ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX] Generating A Dynamic Menu From A WDDX Data Set?

Oct 15, 2003

I'm working on generating a dynamic menu from a WDDX data set, and I'm having a little difficulty with looping through the information.

What I'm trying to do is: if this city = last city, attachMovieClip A. if this city != last city, attachMovieClip B. that works fine, but...What I need to do is figure out a way not to repeat a duplicate record... the way it is now, if this city and last city match, it will place movie clip A, which is good, but if there are three instances of the same city, it will place three movie clip As. what sort of looping I'd need to do not to repeat records, yet still place the delightful movieClip A on the stage?

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Code: Select allstop();
gerar_menu = function(container, name, x, y, depth, node_xml){
//declarar variaves
var corrent_item;
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generating And Animating Text Boxes For Dynamic XML Amounts?

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May 23, 2007

I got a music portfolio web site running PHP, MySQL and Flash. There's a page showing all the artists my client worked for and when you click on a song title, this title is passed as a variable to a PHP page then to a Flash page. The Flash page contains an actionscript music player which then looks for the right audio file in the database and plays the song. Everything works great except for the dynamic text field which displays the song title. If the song title contains an apostrophe or a single quote, the Flash dynamic text field then shows the apostrophe.[code]

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""


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Sep 28, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reading Menu Data From XML?

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Data Integration :: XML Menu With Thumbnail Images?

Nov 22, 2006

I am trying to create a dynamic menu for a video player. Much like the one found here (MTV OverDrive. )Obviouslythis is a Flash site and I can only assume the video list is being generated via XML. I am trying to accomplish the same thing, only I am not using FCS.

I just want to create the buttons dynamically with thumbnail images and text via XML, and in turn load the video based on a button click. I have the video part working fine, using a video object, I just need to know how to create the buttons WITH THUMBS from an XML file. I can figure out how to load the video once the button is clicked. The problem is the menu itself and loading the different thumbnail with the button.I am sure it has something to do with "attachMovie,DuplicateMovie, or CreateEmptyMovieClip" but I am not sure how to do this with XML.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic XML Menu Bar?

Feb 21, 2005

For the life of me, I can't get it to work. All I want to do is roll over and change the background color of the cell. I've tried adding it in as a behaviour in the submenu movie clips. But when i try to trace the onRollOver, nothing happens.This is how the XML looks.

<?xml version="1.0"?>


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Sep 27, 2010

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Data Integration :: Xml Menu Not Showing In Published Html

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Mar 19, 2007

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Forcing Menu To Refresh After Modifying Data Provider XML

Apr 15, 2009

When updating the data provider for a menu bar component, the state of the menu items fails to update until the user interacts with the menus (rolls the mouse over them, clicks them, etc). For example, a disabled item remains enabled until the user roll the mouse over it. Is there a way to force a menu 'refresh' after modifying the data provider XML?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pull Data From Sqlite To Custom Menu?

Oct 14, 2011

I'm trying to bring data from an sqlite database into a custom made menu. I have the menu working using an array with the code shown. But, now I would like the data to come from an sqlite database.

The code shown for the database, I have used for a previous job that pulled the data into a dataGrid. I now want that same data to put into my custom menu instead of a dataGrid. How would I change the second code to do this?

I think my main question is about the "watername_dg.addItem" in the second code below and how to change that to bring the data into my buttons.

ActionScript Code:
//////////////PULLING DATA FROM AN ARRAY TO BUILD MENU//////////////
var _menuArray:Array = new Array("Apples","Oranges","Pears","Grapes","Limes", "Carrots", "Peas", "Beans");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: RemoveChild From Dynamic Menu?

Oct 24, 2009

I'm using a class to dynamically populate menu items based on arrays. The menu has to allow individual chapters and lessons to expand/contract to display the slides within.

I'm trying to set it up so that when the user hits the Chapter or Lesson item, it rebuilds the menu with the appropriate Chapter/Lesson expanded. I've got that part working, but I need to remove the elements that were previously added using addChild, but I'm not sure how to clear all the elements from an object?[code]...

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Mar 5, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Dynamic Menu?

Jan 8, 2010

I got the first part to work. The only problem is when I click any buttons it produces errorTypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object resume_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()not sure what I have to do. All it's supposed to do is when you click a button the target movie clip plays frames 2 - 10 and the previous movie clip plays frame 11 - 20. Not sure what's the problem here.

ActionScript Code:
var curMC;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text In A Menu

Jul 3, 2010

Link to site: [URL] I've been trying to create a flash website menu that updates the menu text via an xml file. The problem I'm experiencing is that when I update the dynamic text in the menu, it doesn't seem to go through. I know I am referencing the dynamic text correctly as when I run the swf for the first time, I briefly see the correct text for about half-a-second before it is replaced by the default dynamic text. There is something that is overwriting the new text with the default values but I cannot see what is causing it.

I am changing the dynamic menu text in _root although the dynamic text exists in nested movie clips i.e. '_main.menu_mc.menu_panel_1.menu_button_1_1.menu_b utton_text'.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Menu And MOUSE OVER

May 19, 2011

I guess that my problem is really simple, but I have no idea, how to do it.. The idea is simple: I need to make dynamic menu with mouse over effect. Button and hover are from library. When I go with mouse on button i want to make hover visible, but I have no idea how to get to the hover, because there is no Look into the code:


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