ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndPlay Won't Work Properly
Sep 10, 2010
For some reason, the gotoAndPlay command in one of my frames won't work properly (I think that's the problematic command, but maybe it's another one in the movie).
Frame 1 consists of a button instance named "menu", which is a text reading "menu". When pressed, the animation starts playing and several menu options appear in a frame-by-frame animation, which lasts up to frame 7 where the movie stops.When the "menu" instance is pressed again, the playhead is released and the movie plays another frame-by-frame animation (from frames 8 to 16) of the menu options disappearing.So, in frame 16 there appears only the "menu" instance - just like in frame 1.
All of the above works fine.What I want to do is tell the player to go back to frame 1 as soon as it reaches frame 16, so the menu can open up again when the instance is pressed.I put this code in frame 16:gotoAndPlay(1)and it seems to be working fine, but when I press the "menu" instance for the third time (meaning, after it has already opened up and closed one time), the movie starts playing from frame 8 for some reason.
For some reason i'm having problems swapping scenes in my flash movie. At first i put the action in a "actions" named layer and a link to a button. So basicly when scene1 loads the frame 1 action is "stop ();". The viewer clicks on button1 which has a code of;
I made simple banner which consists of pictures and symbols. Now I want it to jump from the last frame to first one. I tried to put simply gotoandplay(1); but that dooesn't work. What's wrong?
I'm not familiar with AS3 at all.I'm working on a simple 2 minute presentation. For testing purposes, I have a layer named "label" that I am using to set a label called "test" (currently it's on frame 1445)I'm trying to put an action in the timeline, frame 1, that will cause the play head to automatically jump to the "test" label so as I build the presentation and test it, I don't have to sit through the entire thing just to see if my latest animations are working as expected. I'd like to move this "test" label down the timeline as I continue to build new parts of the presentation. I would expect this code to jump the play-head to where ever I put that "test" label..Instead, it either doesn't work at all, or it jumps to some other random spot around frame 160. NO other labels are being used in this presentation (I'm using the FlashEff component plugin for effects, in case that info is necessary)
I have a scene for the title screen and a scene for the game itself. On the title screen i have a start button, that when clicked it is supposed to go to the game scene; but for some reason this wont work.
actions for startclick (start) on(release){ gotoAndPlay("Game", 1); }
I am VERY green when it comes to flash and this is my first ever project. What Im trying to accomplish; *a website for myself that is "simple" and clean to be used as an art portfolio/gallery of my work. -three sets of buttons that go to three pages all with carousels that hold my artwork for that type (ie. press the concept art button and it loads page 2 where there is a photo carousel that containing my concept art pieces. -clicking another button will then call for a new page with a new carousel (I have three types of art that I am showcasing: concept art, fine art, 3D game art)
I have managed to create a flash page that has my name and the buttons and upon pressing the buttons it goes to the page I need. However the pages are at the moment empty due to the fact that I cannot get the carousels to work properly. I have watched the tutorial and dl the class package on 3D carousels. I changed the .as file within the package so that my carousel will be vertical by changing imc.x = Math.cos(imc.angle) * 450; to imc.y = Math.cos(imc.angle) * 450;
I have made a simple animation using only the timeline. The animation is covered by a button "Knapp" (alpha 0) wich activates the actions. The whole thing works fine the first time. The last action says go to and play frame 2, wich has two actions: stop + go to and play frame 4. But this action does not work the second time. I tried to set the action to frame 3 instead of 2 and the same problem occured on another action on the timeline as well.
Here is the last action on my timeline:
Knapp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_11); function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_11(event:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndPlay(2);}
I am trying to sett up an workflow for a project. I am going to do the programming and a friend of mine the graphics.I would like him to be able to update the graphic on the final movie without the need of publishing the full project. We are sitting on different locations and usually work at different times. So i was thinking of making separate swf for each of the movieclips. And importing these at runtime.Then he could do his magic and preview this if he uploaded them.I have done some small tests and can't seem to get these imported swf to work properly. Should this work?Any suggestion on how to set up a good workflow for this project? Or at least what to search for.
I've got a mouse controlled person who fires circle bullets up towards oncoming enemies. but since i duplicated them, only the first bullet fired works as it is the only one that has the right instance name.What I mean is :The bullet is instanced bullet When it is duplicated to be fired, it changes to bullet1,bullet2 ect etc The hittest script on the enemies only reconize bullet, and therefore ignores all other shots except the first is there anyway of making it so it reconises all shots?
can't seem to get substr to work properlyseem to get substr to work properly in this situation. i'm getting Sun May 13 00:00:00 GMT-0400 2007 back from a query and I want to strip it down to simply say "Sun May 13".
Working on FL8 AS2 I've always had a problem getting the duplicateMovieClip to work properly... So here's my code:
Code: for (i=0; i<_root.level.length; i++) { for (j=0; j<_root.level[i].length; j++) { if (_root.level[i][j] == 1)
In theory...for each pass shouldnt it:Reposition block0's x and y duplicate block0 on that position.move on but it seems only the setProperty works because my block0 eventually ends up at the last position.
I had an idea for a navigation menu where I could press down a button and it would stay in its 'down' state. In addition it could be navigated by using the keypad and those buttons are used to call up xml images. Getting this to work has been more of a headache/challenge than I imagined. I'm fairly close, the code I have was suggested to me and it is getting more and more untidy the more I try to craft it to my needs. The problem I have right now is that when the mouse clicks outside of a button, it reloads the image (in this case firstImage.)
I've got a mouse controlled person who fires circle bullets up towards oncoming enemies. but since I duplicated them, only the first bullet fired works as it is the only one that has the right instance name. What I mean is: The bullet is instanced bullet. When it is duplicated to be fired, it changes to bullet1, bullet2 etc. The hittest script on the enemies only recognize bullet, and therefore ignores all other shots except the first. Is there anyway of making it so it recognizes all shots?
I am using Flash CS3 with ActionScript 2 and am having a problem getting getBytesLoaded and getBytesTotal to work properly. Probably I am taking the reading in the wrong spot, but I can't figure out where I should be doing it. The code will read an xml file which contains pictures and url links to where I want each picture to go, and then loads and shows a picture for 3 seconds, then goes on to the next one. I am trying to show the preloader bar "LOADING" by adjusting the _xscale as a percentage of BytesLoaded/BytesTotal. The code should work, but my getBytesLoaded and getBytesTotal is either showing 0% or 100% and nothing in between. Here is my code and I have left some of my trace statements in the code below as well. The problem occurs in the this.onEnterFrame = function() which is about half way thru the code:
I'm trying to utilize the Learning Interactions in the Library of Flash CS4 included in the Adobe E-Learning Suite.I'm able to change the individual componens' properties (radio button, submit button) etc. using the component inspector, but cannot determine how to change the properties of the movie clip for items such as correct answer, etc.Has anyone used these Learning Interaction library items, and knows how to update the components to work properly?
I'm trying to create universal loader of flash games on one entertainment site. What I want is to make some kind of container (SWF A) which will load another flash to it (SWF B) (by some params).
SWF B could be anything - AS1 / AS2 or AS3 flash. SWF A is programmed with AS3. Problem is that not all SWF games, which I try to load, works fine. Some games lost their click events, some games does not load at all, some games are corrupted. When I run that games separately (not using my loader), games work just fine. Why is this happening? Why some flash games are not working properly after loading by another flash?
I'm using Loader object to handle this, without any special settings - same as on examples on AS3 Bible book...
I've got a mouse controlled person who fires circle bullets up towards oncoming enemies. but since i duplicated them, only the first bullet fired works as it is the only one that has the right instance name.What I mean is :The bullet is instanced bullet When it is duplicated to be fired, it changes to bullet1,bullet2 ect etc The hittest script on the enemies only reconize bullet, and therefore ignores all other shots except the first is there anyway of making it so it reconises all shots?
I have been working on a flash website and finished it yesterday, and among other pages, i have a gallery section. The gallery works perfectly on my local PC, but when i try to upload the website to ftp so I can put it online, the gallery shows completely wrong, in fact only one picture is visible. The AS code for the gallery is written in one movie clip with the instance name gall, and this movie clip is located in the actual page of the gallery, the one with the animation. I don't know if that's relevant, but i thought i should mention.I have attached a pic of what the right gallery looks like on my PC
I am using the DateField component in my movie dateField.swf. I am loading this movie into an empty movieclip in my master.swf. When I run master .swf the DateField component (residing in the loaded in dateField.swf) doesn't work properly! The dateChooser automatically opens up, which is good but when the dateChooser closes after I chose a date I can't open it up again! When I run dateField.swf on its own everything works as it should. And I have the DateField component also in both libraries. I have used the following code in the master.fla but to no avail!
empty_mc.loadMovie("dateField.swf");//this works fine empty_mc._lockroot = true;
I have been working on a flash website and finished it yesterday, and among other pages, i have a gallery section. The gallery works perfectly on my local PC, but when i try to upload the website to ftp so I can put it online, the gallery shows completely wrong, in fact only one picture is visible. The AS code for the gallery is written in one movie clip with the instance name gall, and this movie clip is located in the actual page of the gallery, the one with the animation.I don't know if that's relevant, but i thought i should mention.I have attached a pic of what the right gallery looks like on my PC
getting a toggle button to work properly.I have the following code for a custom btn to play/pause toggle a video I have loaded. The only thing is that its not working... I can get it to play and pause but I cant get it to resume playing. It just keeps being paused even after I press the playBtn.
[AS] //btns added to stage in code not shown playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playPauseVideo) pauseBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playPauseVideo)
XML text to be used as a link within my flash site.What I mean by this is I have a XML file with a list of shows and at the end of each title and short description and I would like to have a link to the show's dedicated page.I know how to do a URL link but a gotoAndPlay / Stop link doesn't seem to work the same way.. Here is an example of what I mean:
Show Name 1: Short description link to dedicated 'page'[code]....
I have written a nested if statement that refuses to work properly. My fla file consists of the main timeline and a movieclip. The problem lies in the pwrbtn function. I need the pwrcomp Boolean to prevent the call to firstpage() from happening more than one time. However when I test it keeps cycling so my traces are frame2, true, frame2, true, so on and so forth. Have I just made some small mistake that Im not seeing?
I have a preloader which loads an external swf. When I test locally, everything works fine, but when I test remotely: Preloader runs.External swf doesn't load into preloader. I am using the contentPath to load my external swf, and the only as2 I am using is: on (complete) { this._parent.loaderPB._visible = false; this._parent.mcbgdloader.visible = false;} to hide the progress bar and graphic used in the preloader.
I hope I provided enough info. The preloader is a regular fla and the external uses screens.
I'm trying to set the alternatingItemColors for a custom MXDataGridItemRenderer and nothing seems to work. I've tried every combination of setting the property that I can think of, from the application,to the dataGrid, to the renderer, with every combination of autoDrawBackground set to true or false with no luck. Ultimately, I'm looking to use the custom itemRenderer, which has a set of semi-transparent primitives behind the label, with the alternatingItemColors to make the rows easier to read, but keep the style of the custom renderer intact.