Professional :: Modify > Arrange Is Broken?

Nov 15, 2010

I notice in flash the Modify > Arrange option seems to be buggy and work only sometimes. I have a few shapes on the same layer and wanted to arrange them on top of each other in different order and it doesn't work... The shapes were created with shape tool and pen too as drawing objects.

I would have to go the extreme, either I would have recreate the shape to be recognized by the program or cut and paste into a new layer and transfer back down to the single layered that was needed. illustrator has the exact same option with no problems.

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next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextImage);
//variable is a container that holds some value...var imageNumber:Number = 1;=true;[code]..........

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Feb 11, 2011

I'm trying to modify many .fla files (in CS3) that have a voiceover layer on them. Because I'm adding or deleting other items on the stage, I need to adjust the audio fo synch with the modified flash file. I have tried deleting frames and this happens - I select the unwanted frames, such as frames 200 to 300 of a 500 frame file. Then, the audio from frames 300 to 500 (at the end of the file) gets deleted instead.

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I also tried adding a keyframe at the beginnig of the range and Flash deleted all the frames after the keyframe.

It looks like any modification to the sound/audio layer only affects the end of the timeline. How do I modify sound parts in the middle of the timeline? I know this can be done but how?
Details: The audio layer (.wav) runs the whole length of the Flash file. The .wav file is a sound file in the Library;  22kHz Mono 16-bit 27.4s 12.1kb. The files were created in CS3. These files work fine.

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Jan 27, 2012

If i create a movieclip named player and in this class there is the proprety map(a string) and level(an int); I would like to know if there is a way of modifying these propreties without actionscript when i create an instance of that symbol.For exemple, like you would modify the height and the width of the object in flash, but modify this instance's proprieties instead.

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Nov 7, 2010

I'm wondering if you can take the stock Flash CS5 scrollbar component and modify it to use a graphics for the thumb and track. I see that you can modify the art of the component, but it seems to have the 9 slice thing going on so it scales nicely... but doesn't work right with a graphic. What I need is to have a scrole like that attached photo.

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Allow The User To Arrange Elements?

May 7, 2009

I would like to know if flash can allow the user to arrange elements (in a published swf) on the stage and "lock" their positions so that if the swf is reopened or reset, it will retain the new arrangement. How would you describe this feature?

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Dec 16, 2010

I want to know if there is a faster way to take several bitmaps and arrange them one after another in a single layer in a movie clip.

This is how I am doing it currently.

Stage 1: Import the bitmaps to the stage

Stage 2: Distribute the bitmaps to layers

Stage 3: Make the first bitmap a movie clip symbol and cut the other bitmaps' frames

Stage 4: Go into the symbol, create a new layer, and paste the frames.

Stage 5: Click and drag the other frames into one layer, one after the other.

I now have a single movie clip with all my bitmaps ordered one after the other in the timeline.

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Sep 29, 2011

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Feb 1, 2009

Does anyone know how I'd go about moving MCs (that are dynamically added to the stage via code) through the Z axis?

I am using a fair few visual layers and some MCs when moved around are behind others. I wanted to re-arrange the layer priorities of them, if that makes sense?

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Sep 28, 2011

I want to arrange objects in an arc by specifying start angle and end angle. I came across following code to arrange objects in a circle, but was unable to modify it to meet my requirement due limited knowledge of math


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use It To Arrange A Movie?

Jan 26, 2003

I want do use actionscript to arrange a movie. I have three "windows". It looks kainda lika the windows in windows. I want it to be so that when you klick on a window it comes to to. SO that the other windows is underneath.

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How would I create a script to take an array of #'s and put them into order from least to greatest?

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Aug 27, 2009

I got a photo album in flash, Actionscript 2.0. Now when i compile it with flash, to make the swf, every runs fine, but when i load it online to my webspace, it break, it takes forever to load and the pic is off centered.

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