ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Arrange Symbols

Apr 8, 2010

I'm trying to arrange symbols on the stage but there's just one symbold that will not arrange to go backward. I've tried remaking the symbol with a new picture and a different instance and it still hasn't worked.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Arrange Thumbnails And More?

Feb 8, 2006

2) Also trying to add text on specific thumbnails once it's clicked.Finally, I am trying to incorporate a fade in and out transitionSorry about all the question, it's just that I only recently started to work with AS, with all the cool stuff going on in flash, I gotta get more familiar with itere is the code

totalImages = 11;//used in for loop
picsLoader = new MovieClipLoader();


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Actionscript 3 :: Preloader Sorrows - Unable To Load Symbols From Library

Feb 10, 2010

I created an AS3 preloader, and placed the code for that on frame one. I then made a symbol, and placed it in the library. It was set to NOT export on frame 1, and the fla's settings had all classes exported on frame two. There were no references to the object until frame two. Then, flash crashed whenever I compiled without the "Export in frame one" box checked. To fix this, a friend suggested I start my game logic on frame 3, so it will have properly loaded frame 2. That seemed to work fine, the class was instantiating properly. Then, it turned out that it was not loading the movieclip, only instantiating the class. Again, this could be fixed by exporting in frame 1, but I really cannot afford to do that.

The same friend suggested I place an instance of the symbol on the stage on frame 3, and perform game logic on frame 4. They said this would initialize the movieclip properly. However, this was not the case. How can I load the entire symbol, graphics and all, without exporting to frame 1? This single symbol will contain probably 10-20 MB of graphics, so it needs to be preloaded. EDIT: To make a long story short, all I need is some way to load a movieclip so it can be used and visible and everything. EDIT: Is there any way to force-load a movieclip via AS3?

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How many of you who are making games in AS3 also use the Flash IDE? Can anyone recommend a resource that is AS3 heavy and Flash IDE light? I don't care how much time I may or may not save by using things like the timeline, I just want to understand what I'm using.

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Stage 1: Import the bitmaps to the stage

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function loadBody():void {
if (body=="1") {


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ActionScript Code:
Stage.align = "tl";
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";


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Jan 5, 2006

I have this site i am puting together and it uses php and mysql to create all of my project buttons. i am able to list all of them but i need help with the duplicatemovieclip where after every 6th button the next ones appear 147 more pixels to the right. i got it to work by using simple "if" statements but i would like it to be able to do it by itself.when i add more elements more columns get added is my script that i use:


projects = new LoadVars();
projects.onLoad = function() {
num = projects.numRows;[code].....

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I am looking for a script which would it make possible to arrange different movieclips on/arround a vector object. let me explain a bit better what i mean:imagine you have 6 different illustration of flowers, all seperate movieclips.then i have an object like for example the siluette of a man in vector format. now i would like to load like 4000 copies of the flower-movieclips on top of the siluette with a little bit of random so the flowers form in a way the siluette.

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Aug 30, 2009

Im creating a menu of 10 items and I want to arrange their x and y positions without writing too many lines of code... so this is what i got so far.

//these are my menu items that are reference by their ids
menuItems = new Array(menu1, menu2, menu3, menu4, menu5, menu6, menu7, menu8, menu9, menu10);
//this is the function that position the menu items the first time the app launches
private function arrange():void


so what i want to do now is lets say i select menu item 2... if that's the case, i want to move the other items down x amount of pixels by its y position...and keep menu item 1 in its default place... i hope this makes sense... is there a short way to do this to avoid repetitive coding?

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What ways is quickest to achieve it?

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Jun 15, 2010

I have a movie the attaches movie clip linkages to an array with buttons, the idea is to attach the clip to the stage and when you attach another clip ,the one one the stage moves down in the y position 25 px to allow the next movie to go in its space.I cant seem to get the movie to drop down and all the clips stay at the same y coordinate.I have tried using a variable to update the y value also to hard code the y value nothing seems to work below

var warnArray = [""];
mybtn.onRelease = function() {


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20 7 8 9 10 19 6 1 2 11 18 5 4 3 12 17 16 15 14 13

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ActionScript 3 :: Arrange (z) Order Of Objects In Flash With It?

Oct 5, 2010

Is it possible to arrange (z) order of objects in Flash with ActionScript 3?

e.g. I have 3 symbol instances on a given layer, and I want to perform the equivalent of 'Bring to Front', 'Bring Forward', and/or target a certain z position.

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Flex :: Group Arrange Component On The Same Center?

Sep 1, 2011

I use a s:Group to place my component in my form.I'd like all form item have the same horizontal align inside the group.I try to use horizontalcenter with value 0 but it doesn't that.

<s:Group width="100%" resizeMode="noScale" verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="0">
<s:FormItem label="Naissance" tabIndex="5" x="{cbQualite.x}" id="fiNaissance">
<mx:DateField id="dfNaissance" width="


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Arrange Thumbs In Columns And Lines?

Oct 19, 2009

I have a little problem with a gallery that I am building. I have to arrange the thumbnails on 2 lines like this:

thumb_1 thumb_2 thumb_3 thumb_4
thumb_5 thumb_6 thumb_7 thumb_8

I am using a for loop because the array of images can be different depending on the users request.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Arrange Order Of Elements In Script?

Feb 22, 2010

So I'm loading in an external swf using typical code from a tutorial or something, and I want to have a menu button that sits on top of the external swf. When this button is clicked, the external swf is closed and my program continues. I have everything working, except that I cannot seem to figure out how to get the button on top of the swf.

Since the external swf is created via code, but the button has been manually created in flash, they aren't children of the same displayobject, so I can't seem to use the setChildIndex() call. I either need to figure out how to load the external swf into a manually created movie clip, or I need to create a copy of my menu button and create a duplicate of it as a sibling of the external swf; neither of which I know how to do.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Array To Arrange Subnav Buttons

Jun 14, 2004

I may be making this much harder than it should be. What I'm trying to do is create a navigation system which starts with for example a main navigation button named about us. On rollover, I want it to call a prototype that displays my subnavigation one button following the next. The code I have so far is as follows:

MovieClip.prototype.makemenu = function(thearray) {
for (i=1; i<=thearray.length; i++) {
textdisplay.text = textdisplay.text + thearray[i];


The array that I'm passing contains instance the names of the three subnavigation buttons that I want to reposition. So ideally, on rolling over the About Us button, I want to drop down the first subnav button, then the second, then the third. Each one would pop down after the previous has finished moving.

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