ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clip That Has A Drop Down Menu?

Jan 12, 2011

I'm making a website and I'm having trouble with a movie clip that has a drop down menu. It works fine in all but when i click on one of the buttons that's in the drop down menu nothing happens. or I have the right coding for the button this is what I have on the timeline Inside of the sub button

this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame_6);
function fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame_6(event:MouseEvent):v oid


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hierarchical Drop Down Menu - Make Every Sub Menu Item A Movie Clip And Insert Them Into Buttons?

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I need a tutorial for a hierarchical drop down menu system that drops down 3 sub levels. Do I make the items in the sub menus individual buttons and then insert them into a movie clip or make every sub menu item a movie clip and insert them into buttons?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attach A Movie Clip To Another Movie Clip After Drag And Drop?

Feb 12, 2010

how to attach a movie clip to another movie clip after drag and drop .I mean to say that is it possible to make a new movie clip with the target movie clip and dropped movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Actions On Movie Clip Inside Another Movie Clip (menu) Won't Work

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I have a very simple problem but I can't find the very simple solution to it. I've create an animated menu with animated movie clips inside to work as buttons. All the main buttons work perfectely but I've got just on button with a sub-menu. On this sub-menu I've placed an invisible hitarea button in order to place some gotoAndStop action. The thing is, it seems to me like this submenu hitarea are underneath something else (even though is the seccond layers right about the actions layers). I've placed a simple trace action whenever the mouse rolls over this area but I get nothing... Am I doing something really wrong? I'm losing all my hair already.

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CS3 Drop Down Menu Navigation With Multiple Movie Clips?

Aug 16, 2011

I am creating an interactive website so it can be viewed where there is no internet.Each section of the website is split in to different movie clips with the navigation itself being a movie clip on a different layer.Currently I am able to jump to the beginning of frame 1 of a MC then able to navigate to frame 2 but unable to go back to frame 1 through the nav.My biggest problem is jumping to frame 2 of a MC.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The 1st Movie Clip To Drop First, Followed By The 2nd, The 3rd And So Forth?

Oct 2, 2007

I have several movieclips that I want to have drop down on the stage. I am using the Bounce tween. However, I want the 1st movie clip to drop first, followed by the 2nd, the 3rd and so forth. How do I achieve this one after the other effect? Here is my code so far:

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var kTween:Tween = new Tween (k_mc, "_y", Bounce.easeOut, k_mc._y, 319.3, 48, false);


This is causing the first 2 movie clips to play at the same time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop On Movie Clip

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If I wanted to make a type of ecard, whereby the user can drag and drop a text field wherever they like, and then type into this, is this possible?  I know about drag and drop on movie clips, but can it be performed on items like text fields?

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Drag And Drop Activating A Movie Clip?

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on (press) {

The button drags fine, but when released over the movieclip nothing happens. I've tried using "_parent.slide1_mc.gotoAndStop(2);" instead to no avail.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Open Url On Drop Of A Movie Clip?

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var p1aopen:Boolean=false;// port1 open
var p2aopen:Boolean=false;
var p3aopen:Boolean=false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clip Drag/drop?

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Sep 3, 2010

I've got a movie clip that I want to be able to drag and drop on stage, I've added this code to do this:
correct1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp1);
correct1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt1);
function pickUp1(event:MouseEvent):void {

But the button still does what its supposed to do...but I fear I shouldn't have these errors coming up anyway as (knowing me) I'll run into trouble later on because of it... I would of thought as long as the button is within the movie clip there wouldn't be a problem dragging it about and such...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag A Child From One Movie Clip And Drop It In Another?

Aug 30, 2010

is it possible to drag a child from one movie clip and drop it in another.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop Movie Clip On The Target

Apr 13, 2009

I have a draggable movie clip that contains a button inside to hold my code. The target area is in the root and is a movie clip. I need to be able to drag and drop on the target. When it does drop on the target it needs to play a different keyframe from the root which holds a movie clip. Below is the code I have in my button within the draggable movie:


it starts dragging, but for some reason the drop target isn't working or the stopDrag, because it won't stop dragging.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag And Drop Duplicate Movie Clip

Aug 10, 2004

i have been trying to get this to work forever. What im doing here is making a flash site thats like a real time strategy game. You have to build stuff in order to unlock new sections of the site. check out this: [URL] click on build, then drag the Main button and release somewhere above. Notice that when you release it sticks to the cursor and doesnt stop dragging. Now, hit cancel and notice that the main clip is still loaded and works correctly if you drag and drop it.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop With A Movie Clip Inside A Movieclip?

Sep 18, 2008

I have written the drag and drop function for a movie clip this movie clip has a animation inside of it, this is on a seperate layer. When i play the swf, the animation and the movie clip it was inside become individual objects. How do I make these two objects into one entity?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop - Target Movie Clip Control?

May 4, 2011

Here is what I am looking to do.  Currently I have a drag and drop built in AS 3 that works perfectly fine, but I'm looking to add one more functionality.  What I want to happen is when I drop the correct drag item on it's correct target piece (which is a movie clip) I want my target movie clip to go a head one frame.
So as an example I'm dragging a piece of paper onto a movie clip of of a waste basket.  When I drop the piece of paper on it the waste basket, the waste basket movie clip moves a head one frame which shows a crumpled up piece of paper in it. Here is my current code for my drop eventlistener:
function dropMe(event:MouseEvent):void{ event.currentTarget.stopDrag(); if(event.currentTarget.hitTestObject(event.currentTarget._targetPiece )) {  event.currentTarget.x = 950;  event.currentTarget.y = 100;  event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragMe);  event.currentTarget.buttonMode = false;  } else {  event.currentTarget.x = event.currentTarget._origX;  event.currentTarget.y = event.currentTarget._origY; }}

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Load Movie Clip Once All Drop Targets Have Clips In Them?

May 10, 2011

When the the 1. , 2. and 3. lines have boxes dropped on them I want the movie clip to load. I haven't been able to achive this. but I found a temporary way around it by making the clip load once the "3." target is full. this works but isn't completly accurate, I need it to also check if the other targets are full before the clip loads. I'm thinking it's something like:

"if (demons_mc.hitTest("targetCircle3+targetCircle2+targetCircle1")){this ._parent.gotoAndPlay("join"); }"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Child In Root And Put It Into Movie Clip On Drop?

Jan 3, 2011

I'm trying to add an element to the scene on the root level, and when it is dropped within a specific movie clip area, it takes that element and puts it in the movie clip, thus allowing me to mask out the area.

Everything works fine when I add can.addChild(myBox); directly, but the element is not viewable on the root scene, since the movie clip is masked. Right now with the code below, the result is gives me is not good. It creates the element on the root level, but doesn't allow me to put it in the movie clip.


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IDE :: Reset Drag And Drop Items Without Restarting Movie Clip?

May 11, 2009

Sounds strange, but let me explain. What the user sees: Loading the page, color swatches fade in and slide over into place, row by row. Once in place, user can drag and drop swatches around, place side-by-side, etc. The script necessary to attach to a button so that all swatches can be reset back into place where they were, and not generate a replay of the initial movie clip from the beginning. (a goto and play is not what I'm looking for) Here's my code so far:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop Using A Target Area On Movie Clip

Mar 15, 2011

I am trying to create an application for students to visualize their course schedules.I have rectangles representing each class, which students can drag and drop to build their schedule.I would like the students to be able to type in the course number and name before adding it to the schedule.I have the drag-and-drop working, and editable text working. owever, when I try to edit the text, it drags the box as well.Therefore, I would like to be able to limit the "drag" functionality to one corner of the rectangle.So the user would have to click that part in order to drag the movie clip. Please see the attached image to get a better idea of what I'm talking about.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop - When A Shape Is Placed In The Correct Box A Movie Clip Appears

Sep 14, 2010

I have 4 shapes which fit into 4 boxes and would like to modify my code so when a shape is placed in the correct box a movie clip appears e.g. if a triangle is placed into a triangle shape the movieclip for triangle appears. if the shape is placed into the wrong box a message appears saying try again.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Cs3. Button Inside A Movie Clip With Drag And Drop

Nov 17, 2011

i want a button in a mvie clip which moves the main movie clip to certain frames. THIS I CAN DO.

However when i add drag and drop code to the main movie clip (of which this button is inside) the button no loger moves to the frames but the drag and dropworks.

i want to drag and drop a movie clip with a button inside this which changes the main movie clip. what do i need to add?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Drag And Drop Works Until Content Added To Movie Clip Using Loadmovie

Apr 21, 2008

I have a blank movie clip on the stage with drag and drop capabilities and it works fine!!

That is, until i call the loadmovie() function and attach an image into the empty movie clip.

why the movie clip is no longer draggable when content is loaded into it?

function downloadImage(file:Object):Void {
var Pic = "./files/" + file;
loadMovie(Pic, "_root.imageLoader");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Saving Movie Clip Positions In A Simple Drag And Drop Game

Aug 7, 2011

I have a drag and drop game where each movie clip is a word that the player has to arrange on screen in a certain order of importance - there is no snapping mechanism and the user can place the words anywhere desired.

Later in the game, I need this list of words to appear in the order that the player previously organized within a different scene.

This is an example code of how I set up the drag and drop game:

//Array to hold all the puzzle movie clip instances.
var burgerArr:Array = new Array (burger_mc, burger2_mc, burger3_mc,
burger4_mc, burger5_mc, burger6_mc, burger7_mc);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Drop Down Menu - Get The Submenus To Push The Rest Of The Main Menu Down On Rollover?

Mar 10, 2006

I have created an XML driven Drop Down menu using the kirupa tut by Senocular found here. I am trying to figure out how to get the submenus to push the rest of the main menu down on rollover kind of like this. Not sure where to start to get the AS to get the button created fromt he XML nodes to move down.I haven't changed the code found int he tut too much and the menu works fine except that the rollovers just go over the main menu.

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Navigation Button Drop Down Menu Won't Drop Down

Aug 13, 2009

Can somebody take a look at my .fla file and tell me why exactly my menu is not dropping down at all?If you download my file go to scene 3. that is where my Navigation Bar is.URL...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Senoc's Drop-down Menu - Only Disappear If Click On Another Menu Item Or When Click Outside The Menu

Jan 17, 2004

ive followed Senoculars drop-down menu tute [URL], awsome stuff, but it seems the submenu's dont disappear to well when you roll out. ..They only disappear if you click on another menu item or when you click outside the menu.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drop Down Menu Tweening The Menu Gets Stuck, Or Starts Flickering?

Mar 17, 2010

Each time I make a drop down menu I face some problems, For example, when I use tweening to roll out a menu ( via ROLL_OVER/ ROLL_OUT), sometimes the menu gets stuck, or starts flickering after it is rolled out if I move the cursor away, and move back on it.
How could I solve this, should I use a timer to disable the button until the tween finishes (or this would be good for nothing)?


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