Data Integration :: Saving User Input To Xml

May 22, 2007

I'm sorry this is a question from a server ignoramus, I've previously captured user input using a combination of cfml and text files. That was way back in 2002 and using AS 1.0. I'm now working in an environment where the server guy won't put any scripts on, and I mean none, no PHP, no ASP, no CFML, nothing. Would anyone know if there is a way of capturing user input without using a script, please? This prolly shows a really basic lack of understanding of how servers work but I'm a bit desperate. I know the Flash Learning Interactions can work with SCORM and pop results into LMSs that use SCORM and our LMS does use SCORM, but it seems to only be within the learning interactions and I don't know where to start to tailor this for the input I need to capture.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Saving The Flash Input Data To XML

Feb 22, 2007

i want a solution or sample file of exactly how to save a flash input data to xml file.. im really new to xml.. i dont know how to script it in flash. Ex: there will be a two fields of input... 1) text input... 2)checkbox input/ other... and a submit/ save button the above will be in flash interface.... so when i run the file and key in the data into the text input box or other.. the data what ever i key in has to reflect in XML that means it has to save the data in XML... so that i can open the xml and have look of the data wat ever i have keyed in..

im really badly in need.. what action to put where and how to create xml. what to put in that... i know some of you really would have done this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Login And Register Functions - Saving User Data

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This is my register function
ActionScript Code:
function registerplayer(e:MouseEvent){
savedata.rpname = rpn.text;
var registername = [savedata.rpname+"N"];
savedata.registername = "name";
[Code] .....

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AS2 :: Data Integration - Swap Values From XML Input?

May 14, 2010

I have the following scenario: I'm loading data values from an external  XML file and I want to swap them with other ones in order to show the latter further on in the movie. As an example, I have the following data  in the XML file:

Code:<set label='Epson'><set label='Hitachi'><set label='Toshiba'><set label='Mitsui'><set label='Panasonic'><set label='Canon'><set label='Lexmark'>and I want to swap the following data


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Data Integration :: Create A Tree Layout That A User Can Navigate?

May 12, 2009

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Should i create a new layer for each branch? Then when the user clicks a down button i just take them to a new layer? Do i create the whole thing on one layer and have navigation buttons so the user can scroll around the window and see all the other branches?

It would be nice if i could draw the damn thing at run time, and the user almost walks along lines from one branch to another, and has the option which path to take if one branch has more than one child etc.

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Data Integration :: Generating A Custom Graphic From A Forms Input?

Dec 11, 2006

I would like to basically create an flash application that would allow a visitor to answer a few questions and then be presented with an image based on the answers provided via a form. If the generated output is not acceptable - I would like the visitor to be able to regenerate the output with a single click and continue to do so until the image is acceptable. The questions/process would be something like:

1. What is your favorite shape? (a drop down list of data from DB would be selectable)

2. what is your favorite color? (same as above option)

3. what is your favorite things to do? (this answer would work similar to a search and match keywords related to images within the DB and be placed in a designated area of the image)

4. what is your name? (first - last)

the results would then generate a image... Does anyone know where I can begin the process of making a application like this?

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Data Integration :: Input Text Boxes Now Passing Formatting With Variables?

Feb 14, 2007

I've had a site running for a few months that takes fourinput text boxes (name, e-mail, subject and message) and posts thevalues to an ASP page which composes an e-mail with a CDO.Messagecommand. For some reason (nothing has been changed in the files or onthe server), it stopped working and I've traced it down to Flashpassing Input Text Box Formatting information along WITH theariable.Can anyone explain what's happened and how to correct it?For example, in my form I've set all the name, e-mail andmessage to static text and let the Subject variable be passed andin the e-mail subject line, I get this:

ALIGN="JUSTIFY"><FONT FACE="American Typewriter" SIZE="12"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Capturing Data From User Input?

Jan 23, 2011

I'm sure it's easy to do, but I just cannot figure it out. I've created a timer but want to let the user set default values to start at so they don't have to modify the start time each time the program starts.I was able to create a text box but it is un-editable in the actual program. It displays '00' nicely but it's useless. I haven't even gotten to the point where the data is pulled and stored.

ActionScript Code:
var timerHrs1:TextField = new TextField();
timerHrs1.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;


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Flash :: Data Integration - Huluesque Video Integration

Jan 1, 2010

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Dec 15, 2009

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Feb 25, 2009

I have some text that says go to page with a input textfield box and a go button. This is a flash cs4 file.I want to have the user input the page number and have it go to that frame.I am using actionscript 3.0 and have bought 4 books and researched online and still can't find what I am looking for.I can make the go button go to whatever page I want I just don't know how to get the information the user put in the box.

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Data Integration :: XML Integration In Flash?

Nov 12, 2007

I'd like to create one empty Flash movie that is essentially a placeholder for externally loaded content I can change through XML. This content would just be able to randomly load 1 of 3 photos, with a button linking to a website within each of the photos on page load. If the user refreshes the page, a new photo with it's link would appear, but I understand since it's random,having 3 images the same image is likely to reappear, but I can always add additional photos and links.

Does anyone know of a tutorial that might lead me on the correct path to create this? I've found some tuts, but they've been different than my need.

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Data Integration :: Flash And FTP Integration?

Feb 1, 2007

We want to be able to upload over 100+ files (if needed) to a server along with desc + keywords. I see that Flash 8 has the neccessary tools to handle file uploading, but my question is, can we have it act as a Stand alone FTP program so that we can utilize the fastest user upload, or will we be confined to the settings in the server INI settings.IE MAX_UPLOAD_TIME,MAX_FILESIZE, etc. If possible we want to avoid using the HTTP upload as it is noticeably slower. So if we can use flash to utilize user BW to upload, then that would be ideal.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Saving Map Image To User's PC?

Jul 17, 2010

I am working on a web-tool that allows users to add pre-loaded tiles of data as overlays to Google Maps. I then want users to be able to save their work. I'm approaching this as them saving a series of images that they can then import to work and add text etc to a layout they choose. If you want to see it in action, it's available here: [URL]

My issue is saving the map image.

I started by trying to use BitmapData.draw() and the JPGEncoder class in the as3corelib and this works for the 2 legend images. It also works for the map when testing on my PC (and changing the Global Security Settings). As soon as you put it on the server it hangs at the BitmapData.draw() line, and I've since found out that this isn't resolvable:

I went back to trying to use map.getPrintableBitmap (; which I'd previously discarded due to poor resolution). I can still pass this through JPGEncoder and am now happy with the result. However, the code only runs when no overlays have been added to the map.

My "save code" goes as follows:

import JPGEncoder;
Security.loadPolicyFile(""); //see note below


Note: PHP cannot be installed on the server I am working with for various reasons so I need to pursue other routes.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Saving Input Text In A .swf?

May 21, 2009

I'm currently creating an interactive game for teachers that works around the teachers inputting Q and A's into dynamic text boxes. I've been searching for so long and posting on so many sites to see what the code is to save the input text.In more depth, The finished .swf contains multiple dynamic text boxes for where the teachers input their desired text. I was wondering whether they can then save the inputted text to the .swf without having to own Flash CS4.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Saving Data And Loading Data From A .txt File?

Sep 24, 2006

I have read through Shared Objects but i couldn't get it work...

I just have to save my data, maybe array into .txt file and later on
retrieve from the same .txt file...

Anyone here have an example or some source code so i can have reference on it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Saving Info Into Input TextBoxes

Mar 18, 2004

Is there anyway to make save information that people have put in input text boxes. For example they could put the info in and then save it so it will appear next time.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Saving Info In Input Textboxes?

Mar 18, 2004

Is there anyway to make save information that people have put in input text boxes. For example they could put the info in and then save it so it will appear next time.

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Data Integration :: MySQL Data Into Dynamic Text Field Without Escape Sequence

May 23, 2007

I got a music portfolio web site running PHP, MySQL and Flash. There's a page showing all the artists my client worked for and when you click on a song title, this title is passed as a variable to a PHP page then to a Flash page. The Flash page contains an actionscript music player which then looks for the right audio file in the database and plays the song. Everything works great except for the dynamic text field which displays the song title. If the song title contains an apostrophe or a single quote, the Flash dynamic text field then shows the apostrophe.[code]

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May 4, 2007

How to store the data text in Access databases using flash form and to search into the database. It is possible to work without server because I don't want to put this flash file on the net. how to make databases and to connect with flash and to have possibility to search the database, but to work database in the local computer.

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Data Integration :: Enable Data Management If Passing An Extra Variable To PHP Script?

May 7, 2010

Im trying to use dynamic SQL tables on my PHP server so I need to pass the table name to the PHP script.  I don't understand why the Data Management system that sets up CRUD won't allow this extra parameter.  It says it can only have one input: item. I can get all records, but when I try to create, update, or delete I get an error.
Or is there another way I can pass the tablename variable to the php file before I call any functions?

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Data Integration :: Use Flash To Dynamically Load XML Data Via A FlashVars Call In The HTML?

Jul 18, 2007

Im new to placing external data into Flash. I just got CS3 and Im trying to use Flash to dynamically load XML data via a FlashVars call in the HTML.

The problem is I have followed the very straight forward AS2 Help files for using FlashVars and URL variables.I have placed the code directly from the Help file into the Html between
<noscript> <noscript>and i keep getting undefined.I have tried saving the file as flash 8 and i am publish flash 8.

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Data Integration :: Read/write Data To And From Access With Flash In A Offline Format?

Jun 15, 2007

Is it possible to read/write data to and from Access with Flash in a offline format? I need to create a stand alone system that users can log into and pull information from - but it will not be networked or have any sort of internet connection.

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