Actionscript :: Extending The Dictionary Class - Accessing Stored Data?

Jul 18, 2009

I want to extend the dictionary class. Everything works so far except that in some of my methods that need to reference the dictionary's content I make a call like:

this[ key ]

It doesn't like that. It just tells me that there's no property 'key'. Is there a way to way to access the data within this class?Also, I'm using an integer for the key.

Edit: I've found that the same behavior happens when you extend Array.

var myArray : Array = new Array();
trace( myArray[ 0 ] );
var myArrayExtender : ArrayExtender = new ArrayExtender();[code]....

Where in this case, myArray returns "undefined" and myArrayExtender throws error 1069. ArrayExtender is an empty class that extends Array and calls super() in the constructor.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Accessing Data Stored In Custom Events?

Oct 14, 2010

Once a button is clicked in a submenu called SelectChar(a menu class extending my menu base class), it dispatches a custom event carrying an array of variables. This event is then listened for in the main Document Class called Engine, where the value of the passed variable can be used. For testing purposes im only passing 1 arguement in the array.

my Error when trying to trace the passed variable in isolation "trace(e.arg[0]);": 1119: Access of possibly undefined property arg through a reference with static type

Okay, i hope that made sense... heres the relevent code:

custom event class:

Code: Select allpackage com.asgamer.snipergame
public class passCharEvent extends Event


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Data Integration :: Loading XML Using A Custom Class And Accessing It From Other Classes?

Aug 30, 2006

I began with a class for a movie clip rollover function FigureRollOver. It works marvellously. Three things happen:

1) it loads XML from a file "mod1_fig1.xml" and uses another class, XMLMember, to retool the scoping of the XML so that I can get at it

2) an onload call inside of XMLMember calls the myOnLoad function and transfers the XML into an array.

3) so long as the array is finished building, rolling over a movie clip attaches a new movie clip with the rollover text in it.But I don't want all those functions in one because I need it to be more dynamic, starting with being able to load any old xml file instead of just "mod1_fig1.xml", plus it seems lik overbuilding to have all of that in one class, so I've separated out the loading of the XML and building of the array into its own class, FigureXMLLoader. FigureRollOver is then left to just attach the rollover with text in it, extracted from the array built by the new class.

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var myRollOvers:Array = new FigureXMLLoader("mod1_fig1.xml");

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//load the required data from the VoucherNumbers XML file
var VoucherNumbers:XML = new XML();


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Flash :: Where's A ByteArray's Data Stored

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private function handleStreamProgress(event : ProgressEvent) : void {
if ( urlStream.bytesAvailable == 0 ) return;
if ( urlStream.connected ) {


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Should I clean the byteArray after each sequence of bytes is stored?

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var loadAllThumbnails:Array = new Array("poop1", "poop2", "poop3", "poop4", "poop5");
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//clears/emptys the array when released

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I am new to Flash and ActionScript platform. Presently, I am using ActionScript 3.0.I know only basics of Flash but not in depth. My issue starts here: For example, In Windows Operating System, Paint-brush uses Clipboard for temporary storage. My question is: Does Flash have Cache(i.e., buffer for temporary storage)? If Flash has Cache, then where does the temporary data gets stored, in what form, is the data accessible or atleast viewable?


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Data Integration :: Game Stats Stored In MySql Or Xml

Aug 23, 2009

First time on here.We teach English through games. All done on flash AS3 now. Want to put courses online so I have been told to use php to communicate to server and database. My question is:Do I use mysql to save stats or xml FIRST: I will get info from xml and send it to my activities in flash - I'm OK with thisSECOND: I want to send out stats from flash to mysql OR xml. The stats are:1. Student logs on of course using username and password (well that comes in not out)2. What lesson the student is on ie: 2, 3, etc...3. Highscores for game activities4. Scores student gets on each activity As far as I can see the only stats that grow are the scores on each activity and even those could be erased periodically.

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Data Integration :: Send Variables Stored In A Ms Sql Db To A Flash

Jul 18, 2008

Im having a bit of trouble integrating dynamic variables pulled from a databse using an ASP script with a flash movie.


I need to send variables stored in a ms sql db to a flash movie to display several values.

The dyanmic element comes in because i am using an ID to select the values from the db e.g id1 = joe bloggs id2 = paul smith


When i am hardcoding the id in the asp script the variables are sent to the flash movie no probs and they display correctly.

I am also printing the asp code on the page and that all displaying fine.

HOWEVER, the issue arises when i make the asp code dynamic and by that i mean I am using request.querystring to pull the id

from the URL - The print out of the asp code is still displaying the correct variables, BUT they are not being passed to the

flash movie at all - the placeholder is blank there isn't event an error!!.

Couple of things to note -

- if you change the id bit of the url in the dynamic script to the printed asp code changes

- THE FLASH MOVIE IS IDENTIAL in both scenarios

- all variable names have remained the same

- it is NOT a location of file issue as we have tested the dynamic code files In another folder and no joy

- we are not using any other file includes or asp code in any of the page - all other code has been stripped out

THE ISSUE WE HAVE IS THAT THE PRINTED VARIABLES ARE NOT BEING PASSED TO THE FLASH MOBIE in scenario 2 where the asp code is looking for the participant id dynamically (i.e from the URL)

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Flex - How To Read Data Stored In MS Excel File

Mar 19, 2012

i'm trying to perform simple automated test on my Adobe Air Application. I decide to store some test data in external MS Excel file to decrease hardcode quantity. But I discovered, that this is not a trivial task, when you're working with Adobe Air.

Actually, i need to correct initialize an excelApp object, the rest part of logger is already implemented. I tried the following approach, but I can't find a package with ActiveXObject class defined.

excelApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");

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Jan 26, 2009

extending the tween class?

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Data Integration :: Loading Images Stored As BLOBs In MySQL

May 10, 2010

For various reasons, I would prefer to store binary data like images and videos as BLOBs within a MySQL database and have Flash retrieve that content directly from the database as opposed to getting it from a URL on a fileserver. So, I have written a PHP script that Flash calls which does a database query and returns the bitmap data from the BLOB. I have verified that the image data is being sent from the database through the PHP, but Flash either doesn't display the image or gives me an error saying that it is an unknown type.


Is there a way to get Loader() to accept bitmap image data that is retrieved from a BLOB in a database? Should I try to get PHP to mimic the response from an HTTP server or is there another way to load bitmap data stored as a BLOB into a display object?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Extending The MovieClip Class?

Mar 3, 2010

I want to add a property to the MovieClip class. I just have a bunch of MovieClips that are placed on the stage by reading an XML file and creating lots of clips according to the information in them. Now, I need to know which MovieClips were created below previous clips, and I figure that the easiest way to do so would be by extending the MovieClip class and add an order property.I have some problems though: I don't know how to set or get this order property within the main clip, I don't know how to place this clip within my movie, and I don't know how to create them dynamically (do I just do something like var myNewObjectOfExtendedClass : myExtendedClassName = new myExtendedClassName?)
This is the code I have on my extended class, called

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Extending The Custom Class?

Feb 12, 2012

I made the transition to AS3 two years ago, but I still carry with me old AS2 habits. Could someone please help me understand how I extend a custom class correctly. I have the bad habit of putting most of my code in one .as file (the Document class), but I use a few custom classes now and then. What I'm tring to figure out is how I would extend a class of this type:
public class ClipDragger {
private var _clip:MovieClip;
public function ClipDragger(clip:MovieClip) {
_clip = clip;

For example I would like to add a MOUSE_MOVE listener, and also add actions to the drag function.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Extending From Document Class?

Jul 15, 2010

Is this possible? Extending From the Document Class?

Because I have this as code and can't get a trace[code]...

All I can find online are examples of instanciation, not inheritance when connecting/accessing the document root:

var mySubTest:TheSubTest = new TheSubTest();

Is extending from a document root impossible? I can create a new instance, but branching out seems like a dead end.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Extending The JWPlayer Class?

May 13, 2011

I'm having an issue extending a class in the JWPlayer API, but I think it's probably more of an issue of the way I'm extending the class in AS3 rather than the class itself. Here is the code:

package {
import com.longtailvideo.jwplayer.parsers.*;
import com.longtailvideo.jwplayer.utils.*;


All three of the final functions do not return values even though I have event listeners only calling those values one Event.COMPLETE (of the loaded SWF that contains this script).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Extending From Entity Class?

Jun 23, 2011

am attempting to make a simple asteroids game using push button engine. In the game the ship should fire when the user pushes the spacebar button.To do this my KeyboardController class should make a new instance of the Bullet class on every tick when the spacebar is down.The problem is for some (probably simple) reason I can't extend the Entity or IEntity class. IEntity is an interface so I understand why I can't extend that, but I'm not sure why it's not letting my extend entity. Heres my code for calling the bullet constructor:

if (PBE.isKeyDown(InputKey.SPACE)){
var _newBullet: Entity = Bullet();

and here is the first line of the bullet class.

public class Bullet extends Entity{...}

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Have Class Extending Restriction?

Jul 27, 2011

By this question, I don't just mean add a final to your class name.I'm talking about, let's say that you have a class that only one other class uses, but should not be accessed by no other class. Is it possible to say in the extended class that only this other class can extend me?*Change* Also, can you restrict which classes are allowed to initialise it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Extending The Button Class

May 4, 2005

I have an AS file named MovieClipTLnd which I created to add a property to the MovieClip class, plus a function to trace the current value of the property I added. I works out just fine. But when I do the same trying to extend the Button Class, it won't work.

check the last lines of this LiveDoc, a few days ago someone posted a comment regarding this problem


I know there are some workarounds for this problem... like embedding the button into movieclips and assigning properties as objects, but I need to know if it's possible to Extend the Built-in Button class itself just like it can be done with the MovieClip Class.

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