ActionScript 3.0 :: Insert Item Into Array At Certain Index?

Mar 10, 2012

i see that theres the array.push and array.unshift, but thats just the beginning and the end of the array. how would i go about inserting an item(s) into an array at the desired index?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Array: How To Insert In Right Index Order

Nov 11, 2009

I have 2 arrays and I want to create the third one as associative array.ex: tab1 contains IDtab1 (10,5,6,...) tab2 contains IDtab2 (12,12,12,5,5,6,10,10...)tab3 contains both IDtab1 and IDtab2 (associative array)However I want to able to insert into the right INDEX area only.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Insert Item Into Array Without Replace?

Apr 8, 2011

so if my array is

ActionScript Code: var topScores:Array = new Array(1000,900,800,700,600,500,400,300,200,100)

I know that I can replace the item at position 5 by doing ActionScript Code: topScores[4]=550

but how do I just insert another array item without replacing so that position 5 becomes position 6 and position 5 is the new number?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting An Array Item By Index #?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a tricky problem in that I have an array that has been populated with strings ("item1", "item2", etc). However, at a certain point I need to pull one randomly out of the group, via a random number function. The issue is I cannot reference the items in the array by a number, I get an error. So when I try to get myArray(5) it doesn't work.
How can I work around this so I can grab a random item in my string array?

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Actionscript 3 :: Know The Index Of An Item In The Array?

Mar 30, 2010

var arr1:Array = new Array();

then arr1 and its elements get passed to other functions is there a way to know the index of an item in the array?

GetParentArrayIndex(item2) would give me 1;

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Flex :: Repeater Item As An Array Index (binding)?

Oct 12, 2010

I have a label inside a repeater (rptInfos), and I have an arraycollection (Texts) that has the translations. The "Texts" content is changing when I change the language, and normally I use {Texts.getItemAt(219}} for example when I need a translated text. But in the repeater I have a translateable column, so I want to use it like this:

<s:Label text="{Texts.getItemAt(rptInfos.currentItem.DictID as int)}" />

but it says "Syntax error: expected a definition keyword (such as function) after attribute , not target".I wanted to translate it in the labels creationComplete event, but than I can forget about binding, so only when reloaded can I have the content to update.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking Index Number Of An Item In An Array?

Aug 2, 2007

I have this Array

var shoprubriken:Array = new Array();
shoprubriken[0] = "43";
shoprubriken[1] = "44";


Now I wanted to check on which Index Position maybe the 47 is

How can I archive this on a Button or Function?

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Actionscript 3 :: After Shuffling Array - Variable = Array[index] Gives 0, Trace(array[index]) Gives Correct Number

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I think it would be simplest to explain it like this:


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So, for sending to individual streams we have to reference the connected netStream we want to send to in some way like this:


and I have to determine which peer I'm sending to by their ID such as "peerID1234"

I know that you can check the peerID of the stream by doing:


how can I make my send stream function know to use the array index where the peerID is?

so basically it could be like:

sendStream.peerStreams[where peerStreams[]["farID"] == peerID].send("MyFunction",param1,param2);

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Flex :: Get Item From AdvancedDataGrid Given Index

Jul 7, 2009

I've got a subclass of AdvancedDataGrid showing a tree-like data structure. How can I, given the index returned by calculateDropIndex, get the item at that index? After reading through reams of code, it seems like the least terrible way is:

var oldSelectedIndex:int = this.selectedIndex;
var mouseOverIndex:int = this.calculateDropIndex(event);
this.selectedItem = mouseOverIndex;
var item:* = this.selectedItem;
this.selectedIndex = oldSelectedIndex;

The other option seems to be tinkering around with the iterator property... But, judging by the way I've seen it used, that will get pretty harry pretty quickly too. So, how can I get the item at a particular index in an advanced datagrid without going insane?

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Flex :: Get Item By Index In A Tree Control?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm doing a drag and drop operation on a tree using some help from Adobe's quick Starts:[URL]

The code suggested is roughly this:

var dropTarget:Tree = Tree(evt.currentTarget);
var i:int = dropTarget.calculateDropIndex(evt);
myTree.selectedIndex = i;


EDIT: I forgot to post that my current workaround is setting the selectedIndex = -1 after I get my node:XML. I'm afraid that if something bogs on the processor the user may see it select then deselect.

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Convert Lee 3D Carousel Tut To AS3 - How To Re-index Each Item Properly?

May 11, 2009

I've been trying yo convert Lee 3D carousel tut to AS3 and it pretty much there apart from one thing. I took Lee's as2 carousel 2 and applied what I know to convert it to AS3. I couldn't work out how to re-index each item properly. When the last item in the XML should appear under an item to it's left or right it does not due to numbers being rounded from the scaleX value being too close and causing the same number to be generated from more than one item therefore last item to be processed ending up on top. I've tried a few alternatives, but nothing has worked so far. Hopefully that makes to sense to someone.

If you download the files from Lee's tutorial http:[url].... open the fla, change the publish settings to Flash Player 9+ and AS3, remove all existing AS code, check the library item linkage as I've capitalized everything and add the following to the root timeline.The code causing the problem is this in the function mover:

Code: Select allvar index:int = Math.floor(mc.scaleX*10);
Code: Select allvar loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);[code].............

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Actionscript 3 :: AddChildAt() To Add Item At Specific Index Position?

May 16, 2011

I have a textBox and I am using it as a mail address input field where the user can type in several addresses, a bit same as in hotmail. Each address is rendered into a clickable button. Thus upon double-clicking on a specific address I want the item to be editable. After having edited the address when the user taps enter, the item is added to the list of mail adds.I am adding it using the code below:

flowBox.addChildAt( myItem, myindex);

However addChildAt seems to add the item as the last item in the list. But I want it to add the item the position where it was originally. Say the item was at position 2 in the mail list, after editing adn tapping enter, it should add at position 2 itself and not at the end of the list.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChildAt() To Add Item At Specific Index Position?

May 16, 2011

I have a textBox and I am using it as a mail address input field where the user can type in several addresses, a bit same as in hotmail. Each address is rendered into a clickable button. Thus upon double-clicking on a specific address I want the item to be editable. After having edited the address when the user taps enter, the item is added to the list of mail adds.I am adding it using the code below:flowBox.addChildAt( myItem, myindex);However addChildAt seems to add the item as the last item in the list. But I want it to add the item the position where it was originally. Say the item was at position 2 in the mail list, after editing adn tapping enter,

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ActionScript 3 :: Getting List Item Index On Mouse Rollover Event

Feb 16, 2011

I am trying to get the index of an item in a List object on a mouse roll over event (please keep in mind this is not the selectedIndex I need). Heres the code I am currently using:
list.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER, onItemRollOver);
function onItemRollOver(e:Event):void {
var itemInfo:Number = 0;

/*This is where I need the Index Number of Item being Rolled over instead of Selected Item*/
itemInfo = list.selectedIndex;
txt_Display.text = 'Item Index #: ' + itemInfo;

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Actionscript 3 :: Maintain The Selected Item (instead Of Index) After A Spark List Sorts?

Jan 19, 2011

I change an item in Spark List. The item then moves to a different index in the list since I keep the List's dataProvider sorted. However, the selectedIndex stays where the item used to be. I want the List's selectedIndex to still be on the item that changed.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Array, Shuffle A Part Of An Array Using Start And End Index Is Not Working Properly?

Feb 15, 2011

I have used a method to shuffle a part of a Array, but i noticed that it does not work very well.When i run this method I sometimes get empty array values.So if you would try the example below and test it out some times you would get a right result but sometimes a wrong result.For example when i run this i get in my trace output:

a,b,c,d,g,,e,f (here after the g it goes wrong)
a,b,c,f,g,d,e (here it  goes right)
a,b,c,d,,g,f,e (here it goes wrong)[code]...

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Flex :: Delete Item From Collection Bound To Datagrid And Update The Grid Selected Index

Feb 20, 2011

I have a datagrid with an xmlListCollection bound to it:

<mx:DataGrid id="dgCompetente" includeIn="Competente" x="10" y="66" width="547" height="468"
change="dgCompetente_changeHandler(event)" dataProvider="{colCompetente}"


I want the selectedIndex to remain the same. So, if I delete item 2, the next in the list should be selected. The problem is that if I delete item 2, item 3 will be selected and I have no idea why.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hierarchical Drop Down Menu - Make Every Sub Menu Item A Movie Clip And Insert Them Into Buttons?

Feb 12, 2004

I need a tutorial for a hierarchical drop down menu system that drops down 3 sub levels. Do I make the items in the sub menus individual buttons and then insert them into a movie clip or make every sub menu item a movie clip and insert them into buttons?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Array Position Of Clicked Item To Fetch String From Another Array?

Mar 23, 2010

I put my mc's in an array.I have another array with strings.when the mc is clicked I want to get its position in the mc array and return the string from the same position in the string array.How do I do that?

PHP Code:
var numBtnArray:Array = new Array;
function addNumButtonsToStage():void{


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Flash :: Prevent An Item From Being Added To An Array If It Already Exists In The Array

Jun 22, 2011

I know how to remove duplicates from an array, but what I'm trying to do is prevent an item from ever being added to an array in the first place if it already exists. I'm pulling in data from an xml feed in a loop, and I thought that searching for that values index would work, but no matter what, the index is always -1. Here's my code:


Maybe I'm misunderstanding the indexOf function, but I thought it was supposed to return -1 if a value did not exist in an array. What am I doing wrong?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Array In Arraycollection And Add Item To The End Of Array?

Aug 24, 2010

I have this code to try to acess the values of the array in the arraycollection but it does not work it actually creates a value to the end of the arraycollection. can anyone tell me what im doing wrong i basically whant to modifys the individual arrays in the arraycollection and add Login_user.

for(var i:int = 0; i< dispArray.length; ++i){

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Insert A String In Array

Jul 23, 2008

does anyone know a good way of how to insert a number of string defined in an array?[code]msg error: "there's no property in with the name item".

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Way To Get Array Index

Sep 25, 2009

Is there a way to get the index of an array?

For instance, if I have an array:

buttons = Array("abc","def","ghi");

If I wanted to get the index dynamically of the string "ghi", could I do that with a certain function or piece of code?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Insert Images Based On An Array?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a project that was dumped on my lap, and my knowledge of Actionscript is very limited.

The scenario is that the user is presented with a floormap of a building that should show a red dot denoting where each employee sits (based on X,Y coordinates on the floormap).

The employees' profiles (name, telephone, X/Y coordinates) are stored in a database.

One our our programmers managed to load the users into a Flash object array. Now, it's my turn to add some actionscript to place a red dot on the floormap for each and every user in that array based on their x/y coordinates.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Unable To Insert Object Into Array?

May 4, 2009

var userdataArray = new Array();
for (var s = 0; s<5; s++) {


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