ActionScript 3.0 :: Pull Data From Sqlite To Custom Menu?

Oct 14, 2011

I'm trying to bring data from an sqlite database into a custom made menu. I have the menu working using an array with the code shown. But, now I would like the data to come from an sqlite database.

The code shown for the database, I have used for a previous job that pulled the data into a dataGrid. I now want that same data to put into my custom menu instead of a dataGrid. How would I change the second code to do this?

I think my main question is about the "watername_dg.addItem" in the second code below and how to change that to bring the data into my buttons.

ActionScript Code:
//////////////PULLING DATA FROM AN ARRAY TO BUILD MENU//////////////
var _menuArray:Array = new Array("Apples","Oranges","Pears","Grapes","Limes", "Carrots", "Peas", "Beans");


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<GlobalDynamicData xmlns:xsi"[URL]">
<schema version 1.0.0>version 1</schemaversion>
<DataField> AlertOn</DataField>
[Code] .....
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_root.dynLoad = function() {
trace( "initializing dynLoad function..." );
for( _root.g = 1; _root.g <= _root.featLength; _root.g++ ) {
if( _root.g == 1 ) {
this.createEmptyMovieClip( "dynPic", this.getNextHighestDepth() );
[Code] .....

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If it's not possible, wouldn't it be a good idea for Macromedia to put some kind of event or something in there?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Context Menu - Add A Right Click Menu With A Custom Item? ?

Oct 8, 2009

i wanted to place some credits item in the right button menu (no links, so no events, just a label with credits). i was looking the contextmenu help, and there is an example of how to add items, disable default items and so on, but i could not find how to attach the menu to the movie (the basic part). i tried both on 'stage' and it tells me that stage does not have a property called contextMenu, so i tried to attach it to a sprite, it runs ok and compiles ok but when i right click on the sprite i get the default menu

var _menu_item:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("here goes [code].....

how to add a right click menu with a custom item?

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Sql :: Casue Of SQLite Error: 'Error #3132: Data Type Mismatch' In Adobe AIR

Oct 20, 2011

"SELECT * FROM locations JOIN section_has_location ON locations.location_id = section_has_location.location_id WHERE section_has_location.chapter_id =2 AND section_has_location.section_id=2"

I get the error:

SQLError: 'Error #3132: Data type mismatch.', details:'could not convert text value to numeric value.', operation:'execute', detailID:'2300'


How do I fix the query as to not cause the error? update: I exported all the data, and imported into a new clean database. This seems to have solved that error.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Custom Right Click Menu?

Mar 10, 2009

I was wondering if there's any way to create a custom right click menu like in context menu(or similar) without the "Settings" and "About Adobe Flash.." etc... options?

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Actionscript :: Flex Custom Menu Functionality

Jun 16, 2009

Does anyone know of a way to keep a menu open after clicking one of its menu items? I have a custom menu (extended the menu object) it contains a bunch of check type menu items, the requirement I am trying to fulfill is to allow the user to click multiple menu items without the menu closing, and then have the menu close when it loses focus, is this possible? If it is can someone please explain how it can be done (pref. with a small example).

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Javascript :: Flash - Custom Context Menu?

Jun 12, 2010

Is there a way to add custom fields to the built in browser context menu using Javascript?I know flash/actionscript can do this, how are they doing it? Example: right click onand see the custom context menu.Is this possible with pure javascript or do you have to use flash?Note, I'm looking for adding to the built in browser context menu, not using custom javascript popups to mimic them.

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Flex :: Custom Context Menu For A Component?

Mar 21, 2011

I have a Flex application, running with Flash Player, not AIR, that contains a Tree that I would like to put a custom context menu on.

Tried just doing <mx:Tree ... contextMenu="{}">, but that didn't do anything.

Went searching, and found this quote from some Adobe docs somewhere

In Flex or Flash Builder, only top-level components in the application can have context menus. For example, if a DataGrid control is a child of a TabNavigator or VBox container, the DataGrid control cannot have its own context menu.

so went upwards, trying each parent element until I reached my <Application>-element, which is consistent with what they wrote.

Tried making a Flex component, based on Group (the default) which contained my tree, and the context menu on the top-level element there, hoping it would work, but to no avail.

Is there any other way to manage this that I haven't found yet?

The code I use to create the menu:

var menuItems:Array = [];
var rename:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Rename");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Context Menu In Class

Aug 20, 2009

Is it possible to place code for a custom context menu in an external class, and then call the class when you need it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Set Custom Context Menu On MovieClip

Apr 26, 2010

Context Menus. How can I set a custom context menu on a movieclip, so that if a different movieclip (without a custom context menu) overlaps it (on a higher layer), that when right clicked, the correct context menu comes up.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Custom Context Menu Not Showing Up?

Dec 7, 2005

I have set a custom context menu in a .swf, and I can see it normally when previewing it on flash (Test Movie).However, when I see it on my browser, I can't see the custom options (only the reduced context menu with settings and about macromedia...)On my first frame I have an actions layer with this (context + loader):

root_cm = new ContextMenu();
root_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Add to Favourites", itemHandler1))
root_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("send e-mail", itemHandler2));


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Have A Custom Right-click Menu For Movie

Apr 30, 2008

How do I have a custom right-click menu for my movie? I want it so when you right-click it'll say things like "My Site" that will link you to my site.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Right Click Custom Menu Over A Sprite?

Feb 8, 2009

Basically I have lot of text fields that are rendered dynamically, and I want the user to be able to right click on one and edit it.

Is it good practise to use the right-click bring up custom menu on a sprite. And is the method guaranteed to work accross all browsers? Do mac mice have right mouse click buttons?


And if not, what would be a good work around. Maybe bringing up a yahoo astra message box with the two options one for left mouse click, one for right click and edit text field?

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