

The trouble is that to do this requires the generic variant class to import/extend MovieClip (because the more complicated objects are themselves MovieClips and make use of DisplayObject methods)-- does simply importing and/or extending a class add to the memory an object takes up when instantiated even if it never uses methods from the inherited class? It makes sense that it would, and some light profiling seems to suggest that it does, but I'm not 100% certain. About how large should an 'empty' MovieClip instance be in bytes?

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AS3 :: Accessing Methods In Loaded Swf

May 20, 2011

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Methods Of Accessing/loading External SWF's?

Apr 20, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Methods And Properties Via GetChildByName

Dec 2, 2007

I seem to be having a bit of a problem here. I'm generating a load of class instances using the following code:

for (var i:Number=1;i<=maxpersons;i++)
var person:Person = new Person;


OK. I then need to run through each of them and check for a collision with an object from the main stage (called redDot), which I pass to a method (called doDamage) within the class. I'm using the following code:

for (i=1;i<=maxpersons;i++)
if (game.getChildByName("person"+i).hitTestObject(red Dot))

I keep getting an error saying "1061: Call to a possibly undefined method doDamage through a reference with static type flash.displayisplayObject."!

It just won't work. I've tried altering the code to:


but I get an unexpected trace output saying "TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties."

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing MovieClip Methods From A Class?

Oct 17, 2009

Here is the situation:I have created a movieClip named "tp_crack" on the timeline and created its class using linkage called "tp_crack".The tp_crack mc is like a small rectangle which breaks in 3 seconds when it is played.I have a seperate class in which I have used tp_crack to create many instances of tp_crack going by the names: cracked1","cracked2" etc.These instances are present in another movieClip (this time created within the class) called "crackContainer".Now I have added the following code to check for hitTest of those cracked1,2,3...... with a spaceship.The hitTest works but flash does not recognize the pieces as movieClips and does not play them as required, instead it gives me an error saying:1061: Call to a possibly undefined method play through a reference with static type flash.displayisplayObject.

for (var i:uint=0; i<crackedPieces; i++) {
if (crackContainer.getChildAt(i).hitTestPoint(Spacesh ip.x,Spaceship.y+(Spaceship.height/2),true)) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Properties And Methods Of External SWF

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import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Loader;
public class Main extends Sprite{
private var imgLoaded:Boolean = false;
[Code] .....

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public var a:int = 0;
public function Addition():void {
a += 5;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Methods In Loaded Document Class

Feb 9, 2009

I'm trying to access an init method I've set in one of my document level classes.

Container Movie loads Main Movie, which has as its document class, but I want to do a few things before I show the actual content. Here are some functions in

public function moveLogo(e:TimerEvent):void{
loadTxt.visible = false;
var logoMoveUp:Tween = new Tween(logoCont, "y", Back.easeIn, 221, -250, 1, true);


If I trace e.currentTarget.content.init on my EVENT.COMPLETE callback function, I get "function Function()" like I should.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Superclass Methods On An Externally-loaded SWF?

Jul 27, 2009

I'm trying to set up a large project that has a "shell" application that preloads and eventually displays a bunch of SWFs as a "slideshow". Each SWF could be authored by different people but will reference a base document class so they exhibit consistent behaviour. One of these behaviours is to be able to localise the slideshow into different languages. Since each SWF could have a different number of textfields that need to be localised embedded into their main timeline, the SWFs each must declare their stage instances in their document class. In order to implement the common functionality (such as a "localiseText()" method), I have decided to package all common functionality into a superclass (what I'm calling "Base Class" in this example) and using a subclass as each slide's document class.

This Example:This is a simple example I set up because in my actual project my compiler was throwing a coercion error when I tried to cast the Loader.content as my external class. The structure of this example is the following:

+ loader.fla : this is the main "shell" application.
+ : the Document Class for loader.fla
+ external_1.fla : this is the external SWF file that will get loaded and displayed


I've set it up this way because a hypothetical external_2.fla might have different public variables to declare its stage instances so would need a separate implementation of ExternalBase (presumably

The code (in reverse):



This just sets up the localiseText() method which is used in this example to change the contents of the text field. Since we don't know the name of the text field in the particular slide's timeline, we have to ask for it from the subclass' implementation of getLocalisableTextField(). We declare an abstract function here that needs to be overridden in the implementation.


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Actionscript 3 :: Different Between Object And Dictionary?

Mar 1, 2011

I'm often seeing others using a Dictionary object in their AS3 code that simply maps objects by String keys and wondering if there is any advantage at all of using a Dictionary over a simple Object if String keys are used. Anyone know any details on this? I would suppose that since an Object is more lightweight it should be faster and preferable over a Dictionary if used with String keys.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Class Object Calling Methods

Dec 7, 2009

I have a class file named and another class called

package {
import icon;
public class main {
public var _time:String;
function main() {
[Code] .....

How do I get the current update from the main class without calling the MainObj repeatedly. Is this possible in Flash AS3, or any other alternate method for this idea.

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Actionscript :: Difference Between An Object And A Dictionary?

Jan 22, 2011

What exactly is the difference between an object and a dictionary in Actionscript?

var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.something = "something";
var dict:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
dict.something = "something";
trace(obj.something, dict.something);

The trace statement seems identical...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clone / Copy A Dictionary Object?

Aug 18, 2009

I'm trying to figure out a way to clone / copy a dictionary object.

I came across some articles on cloning that offer this code.

This does not seem to work for dictionary objects. I think it only really works for basic objects.

Has anybody come across a way of cloning a dictionary before

function clone(source:Object):*
var myBA:ByteArray = new ByteArray();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dictionaries - Store An Object As A Key In A Dictionary?

Apr 23, 2010

Why might it be useful to store an object (i.e. a Movieclip) as a key in a dictionary? Does any one have any examples of where it's used/is useful?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Dictionary Over Object Every Single Time?

Jun 24, 2010

Any good argument as to why I shouldn't use a Dictionary over an Object every single time? I can't think of any case an Object can do the job a Dictionary can't, and it doesn't seem as the Dictionary creates that much more overhead.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Organize A Menu Of Items Would Be A Dictionary Object Containing All Its Members?

Sep 3, 2011

My project is a visual way to represent a database of information about books. It will be represented as a collection of menus and submenus. From one menu, the user will be able to access another, from the other the third.Each item in a menu has some content, so the menus themselves are not a means to an end (to execute commands), but a goal in themselves. Viewing them, and browsing between them is the essence of the project.

The simplest way to organize a menu of items would be a dictionary object containing all its members.However, it is not really good for a complex set of menus and sub-menus which is a web of information linked between another.

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Actionscript 3 :: Use Sound Object Methods On FLV?

Mar 22, 2010

I'm recording and playing back mic input using Flash Media Server, and even though it's just audio, we're saving the output as FLV. I'd like to get a waveform of the recorded audio. Ideally, since we already have a lot of saved/recorded audio, I'd like something that can take a loaded FLV and get the waveform, as opposed to generating it at record or playback time.

AS3 has the new Sound.extract() method that can be used for this (plenty of online tutorials), but it seems like it only works for MP3. Is there a way to use this method on FLV audio? Or is there another to extract a waveform from a FLV?

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Actionscript 3 :: List All Methods Of An Object?

Sep 30, 2010

How do I get the list of all methods from an object? I know I can get the object class in this way:

var className:String = flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName( myObject );
var objClass:Class = flash.utils.getDefinitionByName( className ) as Class;

In JavaScript I can iterate over the prototype of an object to get its properties and methods. Is that possible in ActionScript 3? Do you any good source for metaprogramming/reflection over ActionScript 3?

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C# :: Accessing Flash COM Object Using WebBrowser Control

Oct 17, 2010

I have a HTML page that contains a flash file and some a JavaScript function that returns the object of the flash file.So far I can call the JavaScript function from C# and have it return an Object, but I want to cast it as AxShockwaveFlash and access the COM Object directly from C#.I have seen this done with Windows Media Player imbedded in the a HTML page, but it doesn't seem to work with flash.[code]When I try to cast the Object to AxShockwaveFlash it fails, but I have seen it work casting the object to WindowsMediaPlayer.I tried to find if AxShockwaveFlash supports QueryInterface calls, as per the error message but Google returned nothing of value.

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Flash - Accessing Responder Object For AMF Call?

May 18, 2011

I'm using FlashDevelop as IDE and I'm trying to connect to AMF3 service (amfphp) and get user details.I can connect to AMF service with this code in AMFinit() function...

private function AMFinit():void{
AMFService.objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF3;
AMFService.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);


But to use outside the AMF_MyUserInfo() function I want to copy that "res" object to another object. I tried with specifing an object in Class and set res to this object in AMF_MyuserInfo() function with "this.myobject = res" but it didn't work.

I also tried "this.myobject.username = res.username" but it didn't work also. how can I use this res object globally or in AMFinit() function?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Methods On Javascript Object?

Oct 27, 2010

-I know one can call javascript functions from as3 using ExternalInterface, but in all the examples I've seen the function has been a standalone function on the page. Can methods on objects (that are on the page) be called. E.g: obj.someFunc() rather than just someFunc()?

-The return value can be stored as well using ExternalInterfaces. Can this return value be a javascript object? If so, its methods be called from it directly?

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Flash :: Accessing Uza's Global Object From A Loaded External Swf?

Mar 4, 2010

I am using the 1.2 version of Uza's Global singleton ( The container swf stores some data and a link to a function in the "global" object.

Then another swf is loaded inside the container, it gets it's global instance with Global.getInstance();, and i suppose i can access the data and function stored in global by the container swf.

This works perfectly on localhost served by a webserver, but when i put the files on my external production server the loaded swf's global appears to not have anything stored by the container.

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Accessing MovieClip Inside Button Object In AS3 (Flash CS4)

Apr 7, 2011

I want to dynamically load the graphic of the button into an mc inside each frame of the button (up and over). Inside each frame I have a movie clip (canvas and canvas_over). The green box is the button object (header_btn):

This is my code:
var hLoader:Loader = new Loader();
hLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, hLoaded);
hLoader.load(new URLRequest("[URL]"));
function hLoaded(event:Event):void {
[Code] .....
It would be nice though if as3 allowed for buttons to contain objects.

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Flash :: Accessing Shared Object Data Without Reloading Swf

Jun 24, 2011

I'm wondering if it's possible to access a shared object's data (once it's been changed) without reloading the swf. Specifically, I have two swfs: one changes the data in the so and lets the second swf "know" via a localconnection. I have a function in the second swf that fires via the local connection.[code]This function looks for the new value however it doesn't show the updated value in my textfield unless I refresh the browser. Thoughts?

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