ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Arrange Menu Dynamically

Aug 30, 2009

Im creating a menu of 10 items and I want to arrange their x and y positions without writing too many lines of code... so this is what i got so far.

//these are my menu items that are reference by their ids
menuItems = new Array(menu1, menu2, menu3, menu4, menu5, menu6, menu7, menu8, menu9, menu10);
//this is the function that position the menu items the first time the app launches
private function arrange():void


so what i want to do now is lets say i select menu item 2... if that's the case, i want to move the other items down x amount of pixels by its y position...and keep menu item 1 in its default place... i hope this makes sense... is there a short way to do this to avoid repetitive coding?

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The top level menus always look the same on every page. It would be nice to highlight the top level button that corresponds to the page currently being displayed. For example, if the user selected About Us..History, then it would be nice to make the About Us top level button remain highlighted (over/down state) instead of reverting back to the standard look (up).1. What do you suggest as the most efficient way to do this? I know ther must be a simple way of doing it. I haven't used Flash variables but I imagine that calling the flash movie with a variable and then acting upon the value of that variable might be the way to go.2. How do I highlight a particular menu/button?Can I use code to cause it to display in over or down state instead of regular up state? Is it better to overlay a separate graphic showing the item in highlighted state?

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ActionScript Code:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
//take mouse position and invert it


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I've tried adding mc that registers the movie area, limiting _x axis in the IF statement, but whatever script I make it either: glitches, doesn't move or just goes all over the place.

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var myXML = new XML();
myXML.ignoreWhite = true;
myXML.onLoad = function(success) {


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for loop that loops through the # of array items in aGalleryMenuID
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set the TextField's name to a unique identifier


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"Line 65 - 1093: Syntax error"
Haven't I had the parentheses right?

//Save the center coordinates of the stage
var centerX:Number=stage.stageWidth/2;
var centerY:Number=stage.stageHeight/2;
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var NUMBER_OF_ITEMS:uint=15;
[Code] .....

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Stage 1: Import the bitmaps to the stage

Stage 2: Distribute the bitmaps to layers

Stage 3: Make the first bitmap a movie clip symbol and cut the other bitmaps' frames

Stage 4: Go into the symbol, create a new layer, and paste the frames.

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function loadBody():void {
if (body=="1") {


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Apr 23, 2010

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ActionScript Code:
Stage.align = "tl";
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Duplicate MC And Arrange Like A Table?

Jan 5, 2006

I have this site i am puting together and it uses php and mysql to create all of my project buttons. i am able to list all of them but i need help with the duplicatemovieclip where after every 6th button the next ones appear 147 more pixels to the right. i got it to work by using simple "if" statements but i would like it to be able to do it by itself.when i add more elements more columns get added is my script that i use:


projects = new LoadVars();
projects.onLoad = function() {
num = projects.numRows;[code].....

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Feb 8, 2006

2) Also trying to add text on specific thumbnails once it's clicked.Finally, I am trying to incorporate a fade in and out transitionSorry about all the question, it's just that I only recently started to work with AS, with all the cool stuff going on in flash, I gotta get more familiar with itere is the code

totalImages = 11;//used in for loop
picsLoader = new MovieClipLoader();


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I am looking for a script which would it make possible to arrange different movieclips on/arround a vector object. let me explain a bit better what i mean:imagine you have 6 different illustration of flowers, all seperate movieclips.then i have an object like for example the siluette of a man in vector format. now i would like to load like 4000 copies of the flower-movieclips on top of the siluette with a little bit of random so the flowers form in a way the siluette.

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What ways is quickest to achieve it?

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