ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Selected Checkboxes + Label Load?
Oct 28, 2011
i'm making a flash quiz that is loading random images and you answer with checkboxes but i have some problems with have 3 answers to choose from but how can i make it that you can only check 1 box at a time?i have tried this:
PHP Code:
while (stelling_1.selected){
stelling_2.enabled = false
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Jul 12, 2011
i have datagrid filling from mysql successfully.But when i click on a checkbox AND scroll down, i found one more checkbox selectd. Even the same number of extra checkboxes are get selected that i select manually. for example if i select 10 checkboxes and scroll down there will be 10 more chekboxes selected.
I used the bellow cellrender class for checkbox to show in datagrid.
here is my code.
for (varName in returnObj) {
var plid = int (returnObj[varName]["plid"]);
var varState = String(returnObj[varName]["state"]);
var varCity = String(returnObj[varName]["city"]);
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Oct 9, 2009
I have 3 checkboxes where the user can select whatever he wants. I would like to store his selection in the database into one field.
I was thinking of encoding it into a String:
0: nothing selected
100: first selected
101: first & third selected
I think that's a nice way. However, how do I extract the information again? Using substr() to get each checkbox's state?
Is there a better way of encoding/decoding this information?
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Jul 18, 2006
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Jan 11, 2010
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May 12, 2011
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<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Case ID" width="80">
now on link button click i want linkbutton label name and selected row inside lnkCaseIdClick method, how can i do this?
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Feb 27, 2011
I have an Accordian in my application. Each child of the accordian has a label firstNameLabel) and a button (addPolicyButton). The label's value is being set via Repeater and an array. How can I access the firstNameLabel's value of 'selected child of the accordian' when the addPolicyButton is clicked?In following code testTextArea.appendText prints 'fname: undefined' in the testTextArea.Where as I can see in the accordian that the set label's text is set to 'Michael' which is what repMonitor.currentItem.firstName returned.
private function addPolicy():void{
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for (i=0; i<answerArray.length; i++) {
var myOptionButton1:spark.components.RadioButton = new spark.components.RadioButton();
myOptionButton1.label = answerArray.getItemAt(i).Answer_Choice;
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Jun 2, 2010
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Type: uint Format: Color CSS Inheritance: yes
Color of text in the component, including the component label. The default value is 0x0B333C.
I would really like the label to be white and the text to be black.
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Flex's text-editing controls (mx:TextField, mx:TextArea) offer functions for doing "stuff" with the selected text (selectionBeginIndex, selectionEndIndex, setSelection), but the text-displaying controls (mx:Label, mx:Text) don't seem to offer anything of the sort.After some tinkering, I've tried subclassing Label then writing functions which give access to the underlying TextField instance... But even then, setting the selection didn't work![code]So, is there any better way to access/change the text which is selected in mx:Label and mx:Text controls? Are there "better" controls to use?
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Nov 21, 2011
I'm a new to Flex, and I'm trying to add a second label to a text box.
like this: Label [_______] label 2
So the first label will describe the text box and the second the unit, for example:
cost of cleaning [_______] $ per hour
Can I do this with a label inside the form item?
what I have tried looks like this:
mx:FormItem label="cost of cleaning">
<mx:TextInput id="proSRO2YO" text="" width="120" maxChars="20"/>
<mx:Label text="dollars per hour"/>
but that results in a second label one line below, I need these on the same line.
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Dec 6, 2010
Here's my AS, just get this error
ActionScript Code:
**Error** Symbol=movieclip, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 3: Statement must appear within on handler
movieclip.gotoAndStop ("framelabel",random(4)+2); **Error** Symbol=movieclip2, layer=Layer 2, frame=1:Line 3: Statement must appear within on handler
movieclip2.gotoAndStop ("framelabel"random(10)+2);
. The AS is on said button within the MC, and the MC has an instance name.This is the AS I'm using. I'm trying to make a randomize button that generates a random frame in my flash file instead of one MC..
ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
movieclip.gotoAndStop ("framelabel"random(4)+2);
movieclip2.gotoAndStop ("framelabel"random(10)+2);
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Apr 4, 2011
Preloader hanging / freezing with "hiccups"I'm trying to do the following. I have a menu with 11 buttons and a xml. The user can select multiple buttons and depending on which buttons are selected it will be loaded images of the xml corresponding to the selected buttons.
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Apr 4, 2011
I'm trying to do the following. I have a menu with 11 buttons and a xml. The user can select multiple buttons and depending on which buttons are selected it will be loaded images of the xml corresponding to the selected buttons.
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May 24, 2010
I have a mxml component with a "s:Label" and
as an attribute.
Source code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:SkinnableContainer xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://
So I thought, that would be okay and the text of my s:Label will be formatted with this special font. But the output is the normal font. By changing the "s:Label" to a "mx:Label", the font is "loaded". So, what can I do that the font will work with s:Label?
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Jul 22, 2002
I have made a slightly complicated movie-menu system for a portfolio. I was making separate .swf's but had problems linking them.
So I combined some.
I combined an intro movie into scene 1. I added the menu system to scene 2.
From Scene 2 you can select objects on my menu. One object that I could not include was a 122 layer flash movie. So when you click this button it loads the flash movie. The movie goes fullscreen then when finished goes back to the original file and closes itself. The problem is that I do not want it to go to the intro movie from scene 1. Is there a way to load the original movie AND send it to scene 2?
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Jun 15, 2010
From root I want to load frame labels in a movie clip called mySampleMC
First frame label is "one"
Second frame label is "two"
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May 19, 2010
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Nov 6, 2009
Is there any way to disable a few columns for a particular row in flex datagrid?
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Now When the value of the column, Item Status is Review Passed for a particular row, I want the column VerifiedState to be enabled and editable. Is that possible in Flex datagrid.
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Dec 24, 2009
I'm trying to access a specific frame label in an externally loaded swf. I have the external swf loading, but I'm not sure how to access the specific frame label after release. This is an example of the code on my external swf timeline:
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Feb 8, 2011
I have a button on the main timeline. When clicking it, I would like to move the main timeline to a frame label called "history" and load and play a movie clip called "slideshow1".
I have the "gotoAndPlay" code working properly but can't seem to get the external swf "slideshow1" to load and play.[code]...
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Jun 10, 2009
I am using Flash CS3, Actionscript 2.
I need to load an external movie file into the root of my main movie, so it replaces the main movie, and when it loads, it loads at a specific frame (or label)of that newly loaded movie.
Explanation: My main movie, lets call it "Main.swf", has a button which is part of a drop down (tree) list. When you click on the button, I want to load my second movie called "bearings.swf", and to immediately go to frame #2 of the "bearings.swf" movie.
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Jan 4, 2010
i made swf which contain 7 button to control 7 pages i put this swf in dreamweaver to control ths file, i tried to give every single button Avalue to tell the root which frame in which movie clip(for the button to be highlight) but it deosn't work
here is the code
////////////// the code for Buttons
on (release) { if ( != 1) {
// if there anther selected button["item"].gotoAndPlay("s2"); = 1;
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Oct 26, 2009
I have 24 movie clips on the stage: my_menu.image_holder_mc1 thru my_menu.image_holder_mc24. I want to load an image in each one. How do I identify the holder which to add a child.
The Code I have so far is....
for (var i:Number=1; i<=24;i++){
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader(); = "image_"+i;
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Feb 29, 2012
Is it possible to change a frame label within a gotoAndStop('label') with the parameters in a function?I'm playing around with updating code as I learn more and more techniques, and at the moment the code is a basic click-a-button to select the object shape, and on press the button disappears:
// Change the object into a circle.
// Change the object into a square.
However I can't/don't seem to know how to change a frame label through function parameters, or if what I'm trying to do is even possible.Also to note, while I'm all ears for any more efficient ways of doing what I'm trying to do, I would still like to know how/if you can change frame labels through function parmeters.
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Mar 16, 2009
i'm building a form in flash as2 with PhP.I'm using checkboxes in the form, but when selected more than one checkbox, the output in PhP is only the last selected.I used code from a thread i've found here on the forum.I have 3 checkboxes: thursday_cb, friday_cb and saturday_cb, and one button butSubmit
This is the as:
thursday_cb.label = "Thursday";
o_thursday_cb = new Object(); = function (obj){
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