Data Integration :: Loading XML Using A Custom Class And Accessing It From Other Classes?

Aug 30, 2006

I began with a class for a movie clip rollover function FigureRollOver. It works marvellously. Three things happen:

1) it loads XML from a file "mod1_fig1.xml" and uses another class, XMLMember, to retool the scoping of the XML so that I can get at it

2) an onload call inside of XMLMember calls the myOnLoad function and transfers the XML into an array.

3) so long as the array is finished building, rolling over a movie clip attaches a new movie clip with the rollover text in it.But I don't want all those functions in one because I need it to be more dynamic, starting with being able to load any old xml file instead of just "mod1_fig1.xml", plus it seems lik overbuilding to have all of that in one class, so I've separated out the loading of the XML and building of the array into its own class, FigureXMLLoader. FigureRollOver is then left to just attach the rollover with text in it, extracted from the array built by the new class.

Problem is, though the array builds inside FigureXMLLoader, I can't figure out how to make it available outside the class. I know that I'm constructing things in the wrong order, and that the array needs to be somehow built inside the class function to be available, but I can't figure out how to do that. A cruddy work-around is to put a function call at the end of the building of the array, which calls yet ANOTHER function on the main timeline of my .swf to put the array I've just built into a new variable.This works, but it's messy. It seems like I should be able to have one line of script in the .swf that generates an array on the main timeline (or just a public array) which I can then access from my FigureRollOver class:

var myRollOvers:Array = new FigureXMLLoader("mod1_fig1.xml");

Here is FigureXMLLoader (see comments in the code for more details) which obviously does not return an array as it is, because of all the working around I've had to do. Note the "testing" variable, which can be traced from the main timeline of the .swf, but I will get "not what I want" because of course the array hasn't been built yet, and never will be, inside of the declaration as it is. How do I get it in there so I can return an array?

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if (loaded) {
_root.thedate =


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[Code] .....
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TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Loader@22c30791 to ThumbNail.
at PicBrowser_fla::MainTimeline/clickedOnThumbNail()

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public function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void {
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class myClass{
function myClass(){

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Data Integration :: Loading New Image From Xml?

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i have an image carousel, images being pulled from xml..right now, when you click the image, it slides over and some text appears also comming from the same xml file.. xml set up like this

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<icon image="image/Dunne_Lexan.crushed.png" content="Test"


what I would like to happen, is when the user clicks the image, and it slides over, I want a new image to appear from the same xml file here is my AS

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Data Integration :: Loading And Parsing XML?

Jan 5, 2007

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<story title = "Story Title">
<section num = "1" title = "Section One Title" >
<frame image = "1.jpg" caption = "caption text


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in loading an XML List intoFlash CS3.

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Jan 27, 2011

i am making a few object of action script..,what special about this object is that in the contructor function of  this object is that i  make it to send a sprite parameter which will act  as it's parent..,var anObject:myObject = new myObject(parentSprite);and in my main project i used those object and store it in an array after adding it to the stage.i do store it to an array cause i need to be able to refer back to it..everything was fine up until i need to call function inside that object which i already stored in an array. how should i call the function in that object from an array that stored the object?

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