Data Integration :: Generating A Custom Graphic From A Forms Input?

Dec 11, 2006

I would like to basically create an flash application that would allow a visitor to answer a few questions and then be presented with an image based on the answers provided via a form. If the generated output is not acceptable - I would like the visitor to be able to regenerate the output with a single click and continue to do so until the image is acceptable. The questions/process would be something like:

1. What is your favorite shape? (a drop down list of data from DB would be selectable)

2. what is your favorite color? (same as above option)

3. what is your favorite things to do? (this answer would work similar to a search and match keywords related to images within the DB and be placed in a designated area of the image)

4. what is your name? (first - last)

the results would then generate a image... Does anyone know where I can begin the process of making a application like this?

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Data Integration :: Dynamically Generated Forms?

Oct 26, 2006

My company has a database-driven system of web forms, each ofwhich consists of many questions in various layouts (2-columnradio, 1 column checkbox, etc). The forms are never hard-coded.Each HTTP request causes Java code to perform DB queries todynamically generate the various questions and answers.Thosequestions are then rendered through JSP and Struts tiles into HTML.The HTML also contains JavaScript functions to hide/showconditional questions on the web page based on answers to earlierquestions. Now we're trying to figure out the best way to adapt thissystem to use a Flash front-end instead of HTML/JavaScript.My preliminary research suggests at least two possibleapproaches:

1. A pre-compiled SWF could send a request with certainparameters, and the server could respond with an XML description ofthe form to build. Then the SWF could parse that XML andynamically generate the form using attachMovie for each formelement (with a lot of math to determine relative positions ofelements with variable sizes, like text labels). 2. Flex might reduce the code for placing elements, by usingMXML to describe the form structure as well as visual arrangement.I haven't used this yet, and I'm wary of Flex 2 simply because itrequires Flash Player 9 which is only at 50% browser penetration

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Nov 10, 2010

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onEnterFrame = function () {
_root.frameNumber = _root._currentframe;


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I'm sorry this is a question from a server ignoramus, I've previously captured user input using a combination of cfml and text files. That was way back in 2002 and using AS 1.0. I'm now working in an environment where the server guy won't put any scripts on, and I mean none, no PHP, no ASP, no CFML, nothing. Would anyone know if there is a way of capturing user input without using a script, please? This prolly shows a really basic lack of understanding of how servers work but I'm a bit desperate. I know the Flash Learning Interactions can work with SCORM and pop results into LMSs that use SCORM and our LMS does use SCORM, but it seems to only be within the learning interactions and I don't know where to start to tailor this for the input I need to capture.

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Data Integration :: Loading XML Using A Custom Class And Accessing It From Other Classes?

Aug 30, 2006

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1) it loads XML from a file "mod1_fig1.xml" and uses another class, XMLMember, to retool the scoping of the XML so that I can get at it

2) an onload call inside of XMLMember calls the myOnLoad function and transfers the XML into an array.

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var myRollOvers:Array = new FigureXMLLoader("mod1_fig1.xml");

Here is FigureXMLLoader (see comments in the code for more details) which obviously does not return an array as it is, because of all the working around I've had to do. Note the "testing" variable, which can be traced from the main timeline of the .swf, but I will get "not what I want" because of course the array hasn't been built yet, and never will be, inside of the declaration as it is. How do I get it in there so I can return an array?

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Data Integration :: Input Text Boxes Now Passing Formatting With Variables?

Feb 14, 2007

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ALIGN="JUSTIFY"><FONT FACE="American Typewriter" SIZE="12"


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Jul 31, 2010

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Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query.
/processForm.asp, line 15

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Nov 12, 2007

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Does anyone know of a tutorial that might lead me on the correct path to create this? I've found some tuts, but they've been different than my need.

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Feb 1, 2007

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Actionscript 3 :: Animate A Custom Graphic Component Property?

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I created a custom timer component, which basically renders a circle sector, with a default start angle (0) and an end angle:

public class Arc extends FilledElement
private var _endAngle:Number = 0;


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I'm working on generating a dynamic menu from a WDDX data set, and I'm having a little difficulty with looping through the information.

What I'm trying to do is: if this city = last city, attachMovieClip A. if this city != last city, attachMovieClip B. that works fine, but...What I need to do is figure out a way not to repeat a duplicate record... the way it is now, if this city and last city match, it will place movie clip A, which is good, but if there are three instances of the same city, it will place three movie clip As. what sort of looping I'd need to do not to repeat records, yet still place the delightful movieClip A on the stage?

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May 23, 2007

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May 4, 2007

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Data Integration :: Enable Data Management If Passing An Extra Variable To PHP Script?

May 7, 2010

Im trying to use dynamic SQL tables on my PHP server so I need to pass the table name to the PHP script.  I don't understand why the Data Management system that sets up CRUD won't allow this extra parameter.  It says it can only have one input: item. I can get all records, but when I try to create, update, or delete I get an error.
Or is there another way I can pass the tablename variable to the php file before I call any functions?

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Data Integration :: Use Flash To Dynamically Load XML Data Via A FlashVars Call In The HTML?

Jul 18, 2007

Im new to placing external data into Flash. I just got CS3 and Im trying to use Flash to dynamically load XML data via a FlashVars call in the HTML.

The problem is I have followed the very straight forward AS2 Help files for using FlashVars and URL variables.I have placed the code directly from the Help file into the Html between
<noscript> <noscript>and i keep getting undefined.I have tried saving the file as flash 8 and i am publish flash 8.

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Jun 15, 2007

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Data Integration :: Handle Double Quotes In Data Read In From External Source?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm trying to read some data in from a sql source, some of which contains double quotes embedded in the text. I know I can strip the doublequotes, but don't want to go that route if I can avoid it. I've tried replacing to double quotes with hex codes before passing the text via parameter to my flash file, but the text string always cuts off at the hex code, the same as if the double quote were present in the string. For example:This is a "text" stringreplace double quotes with hex: This is a x22textx22 stringesults when read into flash: This is a <remainder is dropped>Yet if I type the same text string in a variable in flash, the string displays the double quotes properly:

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Data Integration :: Send Data From Html To Flash Action Script

May 31, 2007

I would like my flash to act differently depending on what html page it is on. Can I send information from html code to action script?

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Flash :: Data Integration :: Send Record And Place It In A Data Grid?

Mar 1, 2007

i have a problem regarding the integration between flash and ASP file i have an ASP file that gets a record set from the database i don't know how to send this record set to flash and place it in a data grid

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