ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Object Instance From A Custom Class?

Jun 22, 2011

I have created some (TextInput, ComboBox, CheckBox) Component instances  (created as a public objects) in a Document class and added them to the stage.
Now I have created a custom class for a movieclip in library and instantiated it in the document class (also a public instance).
I need to access the component instances in the custom class. How to do this ?
Also, Is it a good practice to use ENTER_FRAME event frequently ? because if I can't access the above components instances in the custom class then I will be left with no choice but to use ENTER_FRAME event in the document class every time I need to change some value in the components...

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Flex :: Casting Object From ArrayCollection To Instance Of Custom Class

Jan 28, 2011

I am using Flex 4 and for whatever reason I cannot get the following code to work which happens inside of a ListEvent handler for a dataGrid:
_tempRule = DataGrid(event.currentTarget).selectedItem as Rule;

Rule is a custom class, and the above code always returns null. The dataprovider for the datagrid is an ArrayCollection. If I try to wrap the above code to make it like the following:
DataGrid(event.currentTarget).selectedItem as Rule

I get this error:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Object@e15a971 to

Now I know I have done this before with native Flex classes like Button, etc, but it my case it will not work. Here is the Rule class:
package {
import flash.utils.describeType;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Save Instance Of Custom Class With Local Shared Object?

Mar 26, 2008

I am programming a web based application with Actionscript 2.0 classes for flash 8, and I want to save user data using the local shared object.As the data is potentially rather complex I would prefer to store it in an instance of a custom class that I then stick in an array property of the local shared object data property.However, when I try to do this, if I retrieve the stored object it seems to have lost all its instance methods. If I do a for in on it, I can see the private properties to which I have assigned my data, but as they are private I cannot retrieve I can store an instance of a custom class in a local shared object without it being corrupted in this way?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Instance Of Document Class

Jun 5, 2009

I have a really peculiar problem that relates to the old question of how to best access the instance of the document class from a different class. I usually add a 'this' as parameter when I create an instance of another class inside the document class. Then I save this 'this' in a class property of the type 'Object'. It usually works just fine but lately I have encountered a really bizzarr error.

When my movie first starts I have to load 2 xml-Files. I do that in another class - that calls upon the document class instance when it is finished. I use 4 methods for that, each calling the other, when it is finished.
(like one doing loader.load(urlRequest),
then loader.addEventListener
(Event.Complete, nexthandler) and so on

Now, when I call back to my document class from the last of these 4 methods it works just fine. But when I try skipping the first two methods (since I now need only one xml-File) - my try/catch-statement suddenly complains: TypeError: Error #1010! Like it needed more time to establish the instance of the document class or something similar strange.

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Accessing A Stage Instance From A Class Other The Document?

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I have a main document class with another class instanciated (mouse within it. I want the mouse follower class to access a stage instance. How is this done?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing An Instance On Stage From Within Another Class?

Jun 14, 2007

access one instance of a MovieClip on the stage (blue_mc) from within the class file of another MovieClip (red_mc).e.g. One instance of "Blue" on the stage called "blue_mc", and one instance of "Red" on the stage called "red_mc". Both symbols are linked to class files ( and, I set up a function to listen for a mouse down event. When this is triggered, I want to move the instance blue_mc. At the moment, though, I can't seem to get a reference to blue_mc.I've looked into the new stage and root properties, but even though blue_mc is on the stage, it cannot be accessed using stage.getChildByName( "blue_mc" ) either.

Code for

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Class Instance At Root From Movieclip

Nov 15, 2010

I have declared a object in my 1 st frame of application.

ActionScript Code:
var objTest:Test = new Test();

I am tring to access the object from a movie clip. Movie clip is located in frame 2. I am getting error

ActionScript Code:

1119: Access of possibly undefined property objTest through a reference with static type flash.displayisplayObjectContainer.

How to access a object instantiated at root from a movie clip.

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Professional :: Accessing Class Instance At Root From Movieclip?

Feb 25, 2010

I have declared a object in my 1 st frame of application.

ActionScript Code:
var objTest:Test = new Test();

I am tring to access the object from a movie clip. Movie clip is located in frame 2. I am getting error

ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SoundPlayer - Accessing Instance In Class Second Time

Oct 7, 2009

I'm with a doubt that is crashing my project over here.
Example: I have my class....

package {
public class SoundPlayer extends CheckVersion{
public static var saveId:Object = {};
public function SoundPlayer($url, $vars):void{
trace(saveId[$url]) // here the class return to me the first call
[Code] .....

If I access SoundPlayer.Init(), I pass my URL and my variables, I got the first access, but for example, when I save this variables on my constructor and want to access again with a different call, the flash output returns like "null", like... SoundPlayer.PlayInit("myId");
take a look bellow

public static function PlayInit($url :String):SoundPlayer {
trace(SoundPlayer.saveId[$url] as SoundPlayer);
return SoundPlayer.saveId[$url] as SoundPlayer;
How I can access this variables in second time?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing The Private Variables Of One Instance Of A Class?

Aug 18, 2010

Currently I have two classes which are "bullet" and "enemy".There are two instances of the enemy class.Code from an ENTER_FRAME event in the Bullet Class:

ActionScript Code:
for(var k:int=0; k<getEnemys.length; k++)


The Enemy Class has a private variable called "hits".What do I have to do in order to reduce the hits of the instance of the enemy that was hit by the bullet?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Class Instance At Root From Movieclip?

Nov 16, 2010

I have declared a object in my 1 st frame of application.

ActionScript Code:
var objTest:Test = new Test();

I am tring to access the object from a movie clip. Movie clip is located in frame 2. I am getting error

ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Functions From One Custom Class To Another?

Sep 9, 2009

I've made two custom classes ("banana" and "box"). As I start my application I create two new objects from these classes - first I create a banana object and then a box object. The banana class/object has a property/variable ("weight") that I set with information from an external XML file, thus it takes a while for it to receive a value.

My problem is that my box object needs to access the "weight" property of the banana project, just after the box object has been created. The problem is that the banana object hasn't finished initialising when I make the request from the box object...

Is there a way of either check the status of another class (initialisation status that is), or is there another way of preventing the box object to either be created before the banana object is initialised?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing The Function Of A Custom Class?

Dec 26, 2009

I want to be able to make my own math-functions, so that I don't have to write the same trivial functions in all my classes. I would like to import a class called something like MathExtended, and then use functions like this:


I have made an example that tries to import a custom class like that:

This is the main script which my fla. runs.


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ActionScript 3 :: Accessing Instance Of Display Object On Mid-Timeline Frame

Nov 17, 2010

I have the Dynamic Text field that has an instance name on a mid-timeline frame in Flash CS4. I have a class that inherits from Sprite, and which is always added to the stage on instantiation. How can I get a reference to my Dynamic Text instance from this class?

My Main class (linked in Flash's publish settings) goes like this:
protected function beginGame(e:MouseEvent){
var game:GameContainer = new GameContainer(41,8);

Game Container extends MovieClip, and draws some pretty gfx. On Frame 8, in the Flash IDE, there is a Dynamic Text element instance named "scoreText". I want to access this from the GameContainer class. Possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing MovieClips Inside Custom Class

Oct 1, 2009

After resolving one issue, another error has surfaced in my custom class. This class displays a dialogBox and the dialogBox has some interactive MovieClips like btnOK_mc Button.On creating an object of the said class, it reports errors like "Access of undefined property btnOK_mc".[code]I understand that it is an issue of the Scope of these controls; but don't know, how to define these MCs; so that they look like Public. I may be just out of track on the issue.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Document Custom Class Variable

Jun 15, 2010

I've made a custom sound class:
ActionScript Code:
package {
[Code] .....
What I would like that class do is to trace a variable that is on which is Document Class, after a sound completed playing.

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IDE :: Type Coercion Failed When Accessing Custom Class

Jul 26, 2009

I'm trying to make my own picture browser for my webpage, and have run into a problem I can't solve. My guess is that this is kinda a newbie-problem, but anyway here I go...

I have made a class (as an extention to MovieClip) in a seperate file where I can load a picture and later resize it into a thumbnail. I have no problem showing them, but when I tried to make a MouseEvent for clicking onto the shown thumbnail and then tries to access the instance the event sends me, I get :

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Loader@22c30791 to ThumbNail.
at PicBrowser_fla::MainTimeline/clickedOnThumbNail()

I don't understand why it complains on 'Loader'!?And what is the best way to access the instance of the 'ThumbNail' in the MouseEvent?

The .as file looks something like this :

import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Event Listeners In Custom Class?

May 10, 2010

Im am trying to access my event listners in my "menuButn" class from my doc class.

In my main document class i have the following:
public function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void {
var menuButn:Class=getDefinitionByName("com.btn.menuBu tn") as Class;


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Data Integration :: Loading XML Using A Custom Class And Accessing It From Other Classes?

Aug 30, 2006

I began with a class for a movie clip rollover function FigureRollOver. It works marvellously. Three things happen:

1) it loads XML from a file "mod1_fig1.xml" and uses another class, XMLMember, to retool the scoping of the XML so that I can get at it

2) an onload call inside of XMLMember calls the myOnLoad function and transfers the XML into an array.

3) so long as the array is finished building, rolling over a movie clip attaches a new movie clip with the rollover text in it.But I don't want all those functions in one because I need it to be more dynamic, starting with being able to load any old xml file instead of just "mod1_fig1.xml", plus it seems lik overbuilding to have all of that in one class, so I've separated out the loading of the XML and building of the array into its own class, FigureXMLLoader. FigureRollOver is then left to just attach the rollover with text in it, extracted from the array built by the new class.

Problem is, though the array builds inside FigureXMLLoader, I can't figure out how to make it available outside the class. I know that I'm constructing things in the wrong order, and that the array needs to be somehow built inside the class function to be available, but I can't figure out how to do that. A cruddy work-around is to put a function call at the end of the building of the array, which calls yet ANOTHER function on the main timeline of my .swf to put the array I've just built into a new variable.This works, but it's messy. It seems like I should be able to have one line of script in the .swf that generates an array on the main timeline (or just a public array) which I can then access from my FigureRollOver class:

var myRollOvers:Array = new FigureXMLLoader("mod1_fig1.xml");

Here is FigureXMLLoader (see comments in the code for more details) which obviously does not return an array as it is, because of all the working around I've had to do. Note the "testing" variable, which can be traced from the main timeline of the .swf, but I will get "not what I want" because of course the array hasn't been built yet, and never will be, inside of the declaration as it is. How do I get it in there so I can return an array?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Function Of Custom Class That Is Stored In An Array?

Jan 27, 2011

i am making a few object of action script..,what special about this object is that in the contructor function of  this object is that i  make it to send a sprite parameter which will act  as it's parent..,var anObject:myObject = new myObject(parentSprite);and in my main project i used those object and store it in an array after adding it to the stage.i do store it to an array cause i need to be able to refer back to it..everything was fine up until i need to call function inside that object which i already stored in an array. how should i call the function in that object from an array that stored the object?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing An Object Drawn On The Stage In One Class From Another Class

Jan 6, 2011

I have created a class, call it Class1, that has various objects drawn on the stage (drawn in the IDE). It also has a function, called setColour, for changing the colour of those objects. The function works fine if I call it from within Class1.

Now I have another class, call it testClass1, that imports Class1 and calls the setColour function. First of all, none of the stage objects from Class1 are visible. Secondly, when setColour tries to modify the colour of an object, I get the error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

This is the code for testClass1:

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.*;


So, what is the problem? Is it possible to change objects that are drawn on the stage of an imported class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Delete A Custom Class Instance

Oct 5, 2008

deleting class instances. say i have a bullet class. say the bullet class checks when the bullet hits an enemy. how to delete the bullet when it hits the enemy.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replace MovieClip With Instance Of Custom Class

Jul 31, 2010

I am trying to replace a MovieClip with an instance of my custom class CustomMovieClip. What I want to do is make all references to MovieClip refer to CustomMovieClip, something like the following:

var _mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
_cmc:CustomMovieClip = new CustomMovieClip();
replaceMc(_mc, _cmc);
trace(_mc); // I want it to output '[class CustomMovieClip]'

I want this to work so any variables that hold the MovieClip should refer the the CustomMovieClip after the replacement. Is this possible?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Custom Class To A MC Containing A Button With A Instance Name 'cool_button'?

Jan 28, 2005

class test extends MovieClip {
private var butnPath;
function test() {
butnPath = this.cool_button

I assign this custom class to a MC containing a button with a instance name 'cool_button'.This code gives a me a compile error of 'variable cool_button not defined', what i am trying to do is reference something that is in the MC itself. The only solution i have found is to name the var the same as the instance name you are trying to reference.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating An Instance Of A MovieClip Without A Custom Class?

Sep 4, 2010

I would like to make a new instance of a MovieClip within my library from code written in my keyframe. I relise that you can do this by making a class and using the codeCode:var instancename:movieclipname = new movieclipname(); and with the MovieClips class I would need to extend MovieClip and nothing else. I am unsure if you put in the name of the MovieClip or the name of the MovieClip class in the code above so feel free to correct me. But instead of doing this can I just add a MovieClip to my stage with doing this

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Custom Class Instance Doesn't Recognize Own Constructor

Aug 18, 2011

I'm having a problem with customized Actionscript objects not recognizing thier own constructor. This is the pertinant part of my script:

ActionScript Code:
class Line extends Object{
public function Line(args){


Clearly, the variable "testLine", is one of my custom "Line" objects. Clearly, it has been made with the "Line" constructor. So why won't flash acknowledge this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Custom Class (Testing) That Would Create A Box When An Instance Of The Class Is Created

Aug 29, 2007

I've been playing around with custom classes. My objective was to create a custom class (Testing) that would create a box when an instance of the class is created. I've tried three different approaches, however only (3) seems to be showing up. I'm just curious why (1) or (2) doesn't work?

Also is there a better approach than (3)? Since at the moment it's been created on _root. I hope the box can only be accessible through the instance. Since I'd like to incorporate the whole idea of public, private, encapsulation, etc.


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Flash :: Cast A Display Object To Custom Class Object?

Jun 27, 2011

How can i cast a object to another type? in AS3 i tried putting (objectType) infront of the variable but it doesnt work, below i have added objects of fishes into the child, and i am getting the fishes back out when mouse down is triggered, and then calling the fishes what to do. however i cant call the method of the custom class fish because it is a displayobject.[code]...

View 1 Replies

Actionscript 3 :: Parse JSON Object To Custom Class Object In It?

Aug 8, 2011

I want to parse JSON string to some my custom object in Action script 3. Is there some libs to do this.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 1034: Converting Movie Clip To Instance Of A Custom Object?

Jun 6, 2011

I need to instantiate them as instances of a custom class I have created. This is giving me an error, and I know I'm probably missing some simple concept somewhere, doing something wrong, but I don't know what it is.Here is my code:

In the main timeline, I have (simplified):
var puzzleAL:GeoGroup = new GeoGroup ("AL", "Alabama", 1, false);
puzzleAL.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, geoTouchBeginHandler);


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